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How to Get a Guy Interested in You: 27 Flirty Ways to Catch His Eye

There’s someone you like, but you don’t know if he likes you back. So, you’re probably wondering how to get a guy interested in you. Here are the answers.

how to get a guy interested in you

When you like someone, it can be hard to focus on anything else. And what you’re most concerned with is if they like you back. And if you know they don’t, all you want to do is to know how to get a guy interested in you.

Sure, you can just go on being you and waiting for him to notice you, but why not take it up a notch?

The good news is that getting a guy interested in you isn’t all that hard. Guys may not be as simple as TV and movies make them out to be, but getting their attention isn’t too hard. There are some pretty simple things you can do to get on his radar.

[Read: How to get a guy to ask you for your number – Advice from a guy]

How to get a guy interested in you with confidence

Yes, there is a whole section on confidence. There are many things that can be done to grab his attention and pique his interest, but the number one thing is to exude confidence.

Confidence is not just how you come off to others, but how you view yourself. When you appreciate who you are and know your worth, you will pull eyes from everyone, especially him.

Think about it, do you like people who don’t like themselves? Well, you might, but not as much.

If someone thinks they are a special person *and not in a snobby way*, then others will automatically think they are too. [Read: How to get a guy to like you – 26 super moves that drive men crazy]

When you have confidence, not only will that draw attention from him, but it will draw attention from others too which will make him even more interested in you.

When you are confident, you don’t measure your worth by how others see you. That vibe attracts others. It’s like a magnet. People want to be around people that give off that confident energy. If you can do that, you are already halfway there in learning how to get a guy interested in you.

So, if you are struggling with your self-esteem, it’s time to work on it.

How to raise your confidence to get a guy interested in you

Not everyone has good self-esteem. But the good news is that you can make it better!

It just takes a little bit of work. So, let’s look at some strategies you can use to like yourself even more before we focus on how to get a guy interested in you. After all, everything starts from within, right? [Read: How to get guys to like you without compromising who you are]

1. Stop comparing yourself to others

This is a big one! Let’s face it, most of us compare ourselves to other people, right?

We always look at the supermodels, rich people, and all the others we admire and we think we don’t measure up. We spend too much time wishing we were them instead of appreciating who we really are.

So, stop doing that! If you absolutely have to compare yourself to others, then compare yourself to people who don’t have it as good as you. Not because you are criticizing them, but because it helps you appreciate what you have. It reframes everything and allows you to see everything that is good about you. [Read: Self-loathing – What it is, 25 signs and how to stop hurting yourself]

2. Write down all your good qualities

Some people think self-love is bad and selfish. But it’s not!

Loving yourself and all of your good qualities is the only way to gain confidence. Most people spend way too much time focusing on their faults that they don’t even notice what they should love about themselves. [Read: 15 ways to get a guy to like you again – works like a charm!]

So, you will need to sit down and write a list of what you like about yourself. Are you funny? Smart? Maybe you’re a really good friend.

Whatever it is, write it down. And if you have a problem coming up with them, ask a friend or loved one to help you. [Read: How to be more confident – 28 life hacks to transform your future forever]

3. Analyze and change your self-talk

Believe it or not, you probably say really bad things about yourself… to yourself. It’s called negative self-talk. You don’t even know you’re doing it most of the time because it’s such a habit, and sometimes it’s even subconscious.

You need to really catch yourself when you say something bad. Maybe you say, “I’m too fat” or “I’m too shy.” Well, write it down, cross it off, and then write down why that’s not true.

You can only change your self-talk when you are aware of it. Do this on a regular basis and it will definitely help raise your confidence.

 [Read: How to gain confidence and turn your life around for the better]

How to get a guy interested in you and catch his eye in no time

Now that you know how to see yourself in better light, let’s move the spotlight to getting a guy interested in you.

Honestly, there are plenty of great ways to get a guy interested in you. Some are more subtle than others, but they are all effective.

Odds are he’s already interested in you but doesn’t have the guts to do anything about it. Let him know you’re interested too or at least give him the nudge to make a move. [Read: 14 signs a guy really likes you but he’s scared you’ll reject him]

1. Look your best to feel your best

You do not need to get dressed up and put on loads of makeup to get his interest unless that is something you love to do.

You look your best when you feel your best. So wear what makes you feel good. [Read: How to glo up and transform yourself from the inside out]

2. Smell good

We’re not talking about just using deodorant. If you know you’re going to see him, spray a little spritz of a sexy or musky perfume. A vanilla scent also goes a long way with a guy.

3. Open up

When you share things about yourself with him, he will not just get to know you, but will see a different side to you.

When he knows you have confidence in a topic like your favorite hobby, he will be attracted to it. [Read: How to charm a man and win him over with your sassy personality]

4. Encourage his passions

When he is talking to you, encourage him to talk about what he loves whether that be his job or baseball or anything else.

