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Lesbian Tribbing: How to Scissor a Girl & 18 Secrets to a Perfect Glide

Learning how to scissor might look difficult, but it’s actually easier than you think. Once you figure tribbing out, you’ll be glad you made the effort! 

how to scissor tribbing

Ah yes, the ancient art of scissoring and tribbing. Okay, it’s not an ancient art, we don’t know when it was invented, but it’s definitely not a myth. Understanding how to scissor a girl is essential to girl-on-girl sex know-hows.

First, let’s narrow down the definition of scissoring, you know, so we’re all on the same page here.

What is scissoring?

Scissoring is when two women rub their vulvas against each other. The position itself looks like two pairs of scissors stuck in each other. But though you may see it happen a lot in porn, it’s actually not as prevalent in reality as you think it is.

Part of that is because many women haven’t managed to get it right while other women don’t want to be associated with it since it’s used as the punchline to many jokes against the bisexual and lesbian communities. [Read: Am I a lesbian or bisexual? 20 clues to know without asking around]

But, what is tribbing?

Tribbing, or commonly known as scissoring, is the sexual act automatically associated with lesbian sex much to the chagrin and frustration of some lesbians.

Some say that it’s impractical and impossible to do, while there are others who like it. So, yes, it has the same definition as scissoring but with a different name.

Confusing? Yes!

Nevertheless, the image has inadvertently been burned into everyone’s mind. The obsession with it still continues to proliferate with the amount of talk, porn, and sex scenes that glamorize it. [Read: How to have a first-time lesbian experience minus the awkwardness]

Tribbing vs scissoring – Is there a difference?

These terms are used often interchangeably, but are they actually synonyms? By definition, tribbing is the word used for any female to female sex act that involves one partner rubbing her vulva against the partner’s body.

Tribbing may take the form of one partner dry humping her partner’s leg, or both partners rubbing at each other’s vulvas.

Tribbing can be said as the umbrella term for any female-to-female sex act that involves frotteuristic action to achieve pleasure or orgasm.

On the other hand, scissoring is a specific sex position. It is one form of tribbing that involves two females rubbing their vulvas with interlocked legs like two scissors clashing together. So, tribbing can be done in many ways. One way comes in the form of scissoring. [Read: 18 empowering reasons to love being a lesbian]

How does scissoring work? And other things scissor sisters need to know

You might have heard the term ‘scissor sisters.’ Basically, that’s just two women who are engaging in scissoring. But, many lesbians have never tried scissoring, simply because they don’t quite understand how to do it or how it would be pleasurable.

Learning how to trib or scissor someone requires the knowledge of a few facts before you get down to it.

1. Scissoring is a real thing

There have been a lot of arguments about whether scissoring is a real thing that happens during lesbian sex or just a figment of naughty imagination.

But just to get it out of the way, it is very much real and some lesbian couples do engage in the act. However, there are skeptics and naysayers for several good reasons. [Read: What is it really like to have a lesbian experience?]

2. Scissoring is not for everybody

Simply said, there are some couples who tried it, were not satisfied, and didn’t bother to do it again. Scissoring is just one of a multitude of sex positions that are more pleasurable and easier to pull off than the former.

Yes, in theory, scissoring looks hot and sexy, but some people who tried it in real life and never repeated it, claim it is a disappointment and not worth the enormous effort. [Read: The 17 best lesbian sex positions that make you feel and look like a pro]

3. Scissoring requires a lot of effort

From one look at the position, anyone can deduce that the scissor position can be uncomfortable and exhausting.

From the awkward posture of the couple, to the trouble of syncing your movements that it becomes equally pleasurable, keeping all that up until climax, or lack thereof, will require a great deal of hard work.

Does that mean you won’t enjoy it? No! Everyone is different. You won’t know until you try. [Read: Lesbian love – What it’s really like to date a woman]

4. Not all bodies are built to enjoy scissoring

There is a joke somewhere that only lesbians with twig legs can fully enjoy the benefits of scissoring. They do have a point. If you pick up two Barbie dolls with all their “fit” physique and tried to prop them into a scissor position, their crotches wouldn’t even meet!

As anyone can see, scissoring is not an option for plus-sized couples and couples with flexibility problems because it just wouldn’t happen. They would be spending their whole night exhausting themselves without making any significant progress. [Read: How do lesbians have sex? 10 truths about girl on girl sex]

5. Why are people so obsessed with scissoring then?

Two reasons: porn and lesbian sex scenes in cinema. Lesbian porn is as old as porn itself and for some reason, the aforementioned sex act has had a lot of coverage due to its exotic look.

