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Morning Sex: How to Wake Up to Great Sex & 16 Reasons It Feels So Good

If you don’t have morning sex very often, you should reconsider. Here are some benefits and why you should enjoy some wake-up sex every day. 

morning sex

Sex is something most people think of as a nocturnal activity, but what about morning sex? Sure, you can have sex at any point of the day, but if you think about it, most of the boning in human history was done in the darkness of night. 

While the privacy and silence provided by the cover of darkness are good for your canoodling, you might have missed the fact that getting it on exclusively at night could eventually make sex boring. In that case, could a spot of wake-up sex be on the agenda, or morning sex if that sounds better to you?

For a start, aren’t you the most tired during the evening hours? That doesn’t make for explosive or exciting sexcapades! Mixing up the time of day you have sex, as well as where, could be all it takes to spice up your love life.

If you’ve never tried a spot of wake-up sex, you might find that it gives you the very best start to your day, whether you have a packed schedule or nothing to do at all. It’ll put a smile on your face if nothing else! [Read: Morning boners: What are they and why we love them]

The benefits of morning sex

It will delight you to know that morning sex is not only good sex in itself, but could also help you physically and emotionally. Here are some of the reasons why you should have morning sex more often. 

1. Morning sex is convenient

Most of us prefer to sleep comfortably, with as little clothing as possible. Many even sleep in the nude. Morning sex is already looking great: you don’t have to take off your clothes—which is something you need to do when you have sex at another time of the day.

Waking up next to a warm, naked body does wonders to your below-the-waist appetite. A little poke with the rod while spooning is sure to get things going *with little effort* because, you know, both of you are already lying down.

Both of you are going to get in the shower, anyway, so why not get a little dirtier before freshening yourselves up? [Read: Sexy health benefits of sleeping naked you probably had no idea about]

2. Wake-up sex feels way better

Morning sex is better than regular sex for several reasons. First, being well-rested and mentally recharged, you will possess the stamina of a demi-god to outperform your usual night-boning self into a blissful orgasm.

Couples who do it during the night are usually tired from all the activities of the day, making their fun parts less receptive to copulation.

Second, a few minutes after waking up, your mind is still not fully conscious and aware, making you less inhibited. As a result, your morning boning session may make you more “creative” and adventurous in bed. [Read: Why is sex important in a relationship?]

3. You’ll both appear flattering in the early morning light

Do you know that pale, hazy light that comes with the dawn—that soft light with a faint tinge of yellow? Photographers call this time of the morning the “golden hour” when the sun begins to peek over the horizon.

The golden hour light filtering in your window, and passing over half-naked bodies with pillow-tousled hair, will give you and your partner an extra boost of attraction. All the better to whet that growing sexual appetite. [Read: Lights on or off – What’s better for sex?]

4. Morning wood is nature’s aphrodisiac

As you may have noticed, guys are predisposed to pitch tents in the morning. Your man always wakes up to a “cock-a-doodle-doo” because of his natural testosterone cycle. The male brain replenishes the body’s supply of testosterone every morning, making his member active during this time of the day.

This means that his sexual prowess is also in full nitro and he will, to quote Daft Punk, be “harder, better, faster, stronger” for you—in case waking up next to a guy with a raging boner is not a reason enough for some good morning sex. [Read: 15 painfully embarrassing things that happen to all of us during sex]

5. It makes you feel good for the whole day

The act of sex makes the human brain release serotonin and dopamine, two neurotransmitters responsible for feelings of calm and relaxation.

In addition, an orgasm produces a brain chemical called oxytocin, which is responsible for making you feel connected to your partner. This is the perfect wake-up call, especially if you’re not a morning person, as morning sex will definitely brighten up your day.

6. It will make you look good too!

Aside from the drug-like high produced by orgasms, there are also physical side effects that most people identify as “post-coital glow.”

The sex chemicals mentioned above make your hair shine, make your skin glow, and make your face and eyes relax. You can now say that morning sex is a better beauty treatment than an expensive trip to the spa. [Read: Really great reasons why you should have sex as often as you can]

7. Wake-up sex enhances brain function

Morning sex may ensure a productive day at work, as sexual activity in the morning fully wakes the brain by promoting your body’s circulation.

Increased circulation results in your brain receiving the optimal amount of oxygen and nutrients required for it to function properly. As a result, you are more alert, energetic, and creative.

8. Wake-up sex is great exercise

Morning sex is a far better alternative than hitting the gym or the streets for a jog. Sex burns the same amount of calories if you jog for 30 minutes.

And, as we’ve emphasized five times now, you get to enjoy time with your special someone. Basically, you get some good loving, and you lose calories without having to get up and spend time outside. [Read: The untold sex secrets you really need to know]

9. It works up an appetite for breakfast

As your mom always said, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day”. Morning sex is an exercise and appetizer rolled into one kinky burrito, allowing you to work up an appetite for a hefty breakfast.

