There’s lots of info out there about what girls think about sex—but what about men? Here’s what men really think about when getting down and dirty.
Many women often believe men rarely think about anything other than sex. Rumor has it that they think about it once every three seconds. So, for a gender so clearly focused on getting hot and sweaty under the covers, it’s interesting the question ‘what are men really thinking about during sex?’ is rarely asked.
They think about it so much when they are not doing it, that surely when they are, it’s just like a nothing, the buzz of a refrigerator or a lightbulb. Right?
Really? If girls think a million and one different thoughts while we are getting down to it, isn’t it pretty possible that our men do the same? Men don’t just switch off when they are having sex, just as women don’t. They think things, and those thoughts change and flow and get interrupted as the sex goes on.
Some of the most common things men are thinking about when they are having sex
So are you ready to know what really goes on inside a man’s brain when he’s doing it?
#1 I’m having sex! Okay, so the first one might be the one we all thought obvious. Yes, of course, a guy is going to be doing a little merry jig in his head over the fact he managed to get you in the sack.
Guys love sex. While the rumor that it’s all they ever think about, and every single action they do is somehow geared towards it may not be true, they feel pretty pleased with themselves when they manage to seduce a fine lady such as yourself. [Read: How to make a guy horny just by sitting next to him]
So they will, no doubt, at some point during your liaison give themselves a metaphorical *if disbelieving* pat on the back!
#2 I wish I’d showered. If sex happens rather unexpectedly, or in the heat of the moment, it is likely they might wish they’d had more time to prepare. Thoughts such as ‘I wish I had showered’ are commonplace and work well alongside ‘I wish I had tidied my room,’ ‘I wish I wasn’t wearing yesterday’s underwear,’ and so on.
#3 Does she think I look good naked? Men get a little paranoid about letting it all hang out too. Even the most confident guy definitely appreciates a compliment or two.
Often women are too self-conscious about their own naked appearance to realize the guy actually feels exactly the same, so make sure you let him know how much you fancy him and how much he turns you on. Giving him that little confidence boost to inspire him to perform like the stallion he is! [Read: 12 common guys’ insecurities that women don’t realize]
#4 Am I doing this right? When you have that awkward thrust that doesn’t quite go right, or before you get into a good rhythm, sex feels a little awkward. You may catch him staring at you earnestly for signs of encouragement!
He wants to know you are having a good time too. If you are, let him know about it, and if you are not, give him a helping hand so he knows exactly what he needs to do to give you the good stuff.
#5 Please don’t come too soon! One of men’s worst fears in the bedroom is the old premature ejaculation. Of course, it has happened to many a good man, yet it is still one of their top concerns. Coming too soon ends sex before it really begins, so most men make a concerted effort if they feel themselves getting a little too excited too soon to reign it in a little bit.
If you see him looking really concentrated and muttering something under his breath, this is probably what he is trying to do. [Read: 20 moves to last way longer in bed without any difficulty]
#6 Oh God, I am not going to come! Sex that goes on for too long becomes pretty awkward, and let’s face it, a bit painful too. What started off as a hot and steamy love-making session has resolved into a boring hump-fest no one is enjoying.
If a guy realizes he’s not going to come, he might be wondering how long he should keep going for. If you have had enough, put him out of his misery, for goodness sake!
#7 I’m tired! Yes, men get tired too! He might have had a busy day or simply might not be in the mood. If you start putting the moves on him, not matter how exhausted he is, we’ll bet you’ll be able to get him turned on and up for it in no time. [Read: 12 sexy ways to arouse a man even if he isn’t in the mood]
#8 Is she enjoying this? Men try lots of different ways to give you pleasure during your ‘dance with no pants.’ Try to give him hints as to what is working and what isn’t; otherwise, he is going to feel as though he has been abandoned by his team in a minefield and won’t know which way to turn next.
#9 God, I love boobs! Boobs, boobs, glorious boobs. Men love boobs. Enough said. [Read: Why men like boobs: An in-depth scientific explanation]
#10 I must remember what she looks like naked. Men concentrate on how you look and feel when you have sex. He wants to remember exactly how hot you look naked. In fact, he wants it burned into his memory, so that he can conjure the image up whenever he wants, time and time again!
#11 Be cool. He’ll probably want to say something ridiculous like I love you *this is obviously okay depending on what stage you are in your relationship* when he is close to orgasm. Or he may want to collapse in your arms and weep with joy. He’ll probably be trying very hard to do neither of these things.
#12 Do not, for the love of God, go soft on me! Losing one’s erection is high on the list for what guys think *and worry* about in the sack. [Read: Why does losing an erection bother men so much]
Women are often brought up to believe a guy will get a hard-on if they so much as look at it, but this is not the case. Guys lose their erections for a myriad of reasons, so if your guy does, go easy on him.
#13 I wonder how she would feel if I just… Guys love to experiment in the bedroom, and he’ll no doubt be thinking of pushing the boundaries. If you are into making things a little wild, then make sure you let him know. [Read: Kick up the fun: Messy, sexy and dirty things to do in bed]
#14 Wow, this feels amazing. There is always time for a bit of good, old-fashioned appreciation, so no doubt men think how great you are when you do what you do.
#15 RANDOM. There are many, MANY weird and wonderful thoughts that go through a guy’s head during sex, far too many to list here. But anything from wondering what they are going to have in their post-sex sandwich, to getting freaked out because that picture of your dog looks like it is staring RIGHT INTO HIS SOUL, are all part of the strange workings of the brain during coitus. [Read: 30 facts about guys that can help you read his mind]
Let’s face it, ladies have some pretty oddball thoughts sometimes too!
#16 Oh God, I left my socks on! He knows it. She knows it. Nothing can be done about it.
[Read: 25 hilarious myths about sex most of us used to believe]
These are some of the most common thoughts popping into a guy’s mind when doing the deed! What weird and wonderful things do you think about when getting down to it? Let us know!