Reads for Women

Mansplaining: What It Is & 25 Ways to Spot a Prick Who Likes to Mansplain

Being spoken down to by a man? It happens all too often to women. You’re a victim of mansplaining, and it’s time to cut the crap.

What is Peacocking? The Many Types & Why Guys Show Off Around Girls

You’ve heard the term, but what is peacocking? No, it has nothing to do with brightly colored feathers, and everything to do with the male ego!

should I give up on him

Should I Give Up On Him? 25 Signs He Won’t Change or Be a Good Fit

If you are asking yourself, should I give up on him, then that is a bad sign. You should know the signs of when you should call it quits and move on.

arrogant man

Confident or Cocky? 16 Subtle Signs that Split an Arrogant & Modest Man

If you’re confused as to whether he is an arrogant man or a confident one, here are the signs for you to tell the difference between the two.  

girl code rules for dating

21 Girl Code Rules For Dating All Women MUST Know to Enjoy the Game

If you want to be the girl that guys see as a prize, then you need to know the girl code rules for dating. Here are 21 rules to follow to do it right.

disrespectful husband

Disrespectful Husband: 28 Signs & Ways to Teach Him to Treat You Better

If you wondering if you have a disrespectful husband, here are the signs and what you should do about it. Stand up for yourself so you can be happier.

what if questions to ask your boyfriend

30 Fun & Deep What-If Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend & Have a Laugh

If you want to have a little fun, then you should try these what if questions to ask your boyfriend. Then you will learn a lot more about him!

signs he wants a serious committed relationship

39 Signs He Wants a Serious, Exclusive & Committed Relationship with You

If you want to know the signs he wants an exclusive and serious relationship with you, look no further. Here is how to know if he’s ready or not.

is he attracted to me

Is He Attracted to Me? 34 Signs to Know If a Guy Desires and Wants You

Are you looking at a guy and wondering ‘is he attracted to me?’ It’s a frustrating thought to have, but by understanding the signs, you can know for sure.

he's not ready for a relationship

Is He Ready for a Relationship or Not? 44 Signs for You to Wait or Walk

You think that he’s not ready for a relationship right now. But how do you know? And should you wait for him if he’s not? Or should you say goodbye?

how to tell if a guy likes you

75 HUGE Signs to Tell If a Guy Likes You & Ways to Make Him Like You More

Wondering how to tell if a guy likes you? There are always small ways, subtle body language signs, his texting behavior, and more to know if a guy like you!

signs he doesn't love you

25 Sad Signs He Doesn’t Love You Anymore & Is Just Messing with You

If you’re getting a vibe something isn’t right in your relationship, look for the signs he doesn’t love you. Better to know than to prolong the heartache.
