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What is Boudoir Photography? Surprise Your Man With Naughtiness

When it comes to gifts for your man, looking into boudoir photography might be your best bet. Here’s how you can surprise him with something naughty.

What is Boudoir Photography

You may have seen boudoir photography advertised here and there. If you’re not familiar with it, that’s okay. Not many people know exactly what this type of photography is and why they should even know about it. But if you’re looking to do something romantic and even sexy for your man, this can help.

What is boudoir photography?

This is a very specific type of photography that focuses on your sexuality. It’s not quite the same as taking nude pictures, although you could be naked. This photography is when someone takes photos of you while you’re dressed in something sexy.

Most often, you have on lingerie or are only covering yourself with blankets or sheets. Boudoir photography is sexy. It’s sultry and intimate. Most often, these types of photos are taken of women and gifted to their husbands-to-be. [Read: How to send naughty naked pictures the right way]

Why your man would appreciate such a special gift

There’s not much your man likes more than seeing you half naked and all dolled up, right? Then having a boudoir shoot is the perfect way to surprise him with a meaningful gift. Here’s exactly why your significant other would love photos of a boudoir shoot with you.

#1 It’s sexy. What’s sexier than getting dolled up in something amazing and then having that moment documented forever? There’s just something really erotic about handing over those naughty pictures to your man.

Sure, he sees you like that on occasion but it’s never QUITE that extensive and glamorous. It’ll blow him away with how naughty it is. [Read: 25 things guys find unbelievably sexy about a girl]

#2 He’ll have them forever. Assuming nothing happens to the album or pictures, he’ll be able to hold onto those forever. When you’re both old and reminiscing on your younger years, he can pull out those photos and fall in love all over again. People don’t normally have something physical to look back on and for that reason, he’ll be overjoyed.

#3 You put forth an effort. Probably the best thing about boudoir photography is that it’s a lot of effort on your part. Not everyone is comfortable in front of the camera and it takes a lot of guts to do it.

He’ll surely appreciate it simply because of that. Believe it or not, the images don’t even have to turn out all that great for him to be ecstatic that you did something like that for him.

#4 It’s not a common gift. It’s pretty rare. That could be because not many women feel comfortable in themselves to do it. It could also be because no one really thinks to do it. Because of that, it’s a great gift. It’s much more personal and meaningful than just getting something everyone else can get their men. [Read: The best gift ideas to surprise and make your man happy]

#5 It shows your confidence. And believe me, confidence is one of the sexiest things about a woman. He’ll be over the moon simply because of how good you must feel in order to go through with such a thing. It’ll make him happy to see YOU so happy.

#6 It’ll give him some “fun time” material. Let’s be real. You want your man to be thinking about you even when he’s getting himself off. While that may not ALWAYS happen, it’s more likely if he has something enticing to look at other than a quick naked selfie you took in a hurry. He’ll be stoked to have something for when he… uh… strokes.

#7 It’ll strengthen your bond. This isn’t just a present you picked up at random. This is something intimate and meaningful to him. You really put yourself out there to make this special thing happen. He’ll truly appreciate that and through him being so grateful, you will strengthen your bond. [Read: 8 little habits that bring couples closer together]

#8 He might want a taste of it in real life. This is an amazing gift to help kick-start a sex rut. If you’ve both been busy and your sex life has been struggling, going to someone who does boudoir photography is a great way to get things back on track.

Once he has those photos in hand, he’ll want some of that for real. Which means he’ll come grab you, rip your clothes off, and even have you right then and there. And if your sex life has been iffy lately, that’s exactly what you need.

Things to remember for your boudoir photography shoot

Now that you know why you should take some sexy photos and how much they’re appreciated, let’s talk about what you should remember when you finally go take those pictures. [Read: 8 naughty things guys wish all women would do]

#1 Think about what he likes. Is he even a fan of lingerie? If not, then it might be silly for you to do a shoot in it. That being said, most men will still appreciate a woman decked out in naughty attire. The point here is to think about what he likes and try to get that across in the images.

Does he think you’re ridiculously sexy in one of his button-up shirts? If so, wear one! Play to what he enjoys most about you in person and he’ll go wild. [Read: How to look sexy with the smallest amount of effort]

#2 Do what you’re comfortable with. Don’t do a nude shoot if you’re terrified of being naked in front of a camera. You don’t have to go completely out of what you’re comfortable with in order to make him happy. But at the same time, don’t be too scared to just go for it.

#3 Have a good time. This isn’t solely for him. It can be for you, too! Many women decide to go to a boudoir photography studio in order to gain confidence. It’s really fun to play dress up, or dress down, and take some cute pictures.

#4 Take some silly ones. While you’re having fun, take some goofy pictures. They don’t have to be strictly sexy all the time. Plus, the sexiest thing about a woman can often be her funny personality. So let loose and take some you know will make your man laugh. [Read: 15 funny questions to ask a guy to show him your goofy side]

#5 Do it for no reason. Who says it has to be his birthday or the day before your wedding in order for you to gift him with something like this? Do it for no reason at all and it’ll be even more meaningful.

When you go through the trouble of a sexy photo shoot and do it simply because you want to do it for him, he’ll be happier than you can even imagine.

[Read: The best long distance relationship gifts for the one you love]

If you truly want to surprise your man with something fun, flirty, and sexy, going to someone who does boudoir photography is a great option. He’ll be drooling when he sees the final results!

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Bella Pope LovePanky
Annabel Rodgers
Annabel is a lifestyle writer, cheese enthusiast (Wisconsin native over here) and fantasy adventure author-in-progress who enjoys all things love, dog,...