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Why Am I So Horny? The Big Reasons Why and Ways to Curb It

Do you ever wonder ‘why am I so horny?’ You might panic and think there’s something wrong with you, but chill out. There are things you can do about it. 

why am i so horny

Trust us, we know there are times when even looking at a banana gets your panties wet, but don’t panic—there are many reasons for it. If you find yourself wondering, why am I so horny all the time, we’ve got five reasons why your horniness notched up, and three ways to curb the appetite.

You might look around and wonder if anyone else is feeling the heat in the same way as you. Trust us, it happens. Within any room, there is likely to be another person who feels the same as you. There is nothing abnormal about having an attack of the horn. However, if it’s causing you to be distracted or it’s just downright inconvenient, there are a few things you can do to pull back on the horniness and start feeling somewhat normal again! [Read: The most powerful ways to stop being horny]

How horny is too horny?

It’s getting hot in here—wait, it’s not, it’s just you, put your clothes back on. There are times when looking at two dogs humping will get you hot. The sound of a gentle clap or a simple hug might get you going. There are a million things that might get your juices flowing, so to speak. The good news is that there is nothing anatomically wrong with your or anything else. You’re just horny, end of.

You might wonder, why am I so horny? Is this simply psychological phenomenon or is there something more? When you’re developing bags under your eyes from dry humping your pillow at three a.m. four nights in a row, it’s a good time to start looking for answers and solutions. There are a couple of easy reasons as to why you’re always horny and some easy solutions to go with it. [Read: Too much sex? 15 Signs to know if your sex life is well balanced]

1. Hormones can make you super horny

Ah yes, those hormones have done it again. And they’ll keep on doing it… until you’re about fifty, then it’s all downhill from there. Hormones are a huge factor when contributing to your sex drive. When you’re going through puberty, aside from either being in a constant state of angst or sheer rage, you were probably extremely sexually frustrated too. Blame the hormones. However, most of us have made it past that stage of life. [Read: Sexually frustrated? 13 ways to calm the ants in the pants]

So, then what could be the reason for your spike in sexual energy? If you find yourself asking yourself, why am I so horny just before your period, it’s because your estrogen and testosterone are increased during ovulation. We recommend having sex during this time; it just feels better or maybe that’s just the hormones talking. [Read: When women are at their horniest and what you can do about it]

If it’s not your period, you have a couple of other reasons for this spike in horniness. Firstly, it could be a spike in testosterone or if you’re on hormonal birth control, that also plays a huge factor in your hormone levels. Or you’re pregnant… Surprise!

2. You’re eating aphrodisiac foods

You might not have thought about how foods affect your sex life unless they’re used during sex *do not use honey, we repeat, do not use honey*. Alright, we don’t wanna be all, “you’ll feel good if you eat healthily,” but we will be all, “you’ll have better sex if you eat healthily.” Which is completely true.

If you’re bloated or constipated or lethargic—you won’t want to have sex. You most likely just want to sit on the couch and watch The Simpsons. Why? Because your body is full of crap and is cockblocking you. But, if you’re constantly horny, not wanting to have sex isn’t the issue. Food still may be a culprit in your excessive horniness. Whaaaat? Yeah, you heard us. Your dinner plate is making you horny. [Read: Aphrodisiacs and food hell: A lover’s guide to eating well]

The foods listed below are all aphrodisiacs. Meaning, if you’re eating four bananas a day and can’t stop masturbating, maybe take it easy on that penis-shaped fruit. Try an orange. Mix it up a bit. Because these aphrodisiac foods only help to increase your sex drive. So, if you’re constantly horny, cut these foods from your diet for a bit.

  • Celery
  • Avocado
  • Watermelon
  • Blackberries
  • Almonds
  • Garlic  *within reason*
  • Steak
  • Bananas
  • Broccoli
  • Oatmeal
  • Mangoes
  • Sesame seeds

3. Blame chemical influences too

It’s not always the hormones *even though most of the time it is*. We’ve all had a drink or two and felt suddenly much hornier than when we first walked in the bar. That’s what the chemical influence can do to someone. They lower our inhibitions and lets us relax. Even the scent of a specific lotion or perfume chemically enhances our perceptions of a person or situation.

Drugs also have an influence on the sexual drive, which we don’t condone AT ALL, but if you’re doing them all the time and wondering why you end up masturbating in the middle of a music festival, that’s why. [Read: True sex talk: Alcohol’s effects on sex and your libido]

4. If you’re in a new relationship

What a beautiful period in life—when you cannot keep your hands off of someone. When you’re in love or starting a new relationship, that sexual energy is peaking, making it impossible not to want to have sex. We’ve all experienced this.

Think of it like being on really good drugs. You can’t think straight, you’re laughing at everything, food tastes amazing. What we’re trying to get at is, to reduce your horniness, break up with your boyfriend. No, we don’t mean that. But simply understand that the rush of endorphins associated with your new love is causing this excessive horniness. Either take advantage of it or, well, yeah, break up. [Read: Do phermones work like a love potion, or is it all hype?]

5. You’re experiencing a personal trigger

It’s amazing how such simple and subtle things get your engine turning. It might be cologne, a type of shirt, the weather, anything. It’s personal to you and it triggers your horniness.

Becoming turned on isn’t so ABC as many people think. So, if you’re asking yourself, why am I so horny, think about what went on right before you started feeling the sexual urge. If you start to see a pattern emerging, you’ve discovered a personal horniness trigger. [Read: How to amp up the pleasure – 11 Things that make you horny]

So, how can you turn the dial down on your horn?

Good question, everyone. You’d think being horny all the time would be an amazing feeling. Trust us, the feeling gets old after two hours. Not only that, it really affects your daily activities and relationships. Sure, guys love sex, but probably not for consecutive hours for consecutive days in a row. They need a timeout too. So what can you do?

1. Have regular sex

This may be obvious, but many people overlook this option. You guys, it’s okay to have sex. Perhaps you just need to relieve some compressed stress and hormones from your system. If you’re feeling horny all the time but are not having sex, then we recommend finding a partner.

It doesn’t have to be a serious relationship. You can have a FWB or a one night stand—just as long as you get the deed done. Wait, at least be sexually attracted to them. That’s a healthy minimum standard. BUT! Always practice safe sex otherwise you may have a whole other problem you need to face. [Read: How to start a friends with benefits relationship]

2. Try a physical workout

You don’t always need to masturbate or have sex to relieve sexual tension. Working out can often get the job done and give you a side-boost of toning.

Sure, it’s not as fun, sweating sucks when it doesn’t involve sex. But, we can say for sure, that you’ll be much more relaxed at the end of your workout session. So, grab your runners and water bottle and go for a walk. [Read: 12 benefits of exercise on your mind, body, and libido]

3. Masturbate

Good ol’ masturbation. Who says you need someone to get off. As long as you have a functioning hand or vibrator, you can give yourself an amazing orgasm. It doesn’t matter what you use while you masturbate, whether it’s a vibrator, porn, or photo—just get yourself comfortable and in the zone.

[Read: Mind games: How your body’s chemistry affects love]

You never thought you’d be asking yourself “why I am so horny all the time?” Or even wondering how to stop being quite so horny. Understanding why helps you understand your sexual appetite and how to care for your needs.

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Natasha Ivanovic
Natasha Ivanovic is an intimacy, dating, and relationship writer best known for her writings on Kiiroo, LovePanky, Post Pravda, and more. She's the creator and ...
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