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19 Health Benefits of Masturbation, Bad Side Effects & Other Must-Knows

Masturbation feels great – that’s why people do it. There are some benefits of masturbating, but there are also some downsides. Here’s the low-down.

masturbation benefits

So spank your monkey or flip your flossy—it’s so good for you. And don’t worry, you won’t go blind. Because there are actually benefits to masturbating.

Thanks to science, we now know that masturbation is actually good for our health. The only problem now is that many men and women are still embarrassed—not to mention feel guilty—by the mere thought of masturbation.

So allow us to brush off the dust from your old-fashioned beliefs and let science do the talking.

What is masturbation? 

Masturbation is the act of a person stimulating their own genitals in order to achieve sexual arousal, pleasure, and ultimately, an orgasm. 

Most people do it by touching, stroking, or massaging their penis or clitoris until climax is achieved. Some women also use other stimulation of the vagina to masturbate or use sex toys such as a vibrator.

Why do people usually masturbate?

If you’re wondering why some people choose to use their own means of getting off rather than having someone else help them out, you’ve come to the right place. There are so many different reasons why one would choose to masturbate. [Read: Going solo – The 15 sexy benefits of masturbation]

Some might be exploring what they like, others aren’t getting enough sex from their significant other to satiate their desires, and others do it simply because it feels good. It’s true that masturbation helps you to explore and understand what feels good to you. 

After all, there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to sex. By learning what gets you off, you can pass that information on to your partner. As a result, you’re more likely to enjoy the time you spend in bed. It also means you’ll enjoy your solo time too!

Why does masturbation feel good?

Everyone knows that masturbation feels good, but have you ever wondered why? Well, it’s because it helps the brain release a lot of great hormones such as the following. [Read: How to masturbate – 23 self-pleasure and solo orgasm secrets for girls]

  • Dopamine – this is called the “happiness hormone” that is related to your brain’s reward system.
  • Endorphines – these are natural pain relievers and also have mood-boosting and de-stressing effects.
  • Oxytocin – this is often called the “love hormone” and is associated with social bonding.
  • Testosterone – this is a hormone that is released during sex to improve stamina and arousal. It’s also released when you have sexual fantasies.
  • Prolactin – this hormone plays an important role in lactation and improves your mood and immune system. 

As you can see, science has all the reasons why masturbation feels so good. And now it’s not surprising why so many people do it! [Read: Full body orgasm – the secrets to experience one and what it feels like]

Myths about masturbation

We’ve all heard a lot of things about masturbation, and not all of them are good. You might have heard some myths from your parents or your church to discourage you from doing it. But here is what is not true about masturbation.

1. Causes infertility

There is no evidence that says that masturbation causes infertility. Actually, it’s quite absurd if you think about it. Masturbation is similar to having sex.

It involves physical pleasure and orgasms. So, if having sex multiple times a day won’t make you infertile, then masturbation won’t either.

2. Causes dehydration 

There are a lot of things that can cause you to be dehydrated, but masturbating is not one of them. Think about it – there is no real loss of water when it comes to masturbating.

Sure, if you don’t drink water or drink too much alcohol, that will dehydrate you. But your own personal pleasuring won’t. [Read: 25 hilarious myths about sex most of us used to believe]

3. Causes hormonal imbalances

Again, when you think about it, it’s pretty absurd that people would think that masturbation would cause hormonal imbalances. There are plenty of other environmental influences that could cause that, but masturbation is not one of them either.

4. Decreased sexual sensitivity

Of all the myths, this one might be the most believable. It probably came about when women started using vibrators and guys started to watch porn on a regular basis. But contrary to popular belief, masturbation doesn’t make you less sensitive when you have real sex with another person.

The benefits of masturbation

Ladies and gentlemen, masturbation is not just a pleasurable way to “take care” of yourself. There are also huge health benefits to masturbating. [Read: Mutual masturbation – 14 intimate ways to connect without touching]

So here are some of the reasons to give yourself some self-love, not just once in a while, but regularly.

1. Feel-good

Whatever feels good lifts up your mood and makes you happier. Pleasure feels good and masturbation pleases you, especially when you reach your climax. So if you’re feeling down, go ahead and masturbate. 

As we all know, orgasms release dopamine and oxytocin, which can improve your mood and give you a natural high. So instead of doing drugs, why not give yourself your own orgasms? [Read: How to masturbate – 14 sexy, self-pleasure tips for women]

2. Confidence boost

If you have one best friend whom you should take care of, it’s your own body. After all, it’s the only thing that’s going to be with you for the rest of your life. 

