Reads for Women

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Mansplaining: What It Is & 25 Ways to Spot a Prick Who Likes to Mansplain

Being spoken down to by a man? It happens all too often to women. You’re a victim of mansplaining, and it’s time to cut the crap.

what is peacocking
What is Peacocking? The Many Types & Why Guys Show Off Around Girls

You’ve heard the term, but what is peacocking? No, it has nothing to do with brightly colored feathers, and everything to do with the male ego!

Attracting Men View more >


What Guys Look For In a Girl: 26 Things Men Like More than Appearances

Everyone wants to know what guys look for in a girl, but it varies from guy to guy. For the most part, it’s about unique and simple qualities.


How to Attract an Alpha Male: 20 Secrets to Date Him & Keep Him Hooked

Learning how to attract an alpha male will change your dating game. He’s confident and charming, but understanding how to date an alpha male isn’t easy.


34 VERY Desirable Traits Men Want, Like & Find Attractive in a Woman

Do you often wonder what men like in a woman? Of course, everyone is different but there are some common things men find attractive. How many do you have?

Dating Tips for Women View more >


30 Sweet & Cute Nicknames for Your Boyfriend He’ll Actually Like Hearing

Having pet names is part of being in a relationship! Here are some cute nicknames for your boyfriend – you can choose the perfect one.


48 Painful Yet Subtle Signs He’s Not That Into You & It’s Time To Leave

There’s nothing worse than being unsure about a guy’s mixed signals. But by reading the signs he’s not that into you, you’ll have the clarity you need.


18 Rules to Get a Guy to Text You First If You Don’t Want to Appear Too Eager

Texting can be confusing, so you want to know how to get a guy to text you first. Here is how guys text and what to do to get him to initiate them.

Girl Talk View more >


Am I a Lesbian or Bisexual? 31 Signs to the Truth Without Asking Around

Questioning your sexuality is a personal and complicated deal. If you’re asking yourself “am I a lesbian,” you need to search your soul for the answer you seek. 


How to Reject a Guy: 30 Ways to Turn Him Down Nicely & Not Hurt Him

He’s asked you out and you’re not interested. Now you need to know how to reject a guy without destroying his feelings. It’s hard but it can be done.


What Turns a Guy On? 51 Subtle Sexual Turn-Ons that Arouse Men in Seconds!

Are you wondering what turns a guy on? Maybe you’re trying to impress your new beau and you need some advice. Your luck is in! Learn what turns men on here.

How To... View more >


37 Very Sweet, Subtle Signs He Wants to Marry & Spend His Life With You

Are you getting forever vibes from your man? It’s time to look for signs he wants to marry you and work out how you feel about the upcoming proposal!


How to Ask a Guy Where You Stand & Not Seem Needy or Insecure

Knowing how to ask a guy where you stand with him without coming across all needy is tricky. But it can be done, and here is how you do it.


71 Subtle Signs to Tell If a Guy Is Into You Even If He’s Hiding His Feelings

Are you crushing hard and wondering how to tell if a guy is into you? It’s easier than you think; you just need to know what signs to look for.

Understanding Men View more >


Mansplaining: What It Is & 25 Ways to Spot a Prick Who Likes to Mansplain

Being spoken down to by a man? It happens all too often to women. You’re a victim of mansplaining, and it’s time to cut the crap.


What is Peacocking? The Many Types & Why Guys Show Off Around Girls

You’ve heard the term, but what is peacocking? No, it has nothing to do with brightly colored feathers, and everything to do with the male ego!


Should I Give Up On Him? 25 Signs He Won’t Change or Be a Good Fit

If you are asking yourself, should I give up on him, then that is a bad sign. You should know the signs of when you should call it quits and move on.