Guys sometimes need a nudge in the right direction. Here’s how to make a guy want you so you can cut out the chasing and get down to the fun stuff!
Picture the scene – you like a guy. You’ve tried everything to try and make him ask you out, but he still doesn’t seem to get the idea. You think he likes you back because he’s showing you a few flirty signs, but he’s not doing anything yet. Annoying, right? Basically, you need to give him a serious push in the right direction and that means learning how to make a guy want you more than anyone else.
Once you do that, he’ll be asking you out faster than you can answer!
It might also be that he’s not noticed that you like him yet. Guys can sometimes be oblivious to the flirty signs we send their way.
But, with these tips, you’ll have him salivating over you and you won’t need to do any of the chasing yourself. [Read: How to get a guy’s attention in any circumstance and wow him]
The dating game can be extremely competitive
Dating is a game in so many ways. He may be totally single and seeing nobody, but he could be dating other women. That means you have some competition and if you really like him, you’ll have to put in some work to make him see you and only you.
And that’s a very tough thing to do because we all know guys don’t exactly have the best attention span.
This is especially true if the guy you’re after is a catch. They’re far and few between. Meaning, every woman in her right mind who’s been on a date with him is trying to do exactly what you are. They want him for themselves!
And he might just be basking in the attention. When a guy catches wind that women are into him, he’ll milk that for all its worth.
But if you truly care about him and have a feeling he’s feeling the same about you, doubling down on your efforts to make him yours is a wise idea. [Read: Why does dating get harder when you reach your 20s?]
How to make a guy want you and get him to desire you
Yeah, don’t deny it, we know you know his every move. If you’ve been eyeing a guy and you want him, well, there are a couple of things you can do to help avert his attention in the right direction… you know… in YOUR direction.
So, it’s time to switch your method up and read about these easy ways to learn how to make a guy want you.
1. Show your confidence
This is huge and probably the most important factor in learning how to make a guy want you. You need to be confident, and you need to show that you love yourself. That doesn’t mean being arrogant, simply knowing your worth and owning it.
There’s a reason why men drop their jaws when they see a woman walking confidently down the street – she is spewing sex appeal and confidence.
She doesn’t need them, and that’s what makes her sexy as hell. If you want the guy, you need to think that you don’t need the guy. [Read: What guys really like in a girl besides her appearance]
2. Body language is key
Have you ever seen a couple sitting at the bar? They’re facing each other, leaning forward with feet pointing in the other’s direction.
Before you even have to open your mouth, you can signal your feelings to him through body language and wait to see if he responds by copying your body language. We know it sounds a little off, but you’d be amazed by how it works.
So, we’re talking about eye contact, flirty touches, mirroring his position, and making sure that you don’t cross your arms over your body in a defensive stance. [Read: The male body language – 48 clues to read a guy’s behavior and instantly know if he’s interested in you]
3. Build up the excitement
You want to make him excited and get his adrenaline pumping. The best way to get him aroused is to do a fun activity that forces the adrenaline to rush through his body.
This could be riding a roller coaster or going bungee-jumping. Believe it or not, excitement stimulates attractiveness and arousal, so get that parachute on. By coming up with exciting ideas, he’s bound to want you. [Read: How to get a guy to like you effortlessly in no time]
4. Copy him
This might sound like a weird strategy when learning how to make a guy want you. But basically, what you want to do is mimic and mirror the guy. You won’t have to try too hard with this one.
When you hang out with someone more and more, you end up developing similar mannerisms like listening to the same music, etc. You may not even realize it, but you’ll eventually start even copying their gestures.
5. Open up to him
You can only talk about the rain for so many minutes until it’s time to get into a deeper conversation. If you can’t open up to him, well, he won’t open up to you, and then you won’t be able to develop a connection.
But, that means one of you will have to make the first move in opening up. It can be scary, but if you feel that you can trust him as a person, then you should be able to share something personal about yourself. [Read: How to get a guy to open up and share more with you]
6. Be around him
Now, don’t be stalking him, that’s not what we’re trying to get at with this one. You want to be around him and spend time with him. The more time you spend with someone, the more attracted you become.