In addition, the endorphins released by your boning session ensure that you will perceive the food as better tasting—even if you’re munching on bran cereal floating in cold milk.

10. It spices up your relationship and your sex life

Morning sex adds more spice to your relationship in many ways. First, knowing that you could have sex spontaneously at the start of the day *not to mention sober* suggests that there is youthful passion still burning between you. [Read: Eye contact during sex will take your orgasm to the next level]

Second, starting the day with something intimate ensures that you will be on each other’s minds for the rest of the day. Third, it will serve as a welcome change of pace from your usual morning rituals of checking the mail, watching the news, and cleaning the dirty dishes from the night before. Sex … or dishes. Is there even a question?

11. It reduces stress

When you wake up, most people are thinking about their to-do lists already. It’s stressful to think about what lies ahead of you during the day, so a lot of people just want to hide under the covers or roll over and go back to sleep.

But when you have wake-up sex, oxytocin, the bonding chemical, is released in your brain. And other than bonding, do you know what it is also good for? Reducing stress. So, before you can even start worrying about your rough day at work, you can let your orgasm and oxytocin chill you out before you start your day. [Read: How to reduce stress – 17 fastest hacks to a calm and happier life]

12. It is more intimate

Because it’s usually light outside, you have the opportunity to look at your partner’s body in more detail. Not only that, it’s a chance for you both to be more vulnerable than you would be when you have sex at night … in the dark.

For example, a lot of people don’t look their “best” in the morning. They will have bed head, no makeup on, and their breath might not be so fresh. So, morning sex helps turn this not-sexy time of day into an opportunity to deepen your connection to your partner. Plus, it’s a secret the two of you can carry with you throughout the day.

13. You won’t be as tired

For a lot of people, they wake up in the morning feeling refreshed. They got a whole night’s sleep and feel rejuvenated. When you have sex at night, the residuals of the long day can take the energy away from both of you. But you might have more energy when you wake up. [Read: 18 secrets to relax during sex, free your mind, and enjoy a blissful orgasm]

The only exception to this rule is if one or both of you is more of a night owl than an early bird. But if you both feel refreshed in the morning, then having sex is the best time to do it.

14. It is good for your immune system

Orgasms always make people feel amazing. But do you know why that is? Well, having sex at any time of the day strengthens your immune system. It raises your level of what’s called IgA, which are antibodies that are found in places in your body such as your saliva and in vaginas.

These antibodies actually protect parts of our bodies that are exposed to foreign substances. So, when you are having sex – especially if it’s oral – you are simultaneously fighting off some outside bacteria, which makes you healthier. [Read: The benefits of being sexually active that makes sex so worth it]

15. It boosts your cognitive function

Having sex at any time of the day can boost your brain power, which can also improve your memory. So, you will be able to concentrate not only on having sex but also when you have to do things later in the day.

For example, if you have a big presentation that you are giving at work, if you have morning sex, you will feel more alert and focused. This obviously makes you look good in your career. So, instead of reaching for a coffee in the morning, why not reach for your partner instead? 

16. It helps your sleep patterns

As we said earlier, when you have sex and an orgasm, your brain releases oxytocin. And yes, it bonds you to your partner. But it’s also a feel-good hormone that lowers our cortisol, which is the stress hormone. [Read: Big health benefits of sex and more that will help you live longer]

It also releases melatonin, which is the hormone our brains produce to help us sleep. Because of this combination of chemicals, you have the perfect combination for a deeper sleep. In other words, you will sleep a lot better that night.

Spontaneity is the spice of life

Of course, morning sex is a form of spontaneous sex. We should all have more of that! Spontaneous actions in your love life help to keep things fresh and exciting. We all know how sex can become a little boring after you’ve been together for a while. It’s so easy to revert to the same positions, the same routine, and it’s easy for everything to lose its intimacy. 

Waking up and deciding to go for it before the rest of the day is a great way to put you both in a good mood and stay connected, even when you’re at work and away from one another. It will keep a smile on your faces and you’ll both have pleasurable flashbacks that keep you thinking of one another as the day progresses. [Read: Spontaneous sex: 15 reasons why you need it & how to do it right]

A spot of lazy sex to start the day

The thing about morning sex is that it’s lazy and slow. This isn’t the type of sex that’s frantic, rough, and animalistic, unless that’s what you feel like, of course! For the most part, wake-up sex is romantic, leisurely, take-your-time kind of sex that will make you feel deliciously relaxed for the rest of the day. 

That means positions that help you to feel even more connected to your partner. Try spooning sex, missionary with eye contact, or side-by-side positions when you’re facing one another. Basically, you want to be comfortable and not exert yourself too much. You’re still half asleep, even though you’re totally up for some sexy fun!

[Read: Easy ways to make your bedroom more sexy and romantic]

As Robin Williams once said, “Seize the day!” And what better way to seize the day than by staying in bed with your special someone a little while longer for some passionate morning sex? 

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