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Erogenous Zones For Males: The Secret Zones to Touch Your Guy

Do you want to drive your man wild? Learn the hidden erogenous zones for males and know the places to touch a man to drive him insane with lust! 

erogenous zones for men

Think you know everything about your partner? While we don’t doubt you know your man, there’s always something new you can learn about him, especially when it comes to moves that will help you make the most of his biology. Understanding the hidden erogenous zones for males means you can take him by surprise and drive him crazy with a new move or two. You might think you know all the places to touch a man, but there are more than you think!

When it comes to unforgettable sex, the scenic route is the best route to a confetti-and-fireworks ending. Getting turned on is not limited to the area below the belt, you know. Nuh-uh! Other areas of his body are extremely sensitive to touch, vibration, and pressure. These areas, also known as erogenous zones, have a high concentration of nerve endings and both contribute to the majesty of male sexual arousal. Of course, they also improve your sex life too! [Read: Stop ignoring erogenous zones – The perfect neck kisses]

Secrets erogenous zones for males you should learn to play with

You want to know how and where to touch your partner when things get intimate, right? Many of the male erogenous zones revolve around the genital areas, but there’s much more than just fondling his penis and squeezing his scrotum. By learning the places to touch a man that aren’t so obvious, you can take your sex life from okay to wow in an instant!

You can refer to our guide to seduce your partner the right way. We’re all different, but we can all agree that the following zones are extremely pleasurable. You’ll learn how to use your hands and mouth to the best possible effect to turn your guy on like there’s no tomorrow! [Read: 12 foreplay moves that work really well on men and drive them crazy]

Here are the best places to touch a man to drive him insane with pleasure and desire!

1. The back of his knees

Our bodies have plenty of potential for pleasure in so many different areas, and yet, we skip over many of them. The back of his knees is one of the zones you probably often ignore, are we right? You see, the skin here is extremely sensitive and smoother than most of the parts of his body.

Studies show that areas that have little or no hair at all are super sensitive and easily build strong sexual tension for an exploding orgasm. So, the next time you’re fooling around with your partner, gently touch the back of his knees, draw circles with your hands, and kiss him there to see what happens. [Read: 12 foolproof kissing tips for a perfectly sexy smooch]

2. His inner thighs

His inner thighs are also often overlooked. Considering you’re getting closer and closer to his genital area, how could this part not be extra pleasurable? Touching his inner thighs—or, as we like to call them, the welcome door to his package—can really get him in the mood. His jewels reside here, so when you’re moving your fingers around this area, you’re teasing and enticing him.

Move your fingers around his thighs, tickle him gently, then press your palms consistently against his skin and work your magic. Trace the spot where his thighs and hips meet, and sensuously move your fingers up and down. Don’t forget to look him deep in the eyes while he’s in heaven. [Read: How to make out with a guy like a sex goddess]

3. His feet

His feet are the perfect spot to start your foreplay. We all have numerous nerve endings on our feet, but men have a higher concentration than women. Massaging his feet is both relaxing and sexy, so you’re doubling the benefits. Win-win!

Lay him on the bed, take his socks off, pour oil into your palms, and do your work. Start with one foot – take the foot into your hands and start making gentle movements around his ankle. Do the same with his other foot. Want to go a little further? Brush his feet against your breasts or your mouth. He will explode. [Read: Feet fetishes – Incorporating feet into your sex life]

4. His underarms

Okay, it’s not the sexiest area, but when it comes to a sensual massage, you cannot neglect this part. His underarms are extra sensitive—to the extent that he simply can’t bear your fingers playing there.

When fondled tenderly, your man will feel unimaginable pleasure, so add some wet kisses, gently blow some air, and let your fingernails dance and scrape. Start at his armpits, and go all the way down to his stomach. Caressing the underarms will get his attention, and he will want more and more. Simply make sure that you move away and back to the area, to avoid the sensations becoming too intense. Some guys feel too ticklish here, but it’s a good place to try! [Read: 16 non-sexual touches to feel connected and loved]

5. His fingers

His hands and fingers are great spots for seducing him. You can start by lightly grazing his fingertips, then tightly squeezing his palm. And, of course, using your mouth is a must! Suck on his finger, flick your tongue around it, and nibble on it until he gasps.

Make sure you’re making eye contact. This way, you’re taking control of the foreplay session, while creating a vivid fantasy in his head. It will automatically make him wonder what you’re planning on sucking on next. [Read: The art of giving a perfect finger blowjob]

6. The F spot

The frenulum is a spot just below the head where the glans and shaft meet on the underside of the penis. It contains lots of neural synapses, which is why it is often compared to the clitoris. If stimulated in the right way, it will give your man an unforgettable sensation.