And to add haze to the perpetuated myth, lesbian sex scenes in movies have made use of this cliché as well. It’s easy for someone who has little idea about lesbian sex to be misled by two porn actors apparently screaming with delight as they scissor on scene. [Read 10 reasons why lesbian porn is way, way hotter than straight porn]

6. Forget the porn scenes before you start

You’re not going to scissor like they do in porn.  Leave all those scenes you watched and have stuck in your head outside of the bedroom.

Maybe you both will enjoy it, maybe you’ll both be sweaty by the end of it, maybe one of you will hate it, or maybe not. Keep your expectations to a minimum. [Read: A straight girl’s views on the seduction of lesbian porn 

7. Know that it’s an intimate position

You’re probably not noticing it right now, but this position, scissoring, is really intimate in comparison to others. It exposes your entire body to the other person. So, make sure you’re comfortable with the person you have sex with. Plus, you stare into each other’s eyes.

Need we say more? [Read: 10 intimate sex positions to feel closer to your partner]

8. You can scissor in different ways

Scissoring comes in a couple of different shapes and forms. You can do the traditional scissoring position, but you can also try out some others.

With your partner lying on her back, tilt her pelvis up while you straddle her, grinding your vulva against hers. Or, one of you straddles another, holding each other while you sit up.

9. You can spice it up

You know that scissoring doesn’t refer to one exact position, and with any sex position, you can spice things up. Grab the back of your partner’s neck, pull them in close and if possible, kiss them. Try out different pressure and speeds, until you find one which hits the spot. [Read: How to use sexy talk on your lover and make them melt with desire]

10. Add in some sex toys

Now, you don’t have to, of course, but if you’re curious, why not? To use sex toys, you can take a vibrator and place it in between both of your clits while in a missionary-style position.

This way, you both grind on each other while also both feeling the vibration. Or try this out with a dildo as well. It gives you penetration on top of the scissoring.

11. Make sure you’re both stretched out before you try scissoring

We don’t want to tell you to take up an exercises class for this position, but you want to make sure you’re well-stretched out before scissoring. In reality, scissoring can be hard on your hips. So, make sure your body is warmed up.

Why not stretch together, naked? That’s some extra foreplay action right there. [Read: Super hot, sexy yoga to do together]

12. Know that it will be awkward the first time

You’re probably going to burst out laughing at some point when you scissor for the first couple times, and that’s good!

You should laugh and have fun while experimenting. But once you find the right spot, you won’t be laughing anymore. You’ll be in heaven.

13. To lube or not to lube

You can use lube if you want, it’s totally cool, but you don’t have to. If you add lube it gives you more sensation, but some people like the friction you get without the lubricant.

The safe bet is to start out with lube, but have some next to your bed, just in case.

14. Watch your feet

It’s easy to accidentally kick your partner in the head, so make sure while scissoring you pay attention to what your feet do. With that being said, make sure your feet are clean, the last thing you want is her to smell your dirty feet. [Read: 10 awkward things that happen during sex]

15. There’s still an STD risk

At first glance, the apparent lack of penetration seems like it should screen out some STDs. But tribbing and scissoring still pose a risk for sexually-transmitted diseases due to skin and fluid contact.

Some STDs like gonorrhea and chlamydia are caught from the transfer of secretions through the mucus membranes. That’s why even non-penetrative sexual acts like tribbing and scissoring also require protection and caution.

The best tribbing positions to try with your partner

As mentioned, tribbing takes many forms other than scissoring. While scissoring looks good and sounds enticing from an outsider’s perspective, it poses some problems when put to the test. There are many ways tribbing can be performed.

Here are a few ideas some may find easier than scissoring. [Read: 10 kinky sex positions for a wild night every day of the week]

1. Missionary style

Yes, it is vanilla, but it’s the go-to position for a reason. Tribbing in the missionary style not only allows the couple close facial contact for kissing, the position is also less strenuous and allows one to take the lead and dictate the movement rhythm.

2. Woman on top

Have your partner lie down while the other rides and rubs her clit against her partner’s belly. This allows one free hand to stimulate the breasts and the vagina of the partner lying down. [Read: Girl on top sex – How to ride someone and look really sexy doing it]

3. Leg humping position

This position is one of the top ranked tribbing positions. The leg is easier to straddle and it provides closer contact with the vulva compared to a human torso.

It can seem like only one woman is enjoying it, but she has her hands free to stimulate her partner.

Now you know how to scissor, it’s time to get started!

Learning how to scissor takes time and effort, but it’s fun to learn!

There are many tribbing positions you can try and again, the practice will be more than worth it for the pleasure and fun you’ll have in the process.

For sure, scissoring isn’t for everyone but it will bring you closer together as a couple while you approach it with an open mind and plenty of stretches!

[Read: The main types of lesbians and how to tell each of them apart]

You’ve been given the tools you need to learn how to scissor, now all you need to do is use them! Start practicing your scissoring and tribbing moves. It’ll take a couple of tries but once you get it right, you’ll want to do it again and again.

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