So why not treat your body to some loving, right? After all, masturbation is known to make you feel good about your body, as it allows you to get to know yourself in a physical sense, especially your pleasure points.

3. Sexuality enhancer

As masturbation allows you to explore your body and makes you confident about what turns you on and what pleases you, it helps improve your sexuality. [Read: 12 Safe and natural ways to increase your libido]

Knowing what feels good and where allows you to be in charge of your body, even when you are with a partner. This is because you know what feels good and you can be more vocal about this with your partner.

4. Who says you need a partner? 

Who says you need to be having sex with someone to make you feel sexy? Masturbating regularly helps your brain get the “sexercise” it needs so you can easily feel aroused. 

The more sex you think about, the more sex you’ll have, and you’ll want sex even more. And all this can happen while you’re feeding the beaver or spanking your monkey. [Read: 14 little but effective ways to feel sexy and desirable all the time]

5. Stress reliever

Since masturbating makes you feel good, it is a great way to unwind and relieve stress. Again, it releases endorphins, which also help to calm you down and lift up your mood. 

So, if you’re having a rough day at work, end it with a bath, some sensual music, and go ahead and buff the banana.

6. Improved sex life

As you become more in tune with your body and your pleasure points, you can get more out of your sex life. This, in turn, gives your partner satisfaction, as they can see you becoming pleased and satisfied. [Read: Getting rid of sexual insecurity for a better sex life]

Also, if you are confident enough to talk to your partner about what you like, you can both open more doors to another world of bedroom pleasures.

7. Lullaby, anyone? 

There’s a reason you feel sleepy after a wild and satisfying romp with your partner. Having toe-curling orgasms can relieve your body from tension and leave you exhausted physically, emotionally, and mentally. 

This can then prime you well for sleep. You will feel relaxed and tired *in a good way*. So, if ever you have insomnia, try masturbating before reaching for those sleeping pills. [Read: 11 Solo sex masturbation positions moves that feel just as good as sex]

8. Release your tension

Sexual tension, that is. Ever notice when some people become extra cranky? It’s probably because they aren’t getting any. 

So, if you don’t want to be like them, a great way to stay in a positive mood is to masturbate. You can satisfy your libido even without the need of a partner—and as an added bonus, you’ll be in a much cheerier mood than before.

9. Orgasm all you want

One, two, three… or more. It’s all up to you. Is there any better benefit to masturbating? While you can orgasm once or twice before your partner gets tired or “finishes,” you don’t have to worry about that when you go solo. [Read: 10 female masturbation tips for guaranteed orgasmic bliss]

You can take the afternoon off and have yourself a solo sensual spree. Especially if you’re a woman, you can keep going, and going, and going…

10. Premature ejaculation? No problem

For men, masturbation can also greatly help you improve your sex life. Jacking off can help you manage premature ejaculation. What you can do is crank your shank around two hours before having sex. 

This allows you to perform longer before another ejaculation comes. Voila! You’re an instant sex-machine. [Read: 20 moves to last way, way longer in bed without any difficulty]

11. Prostate problems begone

Again, for men, masturbation helps to lower the risk of prostate cancer. Those who ejaculate more than five times a week are less likely to develop prostate cancer. So, what do you do when you don’t have a partner who’s in on it five times a week? 

You masturbate. By burping the worm, you are flushing out the disease-causing toxins in your genital tract, therefore clearing the path and keeping you spic and span down there.

12. What’s with the nose? 

Ever notice that your clogged nose gets better after sex and masturbation? This is because being aroused and even having orgasms reduce the swelling of the vessels in your nasal passages. [Read: Female masturbation – 17 facts about the naughty secret]

It is even said that sex and even masturbation alone can improve your condition if you have a common cold, hay fever, allergic rhinitis, or other ailments.

13. Fight off germs

With your fingers or your palms. This is because masturbation—actually, it’s ejaculation—increases cortisol, a known stress hormone that is also responsible for helping you regulate and maintain immunity. 

Even scientists from the Fortis Escorts Institute in New Delhi say that masturbation can produce the right environment for strengthening the immune system naturally. [Read: Male orgasm – how it works and what men feel during and after ejaculation]

14. No STD, no pregnancy. 

No sex, no problem. For both men and women, masturbation is a healthy and safe way to get off without having a partner, therefore lessening the risk of contracting an STD from a partner or getting pregnant. 

It is a great way to be sexually satisfied without having vaginal penetration.

15. It can increase your lifespan

Because masturbation releases a lot of feel-good hormones and endorphins, it can increase your life span.