Why do celebrities always end up dating people they’ve done movies with? Because they just spent all day, every day, for the past six months with that one person. So, it only makes sense.
Try to hang out with him in a group or if you can, solo. We guess this is one of the more obvious strategies for how to make a guy want you.
7. Relate to him
People like being around those who understand them. So this case isn’t any different. Now, don’t go crazy with this, but find out some things that he’s interested in and get a conversation going about one of these topics.
But, the trick is, you should actually be interested in the topic or else it’ll show that you’re bored talking about vintage cars or hockey. However, once you found a topic, you’ll have something to discuss and he’ll see that you have a common interest. [Read: How to talk to a guy -34 secrets to sweet talk and make him like you]
8. Maintain a little mystery
This is a great lesson in how to make a guy want you. Men like mystery, women like mystery – that’s why we love the chase. So, right now, you’re trying to lure the guy in and grab his attention.
You want to be a little mysterious. Don’t be completely silent, just don’t give him everything he wants. Keep some information to yourself – it’ll make him even more curious about you. [Read: How to be mysterious and leave any guy smitten and craving for more]
9. Reduce the drama
Listen, men are dramatic. They can be worse than women sometimes. But, one thing we know is that they don’t like listening to female gossip.
If a guy doesn’t like another guy, he makes it clear. But we women aren’t that upfront with our emotions, thus, it turns into gossip. So, instead of telling him your daily gossip news, call your best friend and unleash it onto them. It’s better that way, especially if you’re unable to not spread gossip.
The bottom line is – don’t gossip because it makes you look like an asshole. [Read: How to get a guy to notice you and fall for you]
10. Work your feminine side
Being feminine isn’t a negative trait. People always think it means that the woman is fragile and weak, but that isn’t what femininity is.
You can wear a dress and makeup and still be a strong woman. It’s okay to tap into your feminine side and sit with your legs closed or chew with your mouth shut. These things don’t make you a weak woman.
So, throw out those misconceptions and if you feel like showing your feminine side, then show it. Plus, men appreciate a woman who is strong and can still show her femininity. [Read: How to be feminine and reveal the softer girly personality in you]
11. Don’t be clingy
For the love of God, if you want to learn how to make a guy want you, then do NOT be clingy! Yeah, remember that guy who texted you once, and then he texted you again and again and again until you finally answered him? That relationship didn’t go too far, eh? People, in general, don’t like clingy people.
It makes them feel suffocated. Men are people. They don’t want a woman who is dependent and constantly needs attention and confirmation. So, if you want him to become interested in you, hang out with him, text him, do all those things.
However, don’t become suffocating. Let him ask you to hang out and start the conversation sometimes. [Read: 21 big signs of a clingy girl and how to avoid turning into one]
12. Get his nose sniffing
Why don’t you attract him with your scent? Sounds a little animalistic, right? But, at the end of the day, that’s what we are.
So, spritz a little of your favorite perfume on – a little, let’s not smell like the entire bottle – and make him go crazy for that sexy and sensual scent. This is a scientifically proven strategy on how to get a guy to want you! [Read: How to smell good and attract anyone you deeply desire]
13. Flirt, but not too much
Flirt – we highly recommend it because it’s fun and you can push the boundaries while keeping it in the fun zone. But don’t go too far with the flirtatious boundaries. You want to pull him and keep him interested.
Flirt and then pull back a little – you’re trying to get him to chase you. If you lay out all of your best flirtatious moves right away, well, you won’t last long. If you want him, you’re going to have to take control of the situation. [Read: How to flirt with a guy subtly without really flirting at all]
14. Have your own life
The worst thing that can happen is letting him see that he’s the only thing that’s going on in your life. Even if that’s true, you can’t let him know that. Guys are interested in girls who are usually busy making plans for themselves.
You need to have your own life and activities that don’t include him. It not only will give you self-confidence, but it shows that he’s not your first priority – even though you’d like him to be.
Never make a guy your number one. That is something you always need to remember, but especially when learning how to make a guy want you. [Read: How men fall in love – The 7 stages of love for men]
15. Compliment him
Don’t go overboard on this or else you can look desperate. But complimenting a guy never hurt anyone. In fact, they’ll not only feel good, but they’ll notice that you’re noticing things about them.
