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How to Eat Pussy: 18 Moves Between Her Legs that’ll Blow Her Mind

It’s confusing, yes, but knowing how to eat pussy is a real art that few have mastered. Here’s everything you need to know, when you’re under the sheets.

how to eat pussy

All those teen movies where they talk about how to eat pussy, trust me, don’t listen to them. It was probably a rom-com that you watched, and they help no one, especially when talking about the opposite gender. Eating pussy is an art. Of course, don’t think you cannot develop these talents, because you can.

As with all art forms, it takes practice, dedication, and feedback. This is what makes or breaks you as a master pussy eater. Though I, myself, have never eaten a pussy, I do have one. So, I know what generally works and what doesn’t.

And it’s time you learned the real secrets behind knowing how to eat pussy. I’m going to tell you everything you need to know, but remember, after that, the ball is in your court.

How to eat pussy – 18 things you have to know

If you think women are complex, just wait till your head is between our legs. It’s not as simple as it looks, so read up and see how to develop this mind-blowing skill.

#1 Get out of your head. Seriously, get out of your head. It’s not about you, it’s about her. I know you’re probably worried that you’re not doing it right, whatever. Listen, if she’s really not feeling it, you’ll be able to tell by her lack of enthusiasm. So, just relax. [Read: How to eat a girl out: 15 secrets to make her scream]

#2 Make her feel comfortable. Some women had bad experiences with receiving oral sex. Try to make her feel comfortable. Focus on foreplay in the beginning, and that gives her time to relax her mind. If she’s not mentally relaxed, she’ll have a hard time orgasming.

#3 It’s all about the brain. For women, sex is less of a physical thing as it is mental. If you want to turn her on when you’re down there, it takes more than just rubbing her pussy until it gets wet. It’s about turning her mind on.  So, if you turn her on mentally, the rest follows.

#4 Tease her. Women like to tease men in bed, don’t think you can’t do it back. If you want to know how to eat pussy right, have fun with it and tease her, making her want you even more. When you’re just about to go down on her, start kissing her on her thighs or stomach. It’ll drive her crazy. [Read: 11 sexiest hot spots to kiss a girl and really arouse her]

#5 You can be verbal.  It’s okay to be talkative. Okay, you don’t have to tell her your life story. That’s not what I’m talking about. But, don’t be shy to tell her that her pussy tastes good or that she’s beautiful. If you really feel this, then tell her. It’s, of course, an ego boost and makes her feel appreciated.

#6 Don’t rush. There’s almost nothing worse than a guy who’s just wanting to stick his dick inside you. It’s horrible. Sex isn’t just about penetration. So, if that’s your goal, then buy a doll. Take your time and really feel and taste her body. You don’t have to rip her panties off right away.

#7 Play around her pussy. Like I said, you don’t have to dive right into her pussy. You can use what’s around it as well. Her legs, ass, lower stomach. They all play a part in turning her on. While you’re eating her out, grab her breasts or inner thigh. [Read: 10 foreplay moves every guy needs to do to their ladies]

#8 Don’t go right away for the clit. Big mistake. Most common mistake. Do not start with the clit. Warm her pussy up, you can’t just go right for the gold medal when you haven’t even made it through the semi-finals. Tease her, make her moan and grind against you—that’s when you go for the clit.

#9 Make sure your fingers are wet first. If you want to finger-fuck her, don’t do this with dry fingers. She may be wet, but it’s just a nicer feeling when you don’t have something rubbing inside you. Lick your fingers or even better, get her to lick your fingers. It’s hot, and it gets that task completed efficiently.

#10 Kiss her pussy. Kiss her pussy lips.  Start by kissing it softly and then with more intensity. You can then use your tongue to separate the lips and start licking her. You can use your hands to spread her legs wider. But don’t be too rough, do this part with some grace.

#11 Use your tongue and fingers together. You don’t have to only lick or finger her separately. Feel free to use this, it’s a great combination and really packs a mighty hit. While licking her, slip your fingers inside her pussy. Once you get a rhythm going, you’ll be good to go. [Read: Magic fingers – The sexual art of using your fingers the right way]

#12 Work your way up to the clit. The secret behind knowing how to eat pussy is to work your way from the bottom up. Like I said before, don’t start with the clit first.

#13 Finger-fuck her with two fingers. One finger isn’t enough, it’s never enough. It’s too thin. We need two fingers. Rule of thumb, always use two fingers. Make sure they’re wet and then slide them in. She’ll love it.

#14 Know her orgasmic symptoms. If this is just a one-night stand then you probably won’t have time to see her orgasmic symptoms, I mean, you will, but you won’t have to remember them. But if you’re with a girl for a couple months, learn what her symptoms are, such as leg trembling, nipples erect. Every woman is different. [Read: What does a pussy taste like? Different people tell it like it is]

#15 Ask her if she likes it. Just do it. Trust me, leave your ego at the door. It’s in your favor. While fingering her, ask her how she likes it and she’ll direct you to what she likes. Every woman is different, so don’t take it personally.

#16 Don’t let go of her clit when she’s orgasming. When she’s about to orgasm, don’t just leave the scene. You may be able to get her to orgasm multiple times, if you do it right. Keep your tongue on the underside of her clit and with your fingers move them slowly in and out.

 #17 You can play with the anus. Lick her anus or play with it with your finger. Feel free to try it. But don’t be so rough with it, you want to be gentle about this. It’s sensitive and also slightly taboo still. So, work your way to the anus, don’t do this right in the beginning. [Read: 16 ways to use your tongue and blow her mind]

#18 Don’t just quit after she orgasms. Her mind is still very much in the orgasm. So, don’t just stop and end the show. Keep going for a little bit and then you move onto the next sex position or see where she wants it to go.

[Read: What does it feel like to be eaten out?]

Now that you know how to eat pussy, you have no excuse not to try this out. It’s going to take practice, but I mean, practice makes perfect.

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Natasha Ivanovic
Natasha Ivanovic is an intimacy, dating, and relationship writer best known for her writings on Kiiroo, LovePanky, Post Pravda, and more. She's the creator and ...
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