It sort of tricks your brain into thinking that you are having sex, and sex is good for a long life too. And who doesn’t want to live longer? [Read: How to edge yourself – what’s edging and 15 sexy secrets to huge orgasms]

16. It can improve your skin

It’s been found that orgasms are also good for your skin. It’s partly hormonal, partly neurological, and partly vascular. Whether you get an orgasm from intercourse or via masturbation, the effect is still the same. Either way, your skin gets a boost.

17. It helps you get to know your own body better

When you explore your own body through masturbation, you learn what feels good and what doesn’t feel good.

Then, when you do get together with your lover, you can tell them what you want them to do to you in bed. They will appreciate your guidance because that means they won’t have to guess.

18. It improves heart health

Masturbation is also good for the cardiovascular system because it can help lower your blood pressure. Not only that, but it also enhances relaxation.

Stress has a direct effect on the heart. And from a chemical perspective, endorphins and other hormones released by the body to relieve stress help us become calmer. [Read: 11 Male masturbation techniques and positions to blow a big load all alone]

19. It strengthens your pelvic floor

The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that support crucial internal organs in a woman like her bladder and uterus. Having a strong pelvic floor is important because it can help you avoid or lessen issues like leaking urine when you sneeze, laugh, or cough.

The unknown benefits of not masturbating that will surprise you

We’re regularly told that masturbation is a good thing, and for sure, it is! But did you know there are some benefits of not masturbating too?

People have been masturbating for as long as time has existed. Although it may have been looked down upon *and still is* in certain cultures and religions, that hasn’t stopped people from sneaking a few moments of pleasure when they were all alone. [Read: How do you masturbate? 13 different ways to be a hands-on pro]

Why not? It’s fun! However, we can’t ignore that there are some benefits of not masturbating too.

Some people masturbate every single day, some a few times a week, and some only on the rarest of occasions. The number of people who don’t masturbate at all is very, very few. 

Typically don’t do so mostly because of their own beliefs. That’s fine, it’s a personal choice, after all. But, if we’re told that masturbation is healthy and encouraged for a great sex life, what are the benefits of not doing it at all? [Read: 10 female masturbation tips for guaranteed orgasmic bliss]

You’re wondering why we’re telling you the reasons why masturbation is good when we’re trying to also tell you why not to do it, right? Well, we like to give you all the information and a balanced view!

While there are plenty of reasons why some people choose to give themselves a good time, there are also a lot of people who refuse to masturbate altogether. 

Either they used to masturbate and have now stopped, or they never have before and choose to keep things that way. [Read: Chronic masturbation – Stop your hands from lingering in your pants]

Those who choose not to masturbate may experience certain benefits that you can’t get when you do pleasure yourself. These unknown benefits could be just what you’re looking for in life. 

Here are all of the benefits of not masturbating that you may have never come across before. Then, you can work out which option is best for you.

1. The real thing will be so much better

When you stop masturbating and actually have the opportunity to get laid by a real person and not just your hand, sex will be way better than you have ever experienced before. [Read: Why is sex important in a relationship?]

Since masturbating gets rid of that sexual desire, you’re not nearly as turned on as you could be when it comes time to do the real deed. That can result in sex that is less than satisfactory. 

Sure, you might come, but it won’t be as satisfying as if you were to abstain from masturbating.

2. One of the benefits of not masturbating? You’ll find it easier to orgasm

This is the biggest reason for girls, in particular, to stop masturbating. When you give up pleasing yourself and bringing about your own orgasm, you’ll be more likely to get one when you’re with someone else. [Read: Dry humping and the virgin’s guide to orgasms]

Every time someone has an orgasm, it takes them longer the next time to finish – unless they abstain from masturbating. If you keep finishing yourself off regularly, it will take longer and longer for you to get there the next time you try.

3. You’ll be more productive

Masturbating takes up a lot of your time, especially if you’re someone who uses porn to accompany this habit. Just think about how much more you could be getting done in a day if you never masturbated! Not to mention, if you’re spending money on porn, you’ll save cash too!

4. You’ll have a lot more energy

Another negative thing masturbating does is tire you out. After finishing yourself off, you barely have any energy to get up, let alone do something productive.

That could drastically affect how much you get done in a day – wave goodbye to your to-do list! [Read: 6 ways to stop glorifying busy and start living instead]

5. Some people feel less guilt

Whether you believe in a religion that says masturbation is a sin or you’re only feeling guilty on a subconscious level, there’s no doubt that guilt plays a huge role in your overall mood when you’re consistently masturbating.

A lot of people carry around this guilt without even realizing it. They feel drained, depressed, and even anxious, all because they masturbate on a regular basis.

