Are We Just Friends or Is He Interested? 16 Signs to Read His Mind

If you *and everyone else* are asking: are we just friends or is he interested? You need to know, and I am here to help you know the difference.

are we just friends or is he interested

Are we just friends or is he interested, is probably one of the most popular questions I am asked. Most women are trying to figure out whether or not a guy is interested or just a friend.

What can I tell you? Sometimes, it’s easy to spot the signs. Other guys are tricky and like figuring out a Rubik’s cube. Who has the time for that?

Sure, you have amazing chemistry, and the conversation blows your mind. But you don’t really know what’s going on between you. [Read: How to read the subtle hints of friendly versus flirty]

How to answer the conundrum: Are we just friends or is he interested?

The best way to figure it out? Ask him. I know it’s not the easiest thing to do, but you’ll have your answer. Maybe not the one you were looking for, but at least it’s an answer.

On the other hand, I know you may not be ready to make that move, and I get it. So, look at the signs instead. It takes longer, but you’ll figure out what’s going on.

It’s time to finally answer the question – are we just friends or is he interested? That way, you’ll know what to do. Let’s quit the game playing and find out the truth.

#1 Just a friend: He’s never jealous. I know I’ve said jealousy is an ugly trait and when it becomes extreme, it is. However, it’s always a way to see whether or not someone is attracted to you. If this guy doesn’t even bat an eye when you’re talking about other guys or when you go on a date, it’s clear he only sees you as a friend. [Read: 25 hints a guy just can’t hind when he gets jealous]

#2 He’s interested: he asks you out on a date. If he’s interested in you, his main goal is to take the friendship to the next level. He doesn’t want to be your friend, he wants more. So, he’ll ask you out on a date and see your response.

It’s a bold move, but he’s tired of waiting on the sideline. If he asks you out, he’s not looking for friendship.

#3 Just a friend: You’re like his sister. If he’s openly and publicly told people you’re like his sister, well, then it’s safe to say you are just friends.

No guy would say that publicly if they were truly interested in someone. That would let everyone else know they could make a move on you. Think of it like this, it’s the same as calling him your brother. [Read: How to be friends with someone you like without losing your mind] 

#4 Just a friend: He tries to hook you up with his friends. If he was interested in you, he would never try to set you up with his friends. It just doesn’t make sense. If he’s into you, he’ll do whatever it takes to avoid you and his friends from hooking up. But if he’s happy and willing to set you up with his friends, then it looks like that’s what you are, a friend.

#5 He’s interested: He’s touchy. Naturally, every guy is different, but usually, when a guy is interested in someone, they become more touchy. He may touch your shoulder or your lower back when you’re walking through a doorway. These are small and subtle moves, yet, they’re clues into how he feels about you.[Read: Is he really interested? 15 signs he’s really attracted to you]

#6 He’s interested: He’s always around. When we like someone, we want to spend as much time with them as possible. With him, it seems as if he’s always around. Whether a weekday or weekend, he pops by your place to hang out before work or meet up with you when you’re shopping at the mall. His main goal is to spend as much time with you as possible. 

#7 Just a friend: There’s no flirting. And no, you sneezing and him getting you a tissue isn’t flirting. If you feel more like brother and sister than anything else, it’s safe to say there’s not much going on in the romance department. If you’ve flirted with him and he’s clearly uncomfortable, he’s not into you.

#8 Just a friend: He’s awkward when people think you’re a couple. The minute someone asks you if you are a couple, you can feel him getting weird. He’ll step away from you and make this face. I know, really mature. If he did like you, he would make some joke and seem really happy as he weighs your reaction. [Read: 18 body language cues to decode a man’s behavior towards you]

#9 He’s interested: He texts you a lot. He doesn’t text you once in a while, he texts you all the time. Whether it’s a meme or YouTube clip, he’s always texting you, making sure you stay connected. You may notice he uses winky and kissy emojis as well. Guys don’t really use emojis, so it’s a pretty good sign he likes you. 

#10  He’s interested: He wants to hang out one-on-one. Maybe he doesn’t like to hang out in large groups, but let’s get real. If he’s pushing to hang out one-on-one, it’s probably because he wants to spend alone time with you. If you’re into him, then keep these hangouts going, eventually, they’ll progress into more. [Read: 13 lusty signs of sexual attraction to keep an eye on]

#11 Just a friend: He mentions people he’s into. Yeah, this isn’t a great sign. Usually, if a guy is into you, they never bring up other people. But if he’s just a friend, he’ll bring up other people he’s interested in without hesitation. Why would he hide it from you? It’s not like he’s interested in you. I know, it stings, but it’s the truth.

#12 He’s interested: He’s all over your social media. Every post, photo or video, you put on Instagram or Facebook, he likes or comments on it. He’s literally the most active person on your social media. Now, why would that be? Oh! I know this one! It’s probably because he’s into you. If not, he wouldn’t make the effort to comment or even like your posts. 

#13 He’s interested: He values your opinion. Whether it’s buying a jacket or discussing a job interview, he always asks for your opinion. If he wants your opinion, it’s because he wants you to be included in making decisions. He trusts you and holds your opinion highly. Now, that only happens when a guy likes someone. [Read: 17 signs he likes you as more than a friend and wants to ask you out]

#14 Just a friend: He never made a move. He’s known you for years, literally years, and he’s never made a move on you. And you have been in situations where things could have gone further, but nothing happened. If a guy has an opportunity to make a move, he’ll make it. He won’t let it slip away.

#15 He’s interested: It’s all about eye contact. When he’s around you, his eyes are locked on you. Eye contact is an amazing way to figure out whether or not he’s into you. If a guy is just a friend, he won’t be making too much eye contact with you. However, if he’s interested, his eyes will be all over you. [Read: Understanding prolonged eye contact when flirting] 

#16 Just a friend: He’s not that into your life. Sure, he asks how you are and what you’re doing, but he’s not that into what’s going on in your life. He forgets the details, he doesn’t really ask many questions – these aren’t signs of interest. If he was interested in you, he would try to know everything about you.

[Read: These crystal clear signs tell you when a guy is flirting with you]

Now you know the answer to the big question: are we just friends or is he interested? So, what do you think? Is he just a friend? Or is he into you?

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Natasha Ivanovic
Natasha Ivanovic is an intimacy, dating, and relationship writer best known for her writings on Kiiroo, LovePanky, Post Pravda, and more. She's the creator and ...
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