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Tinder Threesome: 18 Tips to Write a Couples Bio & Meet the Perfect Third

You and your partner are feeling sexually adventurous and want to find a Tinder threesome. It’s not so easy, so you will have to follow these tips.

Tinder threesome

Everyone has dipped their toes into the online dating world, seeing what’s out there. But many people use online dating to help them find a third person for a Tinder threesome.

And to be honest, it’s a great way to find people. Of course, getting a third person for a threesome going to a bar or club isn’t an easy achievement. On Tinder, you can form a profile that shows exactly what you want and attract like-minded people.

In other words, it certainly makes the hunt a little easier for you. But that doesn’t mean a Tinder threesome is going to be a smooth ride. [Read: 20 things you need to know before entering a threesome]

How to write a Tinder threesome profile

Before you find a Tinder threesome, you need to create the right profile. So, let’s talk about how you should do it.

1. Male or female profile?

Since Tinder has two genders for their profile options, you will need to decide whether your profile will be “male” or “female.”

Since many people have female-female-male threesomes, then you would probably want to make a male Tinder profile. If you’re looking for male-male-female, then you should opt for a female one.

So, here’s the reasoning behind it. For a FFM threesome, the males get to see the female profiles. The other option is to set the female profile to see girls. But if you do this, you’ll probably only find lesbian and bisexual women and not straight girls with a threesome fantasy.

Bottom line, you need to think about what kind of third partner you want to attract. You want to optimize your reach and have as many people see it as possible. [Read: Unicorn hunting – How to find a third sexual partner and do it right]

2. Creating a male profile

If you choose to create a male profile to get FFM threesomes, then you will probably find the most willing participants. While most of the women will be looking for just men to date, whether they are interested in something casual or serious, you will find some interested in threesomes too.

Even if a woman isn’t actively looking for a threesome, if she comes across your profile, it might make her curious.

It could spark some adventure in her enough to swipe right. So, you need a good profile so that you attract as many curious women as possible. [Confession: My first threesome experience with another girl while on holiday]

3. Profile photo

This is always a critical part of any Tinder profile, but it is especially important when you are creating a couple’s one. Research shows that your first photo decides at least 69% of your overall success in online dating in general. [Read: How to write a dating profile – 18 must-know tips to stand apart]

So, who should you show in the first photo? The man? Just the woman? Both together? 

Well, you could start with a photo of just the man. But if you do that, most women will think you are just a normal person looking to date a woman one-on-one. 

Or you could have a photo with both the man and the woman. That will make it very clear to potential matches that you are a package deal. 

Finally, you also picture just a woman in the photo, then they will also get the hint that this profile is about a Tinder threesome.

The point is that you don’t want to waste other people’s time by being mysterious with your intentions. If they’re not interested in a Tinder threesome, they can just swipe left and keep it moving.

On the other hand, if they are curious, then great! They can look at your profile some more or just swipe right on you. [Read: 15 Tinder tips you can NOT avoid if you ever want a date]

4. What to write in your Tinder threesome profile

Keep in mind, when you are writing a Tinder threesome profile, it has to be different than a normal, single-person one. With that said, it should still be like any other profile – lighthearted and fun. If there is any hint of embarrassment on your part, they will most likely be turned off by that.

First and foremost, you need to tell the potential partners what you are all about and your intentions *Tinder threesome.* Don’t beat around the bush – just come out and tell them what you want.

Here’s a short example of something you could say in your Tinder threesome bio:

Hey ladies! We’re looking for a gal who wants to have some sexy fun with both of us. If you’re only interested in me, then please swipe left because we are a package deal. We’re looking to have a threesome with an awesome girl. Come on and join our fun!

You just really need to keep your bio honest and authentic. Write it together so you are both satisfied with what it says and what your photos look like. [Read: Good Tinder bios that get you dates – The best tweaks for the perfect bio]

Finally, you will have to come up with some sort of catchy, clickbait kind of title to get them to swipe right on you. Remember, your Tinder threesome profile is like an advertisement for yourselves. So, you need to be creative so they are intrigued enough to learn more about you.

5. Other considerations for your Tinder threesome bio

If someone swipes right on your couple’s profile, then there are two reasons they’re doing it. First, they’re not really interested in having a threesome, but are just curious to see what your profile is all about for a variety of reasons.

Second, they’re at least somewhat interested in having a threesome – either with you or some other couple. So, that’s why the rest of your profile is important. They will make their decision after reading about you. [Read: The threesome invite – How to ask someone to join you in bed]

There is a certain vibe that you will want to portray in your Tinder bio. You want to make them comfortable. Having a threesome isn’t for everyone, so you want to say things that make them think you might be a couple worth exploring.

