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Porn for Women: Why Do We Like It and Where Can We Find It?

Not so long ago, the idea that women want to watch porn, too, seemed like a crazy one. Thankfully, there is now a variety of porn for women available.

porn for women

The truth is that a lot of porn out there is very male-focused, which means that there are millions of videos of men dominating women and pounding away as she is *apparently* increasingly delighted. Now, we don’t know about you, but in reality, this kind of sex is not the good stuff, so if we really want to identify with porn and become stimulated by it, porn for women has to be something that women enjoy and want to see.
That’s not to say that a good, old-fashioned hammering doesn’t work well from time to time! Sometimes, giving it to us hard and fast can be super hot, and let’s also take a moment to acknowledge that we are all different, so women can get turned on by different things.
However, while modern women can be perfectly comfortable watching, and yes, even talking about porn, there is still a level of discomfort that we can feel when a woman, no matter how good an actress she may be, is getting pounded and pulled and cum all over without so much as a “thank you, dear” from her male counterpart.
What types of porn are women watching?
With that in mind, here are some of the types of porn for women that work best.
The tease
Women are sexual beasts and can therefore get turned on by the subtlest things, just as guys can. So when it comes to porn, a bit of tension and buildup can really work to make us horny.
That’s not to say that we need the sex we see to be soft, romantic, and slow. But playing a few games, witnessing a bit of flirting, and watching a bit of kissing and stroking before they go for goal can really get us going.
The tease works because we know that ultimately, we’re going to see those people having hot, horny sex. So by not diving into it straight away, it gives us time to feel excited, frustrated, and really turned on. [Read: How to spice up your sex life in 30 sexy ways]
The female dominator
We love a fierce lady, and seeing one take control in a sexual situation can get us feeling hot, hot, HOT.
In so many porn videos, the “story” focuses on the man. He’s usually in the position of power *i.e. the teacher, the boss, etc.* and he typically makes the first move. And then when they get down to it, the man also takes charge sexually.
Seeing the woman make the moves and lead the way in a sexual situation can be extremely sexy, and can even give women who want to take some charge in the bedroom some great ideas and tips that they may not have thought of before. [Read: BDSM tips and tricks for curious first-timers]
The lesbians
The lesbian fantasy is one of the most commonly rated fantasies amongst women. Porn gives us a little insight into what sex with another woman could be like *albeit with huge breasts and fabulous bodies*, and that’s enough to get us wet like never before.

Sure, in reality, sex with another woman may not be the exact reflection of how it plays out in a porn video. However, if, like many of us, you harbor a secret *or not-so-secret* lesbian fantasy, then watching lesbian porn is very likely to hit the spot. Watching two women touch, kiss, and play with one another is guaranteed to get lady lovers seriously horny. [Read: 10 reasons lesbian porn is way hotter than straight porn]
Where to find the best porn for women
If you want to give porn a try but aren’t sure where to start, check out these great sites that offer a huge range of awesome, sexy, super hot female porn and see how you like it.
Lady Cheeky
With the tag line, “Smut for Smarties,” what’s not to love? This classy site provides hot and often beautiful photos of sex, sex toy reviews, and the academy of sex, which offers great advice on how to have hot, safe, satisfying sex—all under one fabulous roof. [Read: How to have safe sex in every way possible]
Bright Desire
The videos on this website are intended for women who love all things beautiful, creative, and artistic.
Run by a filmmaker who calls herself “Ms. Naughty,” this site is a real gem, though you do have to pay for access to the videos. However, in doing so, you will be safe in the knowledge that the porn is created ethically—performers are paid, willing, and committed to the artistic nature of the videos.
Beautiful Agony
As we said before, women can get turned on by the subtlest things, and while it may not be super subtle, what the website Beautiful Agony does is turn porn on it’s head *almost literally*. This seriously sexy site chooses to focus on people’s faces, rather than their bodies, as they get off.
It may not sound that sexy, but the intensity of the expression makes it so. Again, this is a pay-for site, and membership starts at $8 per month.
Porn 4 Ladies
This saucy site does exactly what it says on the tin. It’s true porn for women, with a real female audience in mind.
Because of this, the videos are shot in a more intimate, romantic way, and while the sex is still full on and seriously horny, the whole video is played out in such a way that you feel as though you could be peering into a couple’s bedroom *not in a creepy way, of course!*
Dicks for Girls
Another straightforward site, Dicks for Girls, is where, you guessed it, you can ogle over a bunch of dicks! Sometimes, simple really is best, and if looking at a handsome man with his favorite friend on display is what gets you going, then this website will be right up your street!
Watching porn is great whether you’re on your own or in a couple, whether you’re in a committed relationship or fancy a raunchy one-night stand. Perhaps you haven’t tried it before and want to try different things, or add a new element to pleasuring yourself. Whatever your reason for being curious about porn, it’s a good idea to do a little research first and make sure that you find the kind of porn that works for you. [Read: How to masturbate: 14 sexy self-pleasure tips for women]
Porn for women can be as empowering as it is sexy, and women can have many reasons for wanting to watch it. So whether you are new to porn or not, why not take a look at some of the sites above and see if you can discover some seriously hot lady porn to spice up your sex life.

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Bethany Locke
Bethany was born and raised in Scotland and now resides in Brighton where she lives with her partner and rather disobedient cocker spaniel pup. She works as a f...
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