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What Does a Vagina Taste Like? People Tell It Like It Is

You asked what a vagina tastes like, and we delivered. Find out what people are saying about the taste of a woman’s nether regions.

When someone asks what a vagina tastes like, you can bet it’s because they’re planning to go down on someone or have already done so and are wondering if everything is working smoothly down there.

Unfortunately, there’s no singular answer. That’s because the vagina, like any other body part, is subject to its own chemical makeup. The skin itself will taste like the rest of your skin on your body, if clean, but the fluids are another story.

What’s in the vag?

Inside the vagina, you will find more skin and an extremely tiny hole called the cervix. The vaginal wall has no glands, but the plasma (from blood) seeping through it produces the fluid that is secreted by women regularly. This fluid is called the vaginal discharge. Ew.

When your ovulation draws near, another type of fluid is secreted, called the cervical mucus. Again, ew. It sounds yucky, but you can call it whatever you like because words are no longer important in the English-speaking world. All you need to know is that women produce this on a regular basis for a variety of reasons, and they are:

#1 Lubrication. This occurs more often when you’re in a state of sexual arousal or when you’re at the peak of ovulation.

#2 Cleaning. The vagina regularly expels waste in order to keep it clean and fresh from the inside.

#3 Ovulation. The consistency and chemical makeup of the discharge changes all throughout the menstrual cycle in order to help you get pregnant or to prevent you from getting pregnant.

The thing is, no matter what it’s used for, if you put your tongue inside or near the opening of a vagina, it will be there. The taste, on the other hand, will vary depending on your diet and lifestyle.

That’s because the vaginal fluid and cervical mucus is mostly made up of plasma, as mentioned, and plasma has all sorts of chemicals it has collected from all over our body. That’s why STD’s and STI’s are so easy to catch. It’s all over the place!

Still, if you want your fluids to taste a certain way, you better fix your lifestyle. Smoking, alcohol, and drugs can alter it to the point of toxicity, not just in your vagina, but your whole body.

As for food, stuff like broccoli, onions, cabbages, asparagus, red meat, and dairy can cause it to smell and taste a little worse than usual. If you don’t believe us, let’s hear what everybody else from the real world (i.e. Reddit) has to say about it.

What the food critics have to say

“By contrast, healthy pussy tastes like unsweetened yogurt.”

“She is what she eats when you eat hers. So, if her diet is heavy on fruits and veggies and stuff like that (no asparagus, please), she tastes sweet. If she has a meat driven garlic pizza with pepperoni and fish cakes type of diet? One serving is enuff.”

“Not bad. Not bad at all. I enjoy a mouth full of labia, to be honest. Where’s the beef?”

“It was really weird to describe, but it smelled and tasted like a combination of old French fries, old hamburger meat, that McDonald’s smell and sadness all at once.”

“I mean, I wouldn’t use vaginal discharge as a topping on my sundae, but I don’t think it’s a horrible taste. I’ve grown accustomed to just accept the taste, but I noticed it was the best way to get off girls (most of the ones I’ve hooked up with at least).”


When vaginal fluid and fun facts collide

I’ve only eaten 1 woman’s vagina and it was, in fact, an enjoyable experience. She tasted sweet actually. It wasn’t until a few months later that a friend found a random article that stated how vaginal secretions are mostly blood plasma that I put two and two together… she was diabetic.”

“Diabetic here. My first boyfriend said to me one time “you taste sweet today.” I thought he was trying to be cute but then he’s like “No seriously, sweet like sugar.” So I tested my blood and I was way higher than I should have been. He became the pussy psychic and would tell me when I needed insulin.”

“It depends on who you’re with, what they eat, pre-existing conditions, etc. Some of the women that I’ve slept with taste like nothing at all, others taste OMFGTERRIBAD. Don’t have oral after eating McDonald’s. Just. Don’t.”

“It’s sort of like when you kiss flesh to a degree. Kissing neck, body, etc. and it’s a tad salty, yes, but not at all like table salt. It will drastically change from woman to woman. Hygiene will be a factor too. Are you hoping for a comparison as in food or something? It’s not really a flavor.” [Read: 7 smelly body parts that ruin great sex]

From the connoisseurs

“But on the whole, I’d say I genuinely enjoy the taste of a woman. Such a unique taste, and everybody is different—it’s like their sex fingerprint. It’s not like I want vagina-flavored something, but the flavor of vagina is generally pleasant to me.”

I can say that some pussies taste better than others. In addition to that, I do love the act of giving a girl head, but I only love it when her pussy tastes divine. I don’t really ask the girls how they get their juices to taste so delicious because I think that’d be a weird conversation, but I suspect it’s along the lines of when you smell a person and there’s certain smells that are just more arousing than others.”

“To me, the best tasting vag is one that doesn’t have much of a smell or taste, which I find to be a pretty rare phenomena. A girl that I went down on recently had probably one of the nicest vaginas ever in that regard. It makes it a much more enjoyable experience.”

The weird and the extreme

“Depends on the girl. I’ve had girls where they tasted very sweet, which was awesome (and rare) and I’ve had girls where they tasted like dead fish and battery acid, which is not awesome (and way more common.)”

“Lick the back of your hand. Wait 10 seconds. Smell. It tastes like that smell.”

“It tastes like debt.”

“Salty milk and old coins.”

“Lemon Pledge.”

“It tastes like fermented aloe on a 9 volt battery.”

“Like having your brains smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped around a large gold brick.”

“Nectar, water, salt, and citrus, mingled with the scent of her hair and her skin and her sweat. It is intoxicating and heady, in all the best ways.”

“Rainbows and kittens.”

[Read: The complete guide to making your vagina smell good and taste even better]

Now that you know what a vagina tastes like, it’s your prerogative whether or not you’re going to go out there to test these observations. Have fun and always practice safe sex!

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Danielle Anne
Those who can’t do, teach. I can neither do nor teach as well as others, but I can try. Aside from being a writer, I am also a physical therapist. My dream is...
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