Maybe he got a new haircut or is wearing a great-smelling cologne. So, just tell him what you think. He may take that as a sign that you’re interested in him, and well, that’s what you wanted. [Read: 30 special compliments for guys to make him blush and make his day]
16. Show an interest in his life
We know this seems obvious, but there’s a certain belief in society that says the guy should be into the girl and not really vice versa. We think they should ask us all the questions and then we just kind of shrug off their hobbies like they’re nothing.
Don’t do this. Take an active interest in his life and get him talking about the stuff he loves. When he associates you with such a great conversation and a care for what he likes, he’ll always think highly of you. [Read: 14 ways to show a guy you like him and still be a tease]
17. Mix things up and keep things interesting
As mentioned earlier, guys don’t have the best attention spans. What you really have to do is keep things interesting. Make him guess about what you’ll do next. Never be predictable.
The more entertaining you are this way, the more he’ll crave being around you. When he’s not sure what you’ll say or do, it’ll keep him on his toes and keep him interested.
18. Slowly show your sexy side
You have to make him want more, not give him the whole thing right away. That being said, you do want to show him you’re a sexual person. Most guys love sex and they’re very in touch with that side of them.
But so are you. Just because you don’t want to appear easy doesn’t mean you have to hold back completely. So make a dirty joke every now and then to show him he can eventually get that full side of you. [Read: How to be sexier – 15 ways to unleash the sex goddess hiding within]
19. Be upfront about how you feel
Being blunt isn’t something a lot of women do. And you know what? Guys love it. One thing guys fear most when dating women is that it’ll all be a guessing game.
They’ll have to wonder how you’re feeling and read all these hints that they’ll inevitably get wrong. They hate that. This means you can be upfront and tell him you like him and that you want to keep seeing him. It’ll pay off for sure.
20. Tell him he’s funny
Guys love to be the funny ones. It’s known that the more a girl can laugh with a guy, the more she likes him. It also just gives his ego a boost. When he thinks about how great you make him feel, he’ll have a hard time looking at any other woman.
So make sure he knows you think he’s funny and you’ll quickly see it’s one of the best ways to learn how to make a guy want you. [Read: 15 types of humor and how it affects relationships]
21. Make him laugh
On the flip side, if you truly want to understand how to make him want you, be really funny yourself. Guys love a girl with a sense of humor and most of us tend to hold that back on dates. Go ahead and make those jokes. Let him see that you can make him laugh.
Once again, it’s all about letting him feel great around you. Associating you with great feelings is one way to get him to forget about all those other girls and focus on you.
22. Don’t be afraid to be a little weird and silly
Many women try to act so calm, cool, and collected on a date. You know what’ll make a guy remember you instead of those other girls? Being weird and goofy and showing your silly side. We all have them!
Let it out. Get weird. Be yourself and don’t hold back. The more fun he has and the more entertaining you are, the more likely it is that he’ll think of you the next time he wants to go out for a bite. [Read: Dry sense of humor – What it is and 20 signs you’re too dry and funny]
23. Don’t divulge your entire past at once
We all have a history. That doesn’t mean you should be spilling your guts to him on the first couple dates.
You can hint at certain things but don’t drag down the mood with tragic stories. Keep them to yourself. Also, avoid talking about exes at all costs.
24. Dress to feel good
This doesn’t necessarily mean to dress super sexy or stunning. You should dress in what makes you feel good. The better you feel, the more comfortable you’ll be on the date.
And that means you’ll let more of your true personality come out and he’ll be able to pick up on that easily. This is one of the key ways to learn how to make a guy want you – by being yourself. [Read: How to be yourself – 26 steps to unfake your life and love being you]
This one is the oldest trick in the book. If you hold your stare even just for two seconds longer than usual, you will send a sexy vibe to the person you’re staring at.
Holding eye contact will make you appear more confident, and it could give the other person the impression that you’re interested in him, which will make him consider liking you in return. It’s the most obvious non-verbal cue that says, “I think you’re hot.”