When he is talking about what he loves, he will light up and when he does that around you, he will associate those good feelings with you.

5. Do not be so agreeable

Share your opinions. If he asks your opinion on anything from a movie to politics, be honest. Be bold and confident in your statements. Any guy you want to be interested in you will like someone that stands strong in their beliefs. [Read: Just being me – 15 unexpected things guys love about girls]

6. Touch him

Touch him in an appropriate way. Graze his arm when you walk by. Touch his hand when he makes you laugh.

These little platonic touches mean a lot more than you might think. [Read: How to flirt by touch subtly without making it obvious at all]

7. Make eye contact

A lack of eye contact shows a lack of connection and a lack of confidence. When you look into his eyes, he will feel a deeper connection with you naturally.

8. Post a thirst trap

You know those days where you take a selfie, and the first one is fire and you are feeling hot? Well, post it. You’ll be surprised how fast he reaches out. [Read: How to master the sexy thirst trap without looking too thirsty]

9. Don’t be too eager

It is exciting when he texts or calls, but don’t jump on it. You don’t necessarily have to play hard to get, but stay busy. Don’t be on your phone waiting for him to reach out. Let him sweat, just a little bit. [Read: How to play hard to get with a guy – 20 secrets to leave him smitten]

10. Don’t try too hard

If you’re wondering how to get a guy interested in you, don’t pretend you like something just because he does. And don’t act like you know his favorite obscure band or are into sports if you’re not. He will know if you’re lying and it will just be embarrassing.

11. Be interested

If you don’t know what he’s talking about, ask. Be interested. You don’t have to know everything about his favorite golfer, but asking shows you’re interested in everything about him. [Read: 25 topics and things to talk about with a guy to keep him interested]

12. Keep it casual

Even if your end goal is to lock him down, let it be. Enjoy the time you do spend together without worrying so much about the future. If you’re anxious about the future, it will affect your time together. [Read: How to tease a guy and make sure he realizes how much he likes you]

13. Ask for his help

Ask him to help you with something. It can be as simple as carrying something heavy or advice on a work issue. Being able to help you and knowing you are accepting his help will remind him of what a good team you are. [Read: Why men find a damsel in distress so irresistible]

14. Say his name

Saying his name out loud will psychologically let him know that he is important to you. Little things like this remind him of you and pique his interest, even if he doesn’t know why.

15. Keep living your life

Don’t make him the focus of your life when you’re trying to figure out how to get a guy interested in you. That’s not your goal in life.

Keep hanging out with friends and enjoying hobbies. Knowing you have a full and active life will remind him how coveted you are.

16. Flirt

This may seem obvious, but when preoccupied with getting a guy interested in you, it can make you forget the easiest things.

Flirting will give him the signal that you like him and let you show off your sense of humor. [Read: 30 subtle, flirty, and really sexy flirting tips that’ll drive a guy crazy]

17. Mirror his movements

Another psychological tip is to mirror his movements. If he crosses his legs, cross yours. If he mirrors your movements first, he is already interested.

18. Be patient

He may be more nervous than you think. Guys are scared too. He may be really interested in you but is taking his time to work up the nerve to do something about it. [Read: 15 sneaky but smart ways to get a guy to ask you out]

19. Don’t talk about your exes

Once you start dating someone, it is good to share your past, but if you’re just getting him interested in you, sharing the juicy details of your dating history can be quite a turn-off.

20. Actually get to know each other

There are lots of tricks and little details that can help you get a guy interested in you, but the best? Take your time and really learn about each other. [Read: How to get to know your crush ASAP before you fall too hard for them]

21. Be yourself

Honestly, if you want to know how to get a guy interested in you, the best way is to just be yourself.

Don’t try to change yourself into something you’re not. Because what if he falls for the “fake” you? Then eventually you’ll turn back into the “real” you, and he won’t appreciate the fact that you fooled him.

22. Stay open to other guys

Sure, you are really interested, and perhaps even obsessed with this guy. But think about it – he’s not the only fish in the sea!

There are lots of other guys out there who might be interested in you. So, don’t ignore them. Maybe they would turn out to be a better match for you. [Read: How to get guys to notice you – 19 magical ways to hook them instantly]

23. Act like you don’t need him

Let’s face it – people want what they can’t have.

So, if you act like you don’t need him and are happy just as you are, then that will make you more attractive to him. The fact that you don’t need him might make him want you more.

24. Make sure you like him

Before going through all this effort to get a guy interested in you, make sure you’re actually interested in him. You don’t want to waste your time on someone just because they are cute. [Read: Why do I like him? 18 reasons why you like the guy you like]

Learning how to get a guy interested in you is mostly about confidence. All the rest is about your connection with him.

[Read: How to text a guy to keep him interested and eager for more]

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