You also want to convey a certain attractiveness. Obviously, you can’t change how you look too much, other than losing weight and wearing nice clothes. But if you happen to be very attractive people, then show that off.

But, attractiveness goes beyond your physical looks. You want to attract them into your Tinder threesome offering some sort of sexual skills you might have. Or, you can talk about some sexual scenarios you would like to try with the third person.

The other really important thing you have to convey to a possible third partner is that you are trustworthy.

Let’s face it, having a threesome with two people you’ve never met is not something everyone is up for. So, they definitely won’t even think about it unless you talk about things that make you appear trustworthy. [Read: How to read the signs your friend wants to be your unicorn sex body]

13 naughty tips for a successful Tinder threesome 

Now that you know how to create a Tinder threesome profile, you need some more naughty tips to make it successful.

So, before you jump into bed with a third someone, it’s important to know a couple of things about them and learn how to find the best match for you.

If this is your first time in a threesome, you want the experience to be a good one, and not one that will traumatize and scar your relationship. So, if a threesome is something you both want, we’re going to tell you how to find and have a Tinder threesome.

1. What do you want? 

Before you and your partner start searching for the third person on Tinder, reflect and decide if this is something you really want?

Do you really want to have a threesome? Or is this something you feel pressured to do? Whatever the answer, it’s important to stay true to yourself before talking to your partner. [Read: Boundaries in dating – how far is too far for you?]

2. Talk to your partner beforehand

Okay, you know what you want, but now it’s time to talk to your partner. You both need to be on the same page and decide this is right for your relationship.

Don’t do this because you’re scared of breaking up with them, or because you always wanted to have sex with that third person. 

3. It may take several conversations before anything happen

Here’s the thing, though you may want to have a threesome, your partner may not be fully on board. One conversation about having a threesome won’t cut it.

It may take several conversations until you and your partner are on the same page and come up with the ground rules. [Read: The top 10 taboo sex topics we love but avoid talking about]

4. Swipe together

Finding a Tinder threesome cannot be left in the hands of one person. Have fun with the hunt for a third.

Swipe through profiles together. That way, you both pick a person that is attractive to both of you, and it makes the experience more interesting and fun.

5. Make it obvious on Tinder that you’re a couple

As we mentioned above, don’t avoid the inevitable. You are looking for a Tinder threesome, so make it clear on your profile that you’re a couple.

That way, you match with people who know exactly what you’re looking for. Don’t waste your time on people who aren’t interested. [Read: Unicorn hunting – How to find a sexual third partner and do it right]

6. Create an accurate bio

People really do read dating profiles. So, we just need to re-emphasize that it’s important that you write one that’s accurate and states what you’re looking for as a couple.

The profile can have a couple of witty jokes to lighten the mood, but it should give a clear impression of what you two want.

7. Be upfront and honest

Remember, on your Tinder profile, it’s crucial that it’s honest. More importantly, when you’re chatting on Tinder with a potential third partner, be honest and open about what you and your partner are looking for. Honesty really is the best policy. [Read: Endless bliss – The 25 best threesome sex positions to keep all partners happy]

8. Meet your third for a drink

If you want to have a successful threesome, you should go out for a drink with your Tinder threesome.

You don’t know them. You should make sure there’s a good click between everyone. Ask them out for drinks, make sure your partner is there, and just talk.

9. Never be pushy

When you meet your third, you’re testing the waters and seeing the chemistry between everyone. This is a smart idea. But what you cannot do is be pushy.

If your third isn’t comfortable with what you want or doesn’t feel a good connection, never push them into something they don’t want to do. [Read: How to find a naughty threesome unicorn and set the right rules]

10. Set up the ground rules altogether

Decide with your partner before talking to anyone, what you will and won’t do. Once you have decided on what you both want, then talk about it with the third person.

They’ll have things they won’t do, and you’ll need to respect their needs. If their rules don’t suit you, then find someone else to have a threesome with.

11. Communication during sex

During the threesome, communicate with your partner and the third person. When there’s an extra person added into the mix, it’s important to make sure everyone is enjoying themselves, and that they feel comfortable with what’s happening.

12. Don’t get wasted

If you must get wasted to have this threesome, then you shouldn’t be having it. There’s nothing wrong with having a drink or two, but if you feel you need to be drunk to have this threesome, consider whether this is a good decision for you or not. [Read: Why drunken sex is never a good idea]

13. Talk about the threesome after

You had the threesome, and it went well… for you. But there were two other people involved. Always check in with your partner and see how it went for them. Ask what they liked, what they didn’t like, and if this third person was a good match. Check-in with the third person as well to make sure they’re okay.

[Read: Throuple relationship – 27 rules and secrets to a happy romantic trio]

Now you know how to have a Tinder threesome. Go through the process together, and decide if it’s the best thing for you both. If it is, then follow the steps!

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