Ever wondered how men think about relationships? Understand the way a man’s mind works and you’ll be able to read him like a book, all the time.
There are so many things about a man’s mind that makes him predictable and easy to understand.
Have you ever wondered about how men think, especially when it comes to relationships and the opposite sex?
Sometimes, just understanding the way most men think can make life a lot easier for women when it comes to impressing a man, or even flattering him.
How men think
You may try to win a man’s heart, or make a deep impression on him or you may even want to change him to suit your whims and fancies.
Instead of trying to change your man to become your definition of a dream man, just use these simple tips.
And everything will fall perfectly into place, just as long as you remember how men think.
Men think all compliments are true
If there’s one think a woman can’t go wrong with, it’s a compliment.
Almost all men think all compliments addressed to them are completely true.
Compliment a man and he’ll never think it’s a lie. Women may think twice about a compliment, but men always believe what they hear.
Compliment a man and he’ll appreciate you for it, and think of you fondly each time he remembers that compliment. [Read: How to flirt with a guy]
Do you want your man to start working out? Just tell him he’s got great shoulders, with just a bit of fat covering his muscles. He’ll start working out just to try and retain that compliment. On the other hand, have you ever found your man butt naked and checking himself out in front of the mirror? Chances are, someone’s told him he’s got a sexy backside.
Men are easily impressed
You may find this ridiculous, but it’s so true! Men may know it and even be wary of it, but they just can’t help it. Men are easily impressed by women who flirt back with them or exchange a flirty smile. All men think women who reciprocate their moves or at least acknowledge it are the nicest and prettiest women on earth. Want him to do you a favor? Just bat your eyelids and smile. [Read: What men like in women more than anything else]
But this doesn’t end with just single men. Even if you’ve been dating your man for a few years, just flirt with your man or tease him into submission. He may hate you for the manipulation, but he’ll still love you for your teasing and flirting.
Men think they’re the protectors
Men think of themselves as the protectors. Ever since the primate days, men have always been the hunters and the protectors while women have been the foragers and the nurturers. Rekindle that instinct in a man and he’ll love you for it.
Men love pleasing women, be it his girlfriend or an attractive woman on the street. Give him a chance to help you and he’ll fall in love with you for making him feel like a man.
Men think they’re alright with being treated as an equal
The modern man may assume that he’d perfectly happy in a world where women rule the world. But it’s just not true.
Men have always been the breadwinners and the ones who play a dominant role in the relationship. And when the tables turn and the woman plays the dominant role of a breadwinner, most men feel emasculated and vulnerable. When a man’s wife earns more than he does or yells at him in front of others, he can’t help but shrivel up or end up wanting to have an affair just to feel powerful again. This may make men seem like chauvinistic pigs, but it’s just the way they are.
If you do want to keep your man happy in the relationship even if you’re earning more money than him, never make him feel like he has no say or control over the relationship. Emasculating a man will only drop his libido and his interest in you.
Men think they’re emotionally strong
Men think they’re strong, but they aren’t, at least not inside the head. Men have epic egos, but those egos can be shattered easily. And once it’s shattered, it takes a long time for them to nurse their ego back to life.
Be it an issue with not being able to last long enough in bed, or trying to woo a woman who seems too good to get, if a man has one bad experience, it’s all he needs to stay away from the same situation.
Don’t ever shatter a man’s ego, he’ll hate you for it. And eventually, it’ll be the both of you that suffer in the relationship. He may sulk or pout after a ego shattering experience, but help your man-child nurse his ego back to life, and you’ll have a happy relationship where he’ll helplessly depend on you to make him feel like a better man.
Men think they care about a woman’s personality
Most men think they’re intellectual and deep, but they always fall for looks over anything else. Men are completely visual. It’s always been that way since men could think. Now what may seem attractive to one man doesn’t always have to be attractive to another, but it always comes down to infatuation at first sight for all men. But at the same time, infatuation and love are two completely different emotions for men. [Read: Stages of love for men]
So the next time you want to get that second glance or make your man listen to what you have to say, dress sexy. He may drool a bit, but he’ll still listen to whatever you have to say. [Read: How to be a seductress]
Men think they like a woman who makes the first move
Men may say they like a woman who asks a guy out. It may make their life easier when it comes to wooing a woman, but subconsciously men just don’t appreciate a woman who makes the first move.
Men think women who ask a guy out are too easy to get. He may appreciate the gesture, but really, are you not getting any attention from men? Otherwise, why would you jump on a man yourself?
Unless you make a man work for your affection, somewhere deep inside, he’ll always assume he’s the better one in the relationship who can get any girl he wants if he really tries. After all, he didn’t really have to fight off any competition to get you, did he? [Read: Why men like the chase]
[Read: What guys always notice on a date]
Men and women may think along the same lines in many ways, but not in love. Understand these tips on how men think about relationships and attraction because it can make all the difference in wooing or keeping a man committed.