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Facts about Condoms

Condoms aren’t a new accessory of lovemaking. They’ve actually been around a long time, and have been successfully used across the world. But is there anything else you should know about those little rubber saviors? Here are some great facts about condoms.

facts about condoms

Check out these fun facts about condoms that you may not have heard of.

Who Buys More Condoms?

Women worldwide purchase 40-70% of condoms.

Can a Condom Hold Enough?

A regular condom can hold about 4 quarts of liquid.

The Origin of Condoms

The origin of the word ‘condom’ is uncertain, but folklore attributes the invention to Dr. Condom or Conton, who was at the court of King Charles II in the 1600s. Or it could also be that the name derives from the Latin ‘condus’, meaning receptacle.

Condoms Are Made Of?

About 99% of condoms are made of latex. The rest are made from lamb intestines.

Egyptian Bladders

The Egyptians in 1350BC reportedly used condoms, probably made from animal bladders or intestines.

Earliest Evidence

The earliest evidence of condom use in Europe come from scenes in cave paintings in Combarelles, France, dated 100-200AD.

Condoms and Syphilis

Italian anatomist Gabrielle Fallopio, after whom the Fallopian tubes were named, claimed to have invented the condom in 1564. Its original purpose was to protect users from syphilis.

Ribbons and Linens

In the 16th century condoms were made of linen. A ribbon sewn into the open end drew the condom snugly around the penis.

Intestinal Condoms

In the 18th century, condoms were fashioned from sheep, lamb and goat intestines, and sometimes fish skin.

First Rubber Condoms

In 1844, Charles Goodyear obtained the first patent on a crepe rubber condom.

Shell Condoms

The Japanese had two types of condoms, one made of thin leather and the other type made from tortoise shell or horn.

Casanova’s Coat

Documentation suggests that legendary 19th century lover Casanova was a regular user of condoms, referring to them as ‘redingote Anglaise’ (English riding coat).

Condoms and Mouthfuls

The Danish word for condom is Svangerskabsforebyggendemiddel.

Now that you know a few more facts about condoms beyond ribbed, spotted and dotted, spread the word.

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