26. Be authentic
Sure, it’s important to leave some mystery for your man to get curious about you, but make sure the self you’re showing him is the real you. Show your real, vulnerable, awkward self by being honest.
There is nothing sexier than honesty. If you don’t like the amuse-bouche, say it. He could be relieved that you said what’s on his mind. Be unapologetically yourself. People will love you for it more than they’ll hate you.
27. Let him do favors for you
This could be as simple as borrowing his pen. Psychologists found out that if you do small favors for someone, you feel warmth toward them.
Men, in particular, will start to feel that they’re needed and that they’re important. They will want this feeling and, therefore, think that they’re attracted to you. [Read: The damsel in distress and why men find women who ask for help irresistible]
28. Be friendly to everyone
You don’t have to be Ms. Personality, because that would also make you scary and exhausting to be with. Just make sure you’re courteous to everyone and that you’re not pulling people to the ground. If people like you, he’ll automatically start to like you, too.
If, in the end, you find that this trick doesn’t work for the guy you’re eyeing, at least you’ve got friends. [Read: How to be nice – 20 easy tips to make everyone love being around you]
29. Get a little closer to him
Go where he goes—without being annoying. Being in close proximity to someone is possibly the most important trick in this list.
If there’s a chance for you to sit beside him, do it. If you’re having an office party and everyone is getting rowdy, approach him for a selfie. Physical closeness will spark attraction and could lead him to open up his feelings for you.
30. Introduce him to something new
It could be a new TV show, a new pub in town, a new food, a new hobby, or a new sport. Activities like this will give him an endorphin rush, which he will associate with you.
This “high” feeling will condition him, making him think he’s also falling in love with you. If you’re having so much fun doing all these things, he better be, anyway!
31. Act like you don’t need a man
Because you don’t! We’re not suggesting that you turn into an angry feminist, but avoid being that girl who whines all the time that she’s single. You can talk about your singlehood over a beer with your girlfriends, but don’t do it with the guy you like.
Even if he’s interested in you, if he feels like you need a man to be happy or that no guy shows any kind of interest in you, he’ll hide in his shell or start to behave in an aloof manner because he’ll assume you “need” him anyway. Men want women who feel complete and are 100% okay being alone. [Read: How to be independent even if you’re in a relationship]
32. Smile slowly
Yes, it may sound weird, but there’s a study that says that smiling slowly, rather than very quickly, makes you appear more genuine.
Likewise, if you flash a very quick grin, the recipient might feel like you really don’t mean it. If you want to attract a man, take it nice, slow, and mischievous when you smile.
33. If someone else likes you, make sure he finds out
Drop hints that someone is crazy for you to speed things up. Men like competition, and if the man of your dreams is taking small strides, the best way for him to amp up into a sprint is by informing him that he has competition.
One sneaky way to do this is by letting your friends tease you when he’s around or by letting them tell him “accidentally” about the other guy. [Read: How to make a guy jealous and 20 wicked ways to win his attention]
34. Don’t reply to his texts too quickly
The game is called “Who’s the coolest, most relaxed texter,” and the players are you and him. This even works on your boyfriend or husband! If you text right away, your guy will feel reassured that you like him more than he likes you. He’ll get lazy, especially if he’s not serious about you yet.
In fact, men sometimes get bored because of that. They text once, and you text thrice. Where’s the challenge in that?
We know it shouldn’t be a game, but when you’re flirting with someone, you have no choice but to play at least initially. Reply at least an hour after you received his text to keep him on his toes, unless you’re both having a texting conversation. [Read: What to do when a guy doesn’t text back]
35. Turn down his invites once in a while
If you want to take things to the next level, make him feel like your world is not revolving around him. Say no to some of his invites.
Not only will this make him wonder if you’re seeing someone, this will also challenge him to do better with whatever it is he’s doing with you, because it might not be working anymore.
In other words, he’ll try to find better ways to please you!
[Read: 30 lusty signs he wants you bad and finds you incredibly desirable]
Through all these tips, there’s a common thread: not to look overly interested. It’s not as easy as it looks, but if you follow these tips, you’ll become a master at knowing how to get a guy to want you in no time!