6. It’ll be way easier to get aroused

We mean it will take virtually NOTHING for you to get turned on. This benefit of not masturbating can specifically help those who struggle with their libido. [Read: How to fantasize about someone else and not feel guilty]

When you quit masturbating, you’ll find that even the slightest amount of skin-on-skin action will get you hot enough to have sex right then. 

Men, if you quit masturbating, you’ll start waking up with raging boners as if you were a 14-year-old again.

7. You’ll be less anxious – one of the best benefits of not masturbating

Anxiety can hit you out of the blue and build up for a lot of reasons. But normally, people don’t know what those reasons are and have to deal with their anxiety on a regular basis. [Read: What it feels like to experience anxiety in a relationship]

What if we told you that masturbating could be adding to your anxiety? Not only does the subconscious guilt of doing it affects your anxiety (if guilt is an issue for you), but you’re also affected by the addictive properties of masturbating. 

If you don’t masturbate, you’ll break that addiction, and your anxiety will lessen greatly.

8. You may be able to reduce/get rid of depression

A large number of people report feeling happy when they give up masturbating. This could be due to the fact that masturbating gives some people a lot of the aforementioned guilt. [Read: How to turn someone on while talking to them and make sparks fly]

It could also be about exhaustion, stopping you from having the energy to deal with everyday troubles. Stop masturbating, and you’ll start feeling much better.

9. You’ll feel more connected during sex

Another benefit of not masturbating is that you’ll feel more connected and affectionate during sex. A lot of people who masturbate feel like it’s up to them to take care of their needs even while having sex with someone else.

But if you stop masturbating, you’re letting the other person take the reins. This will allow you to feel more connected to them.

It also means that the sex will be so much better because it always is when you’re emotionally bonded to the other person. [Read: Does it matter if you’re making love or having sex?]

10. You’ll have more interest in one person

Scientists have discovered that those who masturbate frequently usually watch porn to get themselves off. This has translated to those same people feeling a need to get variety in their sex lives, just like they get when they switch between videos.

So if you stop masturbating, you’ll no longer feel that need to have such a variety once you get past the addictive behavior of porn watching and masturbating.

You’ll be happier with just one person. Basically, you’re not complicating things. [Read: 16 signs you’re not ready for a serious relationship]

11. You’ll be able to focus and concentrate better

For all of you who feel like you have ADHD, it could have something to do with the fact that you masturbate all the time. Those who masturbate have sex on their mind an awful lot.

This means that while they should be working on one thing, they’re thinking of masturbating. When you stop masturbating, you’ll stop thinking about sex so much and will thus be able to focus on the task at hand without any interruptions.

12. You’ll be free of anything that comes from addictive behavior

We all know that addictions are bad. They take over your life and can affect you in negative ways. [Read: Addicted to sex: 8 steps to handle your sex addiction]

But did you know that masturbating triggers the same areas of the brain that using addictive substances does? That’s because it is addictive, and one of the best benefits of not masturbating is that it frees you from any addictive behaviors.

13. Muscle growth

Muscle growth can be affected by ejaculation. And testosterone plays a role in building muscle.

With high levels of testosterone, your body is better able to build muscle through muscle protein synthesis after a stimulating workout. There is a belief that an orgasm will cause your testosterone to decrease.

14. Boosts testosterone levels

Because orgasm can cause your testosterone to decrease, then abstaining from masturbation can cause it to increase.

So, if you want to build more muscle or just have a higher sex drive, then not masturbating will help with that as well. [Read: Chronic masturbation – 12 truths to stop masturbating and drop the addiction]

Wait, we’re talking about the benefits of not masturbating, are we saying that you shouldn’t do it?

No, no, no! 

For sure, if you want to masturbate, go ahead! We’ve talked about the benefits of getting yourself off and it’s great if you want to do that. But, it’s important to give a balanced view of these things. And that means pointing out the benefits of not masturbating too. 

We’ve mentioned guilt a few times and that might be something that doesn’t affect you at all. It shouldn’t, because you have nothing to feel guilty about. Masturbation isn’t bad or dirty. 

But, for some people, it does have a large amount of guilt attached to it. If you’re one of those people, not masturbating could help you to feel better, amongst all the other benefits we’ve talked about.

[Read: How often should you have sex? 15 signs you’re not having enough]

As you can see, there are benefits to masturbating and some downsides too. Regardless, there’s really nothing wrong with juicing out and pounding your flounder. All you just need to do is set the mood and just have a go at it!

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Tiffany Grace Reyes
Tiffany is a wordsmith who has played with words ever since her letter-to-the-editor was published nationally at the age of 9. Since then her writing has gone f...
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