How to flip his switch? With one hand, hold his love muscle steady at the base, and let your tongue slide over this area. Give the F spot fast flicks with the tip of your tongue. Don’t stop doing this, even when he’s hitting orgasm. Believe us, he’ll go nuts, so don’t be surprised if your neighbors look at you weirdly in the morning. [Read: 9 hot blowjob secrets that’ll drive him wild with desire]

7. The P spot

You’ve heard of the famous perineum—the patch of skin that’s blessed with unbelievable orgasmic potential. It lies between his anus and testicles, and it has nerve endings that run to his prostate. Oh, don’t worry, we’re gonna teach you how to take care of his prostate, too! [Read: Drive him wild – How to find and stimulate the male G-spot]

So, as we said before, his perineum is packed with nerve endings that magnify and increase his pleasure. The cowgirl position is the best position because you can easily reach between his legs. While you’re riding him, press the area between his anus and testicles with the knuckle of your index finger – but please, be gentle. This area is extremely sensitive. Use your knuckle, otherwise, you might scratch him. Yikes!

In order to send your man to unforgettable orgasmic oblivion, you need to mix up the direction, as well as the amount of pressure. Massage up and down, left and right, and so forth. Once he’s near the finish line, press the perineum a little harder and watch him getting lost in the ultimate O. [Read: 19 ways to own the cowgirl position and make it way hotter]

8. The G spot

We hate the fact that we’re so obsessed with the female G spot, we often forget guys have an equivalent area. The male G spot is the prostate—a small, walnut-sized gland located about ¾ of a finger length inside his anus. When gently massaged, it will give your man a powerful orgasm.

We can totally understand if this is taboo for you. We don’t hear about the male G spot on television shows or in the movies but believe us, you’ll wish you would have learned about this spot earlier. [Read: 12 sexy, slutty moves to give the best handjob ever]

Now, some men enjoy gentle movements, while others prefer more intense pressure. Start massaging gently, and his reaction and response will tell you whether or not he likes what you’re doing. You can use your finger, your tongue, or a toy. Who said toys are for women only?

It’s totally okay if you and your partner aren’t immediately comfortable with exploring his G spot, but you should know by now that this powerful gland can lead to mind-blowing orgasms, and your partner is equally entitled to earth-shattering pleasure. [Read: The curious guy and girl’s guide to first time anal experiences]

Feel free to bring as many new tricks to your bed as you want, but keep in mind that in order to have an incredible sexual experience, you must make sure you both have an amazing time.

9. Belly button and below

The belly button is one of the lesser-known places to touch a man to get a crazy response, but make sure you visit here and just below. The lower abdomen is packed with nerve endings, so a kiss or lick here is sure to drive him insane. Now, you don’t have to go dipping your tongue into his belly button if you don’t want to. He might like it, he might not, but you probably won’t! But, it’s something to try if you both want to!

10. His ears

Not only does he want to hear your gasps and signs of pleasure, but the ears are one of the best places to touch a man for great responses. Believe it or not, the ears are packed with nerve endings and sensory receptors, which means they’re a key place to visit when driving your man wild. Lick, nibble, wet them and blow on them, and remember to make a few sexy noises in his ear at the same time. [Read: Types of touches – The 36 physical touches we use and what they mean]

11. His lower back

This one might be difficult if he’s laid flat on his back but if he’s sitting or in a position that allows you to touch his lower back, he’ll thank you for it. You need to aim for the sacrum, which is also known as the small of the back. Be gentle here as it’s very sensitive, but a swirling motion with your fingers or brushing against it will make him feel extra pleasure on top of what he’s already feeling.

12. His neck

Don’t miss his neck! Kissing, licking, even nibbling (lightly) will drive him crazy in this area. The side of the neck is a very vulnerable area and when you’re trying to make him crazy with desire, this is an area that can really get you the results you’re after. Simply remember that nibbling or sucking too hard can cause hickies and not everyone wants to turn up to work the next day with one! [Read: How to turn a guy on while kissing with these 12 sensual moves]

13. His nipples

Some guys don’t feel a huge amount when their nipples are sucked, licked, or even nibbled, but some guys do. You’ll need to work out where your guy is on the sensitivity scale here. It’s definitely one of the erogenous zones for males that is often overlooked so make sure you pay a little attention to his nipples and see how he responds.

What are you waiting for? Now you know exactly where to touch your man to drive him crazy with desire, there’ll be no looking back!

[Read: 12 ways to take your sex life from vanilla to OMFG!]

Don’t put off exploration; use these tips to engage his erogenous zones tonight, because there’s nothing sexier than seeing your man thoroughly enjoying himself.

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