40 Things Guys Say When They Like You & Actions that Mean a Lot More

You think that he’s flirting with you, but you’re not sure if he is. So, here are all the things guys say and do when they like you. The mystery is solved!

things guys say when they like you

“He loves me, he loves me not…” Gone are the days when we used a daisy’s petals to let us know whether our crush feels the same about us. Now we want proper answers, and we want them fast. How can you tell the difference between him just being polite and friendly, or perhaps simply not wanting to hurt your feelings? Knowing the things guys say when they like you becomes vitally important.

Of course, you don’t want to waste your time on a guy who doesn’t feel the same way about you, nor do you want to make a move on someone who isn’t into you and suffer an embarrassing and hurtful rejection.

The subtle things guys say when they like you

Let’s face it, men say a lot of weird and wonderful things, especially when they have a crush on a girl.

So, let’s look at some of the most common things guys are likely to say to you if they like you. Then you can feel confident that you are on the right track and your feelings are reciprocated.

1. You have beautiful… *insert compliment here* 

A guy complimenting you on the way you look is a surefire sign that he likes you. He might keep it more casual and just say “you’re hot/cute/pretty” etc. However, any kind of compliment is his way of telling you he finds you attractive. It is a definite flirting sign.

2. I like what you are wearing

Guys aren’t known for paying that much attention to what girls wear. If he gives you a specific compliment about your clothing it shows he takes the time to think about ways to flatter and impress you.

3. You make me laugh

Humor is one of the best ways to a man’s heart. If you make him laugh, and he tells you that you are then he is trying to let you know that he likes you.

Every guy loves a funny girl. So if you’ve got the same sort of sense of humor and he acknowledges that, let the flirting begin. [Read: How to tell if a guy likes you – 75 HUGE signs to instantly know]

4. I feel like we understand each other

If a guy tells you that you understand him and that he understands you, he lets you know how close to you he feels. You have a special bond he doesn’t have with other people.

Trust and intimacy are high on anyone’s relationship goals list so if that’s the way he feels about you this is a really good sign! [Read: Why we fall in love – A little science, a little fate]

5. We should hang out more often

This kind of speaks for itself. If he lets you know that he wants to see more of you it’s probably because he is into you. Make sure you take him up on the offer and suggest some one-on-one time to get to know each other a little better!

6. We should go for coffee sometime

Here he is trying to keep things casual. Coffee isn’t exactly the same as whisking you off your feet and taking you out for a romantic night on the town.

It could just be a friendly gesture, but it’s probable that he’s keeping his cards close to his chest and wants to test the waters before he takes the plunge. [Read: How to tell if a guy is into you – 22 hints he just can’t hide]

7. You can borrow it

Whatever it is, his car, his hoodie, his iPod. If he lets you borrow it, it’s because he wants to let you know he likes you.

Take him up on the offer! Then you have a surefire way of seeing one another again when you return it to him!

8. You should smile more

If a guy says this to you, it could mean two things. Firstly, he tries to tell you that you look great when you smile. Secondly, he says “Please smile at me more! Please let me know that you like me too!”

9. Can I have a hug? 

If he’s asking for hugs it’s because he wants to be physically intimate and close to you! [Read: Does my guy friend like me? 25 signs he’s crushing on you]

10. What’s your star sign? 

This is a cute and cheesy chat-up line that a guy might use on you if he likes you. Or he might want the chance to read yours out to you. Hopefully, it says something about finding new love!

11. Let’s study together

This is a clever way of a guy getting closer to you and having some one-on-one time, without actually asking you out. He’s probably a bit shy so just go with it and see where it takes you.

12. What’s your number? 

If a guy asks for your digits, it clearly shows that he is interested in you. That’s pretty obvious, right? 

13. Do you have a lighter? 

This is his clever excuse to start a conversation with you. But you have to figure out whether or not you want to date a smoker! 

14. Do you have any gum? 

As above *for the non-smokers out there*! [Read: How to start a conversation with a guy – 20 first moves that work]

15. Are you seeing anyone? 

This is a clear and direct question that a guy only asks if he’s into you. He wants to know if the coast is clear so that he can ask you out!

16. Do you come here often? 

Another cheesy and age-old chat-up line. This one is a no-brainer. If he says it with a cheeky smile on his face you know he’s doing his best to flirt with you. [Read: 30 foolproof pick-up lines & 10 you should never use]

17. What music are you into? 

He’s trying to find common ground and hopefully plot a date that he knows you’ll love!

18. What hobbies do you have? 

Again, he wants to learn more about you. He’s taking an interest so he can find stuff you have in common and lots of topics of conversation he knows to keep you interested in him!

19. What is your family like? 

Talking about family is quite personal. Asking this question shows he really cares about you and wants to know everything there is to know about you.

