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5 Signs You’re Addicted and 15 Ways to Get Over Porn!

Having trouble with your porn addiction? Use these 15 tips on how to stop watching porn and get your life back in order by dealing with the addiction.

addicted to porn

Do you hate the amount of time you spend watching porn every day?

Watching porn isn’t wrong if you’re old enough.

And it’s nothing to be ashamed of.

But if you feel like it’s taking away a lot of your time and you’re left frustrated as soon as you finish the deed, here’s what you need to do to get your furious hands under control and wean yourself off the habit over time.

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How to stop watching porn

Most of us have had our own ways to deal with this issue at some point in our lives.

While it’s easy to wean the habit away for most guys, a few guys may have a harder time dealing with porn and boredom than other guys.

If you feel like you have a problem with the porn addiction, use these 15 tips on how to stop watching porn all the time. It’ll definitely help you.

#1 Try to finish yourself off as soon as possible. The biggest drain of being addicted to porn is the amount of time it sucks out of your life. Porn can be fascinating and you’ll never realize how fast time flies. Instead of avoiding watching porn completely, learn to finish yourself off quickly.

#2 Limit your videos. Give yourself a set number of porn videos to watch per day before you shut your device for the night. Don’t exceed the number of videos though. Finish yourself off even if you don’t like what you’re watching.

#3 Keep yourself busy. Don’t be idle. It’s the easiest way to avoid spending too much time watching porn.

#4 Get a girlfriend. This is a cliché because several men who are happily married too are addicted to porn. Get a girlfriend or try to divert your porn interest to your partner. [Read: Why men like watching porn instead of making out with their woman]

#5 Watch so much that you get sick of it. Beat yourself off so many times over a weekend that you feel sick and tired of it. It may not work all the time, but at times, overindulgence can actually help you beat the habit.

#6 You need a distraction. Every time you feel like masturbating, do something else you like that involves your attention. [Read: How to get a girl to have sex with you in 10 steps]

#7 Have sex and watch porn at the same time. If you have a partner and are still having a hard time dealing with the porn addiction, watch it together with your partner and have sex at the same time. It’ll help you have a better sex life and beat the addiction at the same time. [Read: How porn saved my marriage]

#8 Play games on your console instead. Guys love playing games. It keeps you involved and distracted at the same time. And with the adrenalin buzz of a good game, you may end up feeling tired after an involving game and have little energy left in your hands.

#9 Don’t spend too much time alone. Lonely time is fun time for a guy who watches too much porn. Avoid isolating yourself in your room. Meet your friends, or step out of the house for a while when you feel like watching porn.

#10 Time yourself. If you’re frustrated by the amount of time you lose every day on porn, learn to time yourself. Give yourself 15 to 20 minutes for the first few days and reduce that time to a few minutes after that. You’ll save time and experience less sexual satisfaction through porn.

#11 Masturbate to a few boring videos. You enjoy porn because it feels good. If the excitement that you’re building up starts to wear off, so will your addiction.

#12 Restrict yourself to one porn website per week. By the end of the week, if you’re a quick porn surfer looking for the best of sex, you’ll run out of good videos that you enjoy in a week.

#13 Avoid your favorite obsessions. Do you like drunk sex, violation, fetishes, moresomes, lesbians, etc. Go for the typical one on one. It’ll be mildly exciting and eventually, you’ll get bored of watching the same routine all the time.

#14 Limit the hands in the pants. Limit your whacking off to once a day, or a maximum of twice a day. Do it in the morning and at night. You can take porn off your mind for the rest of your day. Slowly wean yourself off and reduce it to just once a day by distracting yourself eventually. If your little man can’t stand up because he’s done for the day already, you can learn to ignore him.

#15 It’s just a phase. It’ll pass. We’ve all been there. Especially if you’re a teenager, it’s not easy to control that thing in your pants. Try to avoid it, but don’t be ashamed or hate yourself for it. Unless you’ve been having issues with this problem for more than a few years, just use these steps. It’ll definitely work for you as long as you’re determined. [Read: How to have sex with a friend you like]

Signs you’re watching too much porn

So how do you know you’re watching too much porn in the first place? Here are five signs you need to watch out for. After all, denial is never a good enough excuse.

#1 You don’t have time for anything else. If you spend every minute alone in front of a computer watching porn, there’s a good chance you’re addicted to it.

#2 If you’re frustrated as soon as you come to your senses. You may enjoy your dingdong in your hands on against your mattress while you’re watching porn. But as soon as you’re done, do you feel frustrated or hate yourself for doing it? Perhaps it’s time to restrict the habit.

#3 If you feel helpless all the time. You don’t have a choice. You just love porn and are addicted to it. You miss porn more than anything else, and your hands itch to type a few adult websites in your browser when no one’s around.

#4 You can’t wait to get some alone time. You love spending time by yourself so you can jack off. While most people hate being alone for too long, you can’t wait to get some alone time with your porn collection.

#5 You spend more than an hour a day watching porn. Men and women watch porn, but they do it within limitations. Do you spend several hours a day watching sexy things on your computer? Chances are, you’re either a porn addict or are on the verge of becoming one.

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If you want to wean yourself off the porn addiction and want to know how to stop watching porn, just use these 15 tips. With a bit of determination, you would be able to end the habit in a few weeks.

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