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The 18 Perks and Perils of Dating a Male Porn Star

Unless you’re in the industry, it may be hard to understand what male porn stars do. But what if you find yourself dating, or even falling for one?

male porn star

While the benefits of dating a male porn star can most certainly include a rocking sex life, the cons can depend on how open, jealous, and confident you are. Here, we weigh it all in so you have a good idea of what you’re in for once you decide to date a male porn star.

Male porn stars got it. Great looks, great body, and even greater equipment “down there.” Watching them get the job done again and again and with such strength and stamina *that is, if you watch porn*, you may wonder what it would be like to have your very own porn star in your bedroom, much less date one.

Well, dating a porn star isn’t as glamorous as it may seem, in the same fashion as their sex scenes are only as sizzling as the directors and adult actors make it up to be. There is actually a lot that goes into dating a porn star, and the first step to trying it is to have an open mind.

Below, we go over the perks and perils of dating a male porn star. Once you overcome the perils and enjoy the perks, you’ll realize that a porn star could make a great mate not only in bed, but for life.

Perks of dating a male porn star

Okay, you might be thinking of the most obvious perk—his larger-than-life experience in the sack. But are there other things about your porn star beau that can make him a great boyfriend? Read these 11 perks we’ve drummed up and decide for yourself.

#1 He’s hot. He’s remarkably good-looking. He’s got a fit physique that will have every other girl envying you. Since there are as many genres in porn as there are types of males participating in the adult film industry, you’ll see that you can easily find one that suits your fancy. One thing will be for sure: your porn star boyfriend will be great to look at with or without clothes on. [Read: 14 surefire signs your guy thinks you’re smokin’ hot]

#2 He’s interesting. The industry he’s in may be a very different world than what you’re used to. It’s actually like a secret club that only a select few can get into, so your guy may be able to tell you juicy and interesting things about how his typical day at work goes. That is, if you’re keen on listening and aren’t too much of the jealous type. [Read: 6 little ways to stop being so jealous in a relationship]

#3 He’s experienced. When it comes to sex, he can definitely teach you a thing or two, and we’re talking by the dozen. He probably has a lot to teach you and your body about how to get the most pleasure in the bedroom. Aside from that, he’s much more confident about his body, unlike some other guys who fiddle and fumble around, so you will always have a great time. [Read: How to have great sex with your lover]

#4 He’s clean. You don’t have to worry about sexually transmitted diseases when you’re dating a male porn star. All performers in the adult industry are required to get tested for STDs on a monthly basis. So as long as you know they are using protection on-cam, you don’t worry about your bill of health off-cam.

#5 He makes role-play so believable. Of course, he’s an actor, and he’s probably taken on several different roles on the job. So if you’re looking for a way to spruce up your own relationship, you can definitely count on his acting prowess to make things so much more exciting. [Read: 15 effortlessly sexy role playing ideas for the shy]

#6 He’s a porn-watcher detector. So you’re having Sunday brunch and an elderly couple approaches your man and says he looks familiar. You can both exchange knowing glances because you’re thinking the same thing: that couple may have enjoyed watching your man on-screen. You’ll know in an instant if someone watches porn by how they gape at your guy.

#7 He has stamina. Sex is what he does for a living, and he wouldn’t have such a lucrative living if he’s not getting it up… and keeping it up long enough for the scenes to be completed. So you can be sure that his bedroom skills on-cam will be translated to your bedroom when you’re together off-cam.

#8 Sex is amazing! Aside from his hot body and the fact that you’re head-over-heels into him, the fact that he’s got so many tricks up his sleeves when it comes to pleasing you and making you come again and again will definitely make you have the hots for him all day, every day. [Read: Hot, hot sex: How to turn up your sexual thermostat]

#9 People will want to get pictures and autographs. Yes, it’s very obvious that your guy is one heck of a looker. Those who know him will definitely want to have pictures and autographs of him. So it’s basically like dating a celebrity!

#10 He can bring you on award shows and film openings. Dating a male porn star will make you part of this secret, glamorous, ultra-sexy world, at least by association. If he’s invited to events and movie premieres, you’ll get to go in with him, too.

#11 He chose you. Sure, he can be with anyone. And when it comes to sex, well, he’s got his libido quota down pat. The fact that he chose to be in a serious, committed relationship with you is a huge perk, and that should make you feel like one lucky, sought-after girl! [Read: 13 hard challenges of being in a committed relationship]

Perils of dating a male porn star

Think you’re sold on the idea of dating this extra-special lover? You may just want to keep your pants on for these 7 things to consider on the flipside.

#1 Girls will try to get his attention. Since he’s hot and not afraid to show it, you have to be prepared for lusty, lingering looks from women. Expect your man to be approached and even given indecent proposals from female fans or unknowing admirers.

#2 You might get jealous. There may be times when you see him, whether on the set or on the internet, with an extra hot girl, and you may go green with jealousy. The fact is, when you’re dating a male porn star, seeing him in bed with other women comes with the territory. He’ll be with other girls, doing intimate things, and you have to be okay with that. [Read: How to deal with jealousy in a relationship]

#3 You have to look as good as he does. Since he’s so good-looking and spends hours in the gym each day to maintain his rock-hard body, there will be pressure on you to keep up. You will want to be on par with him in terms of looks, even just for the sake of your own self-esteem.

#4 Every part of his body has already been seen by everyone. So there’s not an inch of his body that other girls *and boys* haven’t seen before. There’s nothing that you can say is yours, at least physically. The challenge for you both is to find something that only the two of you share, and that happens when you share an intimate bond and connection that goes beyond the bedroom. [Read: 13 weird, unique ways to build intimacy with your partner]

#5 People will talk. Of course, introducing him to your family may not be as easy as introducing someone who is a lawyer, an athlete, or even a painter. You have to be prepared that there will be those who have different views about the porn industry, and may therefore judge you negatively for your choice in men.

#6 You may not want to know how his day went. There will be times when you would rather not hear about how his day went. After all, his detailed answers may not be your cup of tea. There may be times when you’d rather separate the man from the porn star, so he’ll have to compartmentalize his life into work and home time, which can be difficult. [Read: 25 topics to talk about in a happy relationship]

#7 It can get embarrassing. If you’re not used to the idea of girls drooling over him and his performance in his latest adult film *not to mention their talking excitedly about it to him in public*, then you’re in for a difficult time. Girls and even some guys may try to be all over him and brush you aside, and the attention can be unnerving. [Read: How to know if he is the one]

Dating a male porn star can be just like being in any normal relationship. There will always be ups and downs, perks and perils, pros and cons. There will be things that you like, as well as things that you don’t. However, this shouldn’t stop you from being in a relationship with him if you’re truly right for each other.

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Tiffany Grace Reyes
Tiffany is a wordsmith who has played with words ever since her letter-to-the-editor was published nationally at the age of 9. Since then her writing has gone f...
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