20. Can I buy you a drink? 

Simple and straightforward—he wants an excuse to sit down and chat with you some more! [Read: What makes you desirable in someone’s eyes?]

21. I wish my girlfriend was more like you

This is him telling you that he likes you but is otherwise engaged. Still, it doesn’t sound like his current relationship is working out so perhaps you’ll be in there sooner than you think! [Read: 20 signs he wants to cheat with you – What should you do now?]

22. You are different than other girls

If he says this to you, he wants you to know how unique he thinks you are. It’s his way of letting you know that to him you really stand out and that you have piqued his interest!

23. I have never met anyone like you before

He wants you to know how special you are to him! This is his way of showing you that he thinks you’re unique. 

24. How are you? 

Sometimes just taking a simple interest in your well-being or asking how your day was is sign enough that he’s into you! [Read: 20 subtle signs a guy likes you but is trying not to show it]

25. You’re so… *insert mild insult here*

Let’s face it, lots of guys haven’t really grown up since the playground so if he’s gently teasing or insulting you it’s probably his way of trying to tell you he likes you!

How guys behave when they like you

Now that you the things guys say when they like you, let’s also take a look at their behavior.

26. Calls and texts you

A guy who puts in the effort to keep in contact with you via calls and texts definitely likes you.

If he didn’t, then why would he care? Guys aren’t into communication as much as girls are, so if he’s going out of his way to talk to you, then that’s a great sign. [Read: How to decode the texting behavior of guys when they’re into you]

27. Compliments you

He could call your eyes “ocean eyes” or he could tell you how cute your dimples are. Whatever he says, if he’s giving you a compliment, it’s because he genuinely likes what he sees. Why else would he do that?

28. Pays for things

If you’re grabbing lunch or catching a movie, he pulls out his wallet first before you can get to yours. You might even offer to pay, but he won’t let you because he wants to be a gentleman.

29. Opens doors for you

Speaking of being a gentleman, he will open doors for you too. And who said that chivalry is dead? He certainly wants you to know that he still has it.

Treating you like a lady is important to him because he wants you to know that he respects you. [Read: What is chivalry? The real meaning, the Knight’s Code, and modern men]

30. Tries to make you laugh 

He probably knows that girls love funny guys. Whether or not he’s naturally funny doesn’t matter. He’ll try to come up with jokes, memes to send you, or just do silly things that are goofy and gets you to belly laugh.

31. Tries to touch you

He will take any opportunity to get close enough to touch you. Whether it’s putting his arm around you or pushing your hair out of your eyes, he wants to get across the message that he really wants your touch.

32. Tries to impress you

Maybe he got a new haircut or wardrobe hoping you will notice the change in him. Or he could also be working on a promotion at work or buying a fancy car.

Regardless of what it is, he wants you to be impressed with him, and he’ll go out of his way to do it. [Read: How guys flirt – 25 subtle things guys do to impress a girl]

33. Helps you with anything you need

Whether you need help moving or lifting a heavy box, he will always be there when you need him. He wants you to know that you can depend on him and will call him whenever you are in need.

34. Say how much he appreciates you

When someone likes a person, that means they usually appreciate them too.

He could say simple things like “I really appreciate that you sit in the cubical next to me at work – I’m never bored!” or “I really appreciate how you are so kind to me.”

35. Make friends with your friends

If there are situations when he meets your friends, he will go out of his way to be nice and friendly to them. That’s because he wants them to like him.

He figures that if he wins over your friends, he’ll win you over too. [Read: Does he like me? 23 signs to see just how smitten he is right now]

36. Always available to hang out with you

If you feel like maybe the guy has nothing going on in his life because he’s always available to hang out with you whenever you want, well, it’s probably because you are his top priority. He might drop all of his other plans just to see you.

37. Doesn’t use his phone around you

Most people are bad at using their phones when they are with other people.

So, if he keeps his in his pocket and doesn’t pay much attention to it when he’s with you, that’s because he wants to focus all of his attention on you.

38. Opens up to you

Let’s face it – guys aren’t always forthcoming with personal details or their feelings and emotions. So, if you find that he is confiding in you with anything from his childhood to how he feels about his ex, then he is opening up to you and being vulnerable. [Read: How do guys get emotionally attached? 19 signs and ways his mind works]

39. Persistent and consistent

There are a lot of players and flakey guys in the world. So, if he is persistent in “chasing” you, that means he wants you as a prize.

And if he’s consistent in his communication and is relatively predictable, that’s because you are always on his mind.

40. Asks you out

Well, this is an obvious one now, isn’t it? If he asks you out, this is the best sign of all that a guy likes you. It’s about as straightforward as you can get!

[Read: Does he like me? 18 signs to decode his body language]

There you have it, all the things guys say and do when they like you. If he’s dropping any of these in during your conversation, you pretty much got the green light to ramp up the flirting or even bite the bullet and ask him out. Good luck!

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