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Hate Sex: The Rules to Make Love with Hate and Enjoy It!

Hate sex can be an amazing thing or it can be the worst thing for you. Find out here if you’re free to do it or if you need to steer clear.

hate sex

In the world of dating and sleeping around, you’re bound to run into a situation where you can have hate sex. Now, whether or not you should have it is the real issue at hand. Even if the opportunity arises doesn’t necessarily mean you should jump at it.
What is hate sex?
Well, hate sex is more or less exactly what it sounds like. According to Urban Dictionary, hate sex means having strong, forceful sex with a member of the opposite sex whom you absolutely despise.
I’m sure you can probably think of someone whom you think is really attractive, but you absolutely hate them to their core. This is somebody you want to have hate sex with because they’re so hot. But you just can’t stand them.
When hate sex is okay and when it should be avoided at all costs
Hate sex is most certainly nothing to take lightly. To be honest with you, it’s a pretty serious matter. Even if you’re someone who sees sex as not a big deal, hate sex still is. Hate is such a strong emotion. And sex with large amounts of emotions—no matter what emotion that may be—is dangerous.
There is a time and a place for hate sex and distinguishing the times can be hard. You might end up having hate sex only to regret it terribly the next morning. In order to avoid making a mistake with hate sex, follow these rules on when it’s okay and when you should avoid it.
The different types of hate sex
Before we dive into when you can or cannot indulge in hate sex, first, understand the different types of hate sex that may present itself. Each type provides a different situation and outcome, so be informed. [Read: Just sex? 10 reasons why sex can never really be just sex]
#1 You hate them hate sex. This type of hate sex is really where it all started. You have sex with someone because you hate them so much that it’s basically like getting back at them for being on this planet. I know it doesn’t make a WHOLE lot of sense, but there it is.
#2 You hate someone else and want to take it out on them hate sex. Hate sex in this form can be the most dangerous. When you hate someone else and are so angry at them you pick someone to have hate sex with just to ease your feelings of hate for someone else.
#3 You hate a certain situation hate sex. Not all hate has to be aimed at a person. You could be angry and hateful about a situation you’re currently in and so you dive in and have hate sex with the first person that comes your way just to get over your anger. This can be the most confusing because you don’t actually hate a person.
#4 Playful hate sex. Playful hate sex is where you’re just role playing the entire idea of hate sex. You and your partner stage a fight in public *if you want to get really crazy, that is*. Then you take the pretend hate to the bedroom and bang the anger out of each other. This type is the most fun, but you have to be careful not to let real problems seep into your playful banter. [Read: 15 dirty ways to have the sexiest rough sex ever]
#5 Revenge hate sex. This is by far the most dangerous form existing, yet it’s somehow the most common. Have you ever had sex with someone just because you wanted to get revenge on someone else? Be it an ex, their new partner, or someone who burned you?
This hate sex involves having sex with someone in order to get back at someone else. You’re basically using someone in order to make another person angry. Be careful if this is the way you have hate sex.
When it’s okay to have hate sex
Like I said, there is a time and a place for hate sex. Here are those times and places in detail when it is perfectly acceptable. And you should really go for it.
#1 You hate them but aren’t too emotionally involved. You hate someone but are not too emotionally involved. If hating them is just a passing thought that you think only when they’re around, they’re definitely the type of person to have this type of sex with.
#2 You are emotionally ready to deal with any consequences. You need to be ready to have sex for hate. It’s not an easy task, and it comes with some ramifications if things go bad. If you’re willing, ready, and able to deal with any consequences arising from your hateful romp, then feel free to get your hate on! [Read: Casual sex: how to find the hookup of your dreams]
#3 You know it won’t lead to anything else. The worst part about sex is that oftentimes—especially for girls—you get emotionally attached to the person. Even the best of us slip up and end up catching feels for the person we’re currently banging.
You should only really have hate sex when you know that it won’t lead to any other feelings. This type of sex is rough, dirty, and fun, but it can also be really emotional. So make sure you know your own feelings. [Read: 8 big signs your fling is turning into a real relationship]
When you should avoid hate sex at all costs
Hate sex can be the worst possible thing for someone depending on their situation. If you have it in the wrong way, it brings you a lot more trouble that it’s worth. Here are all the times to avoid hate sex at all costs.
#1 You’re only irrationally angry. It can be easy to want to have hate sex when you’re really angry about something. But if you’re irrationally mad and just need some time to calm down, then hate sex can be the worst thing for you. Once you calm down, you may regret having had hate sex with that person.
#2 You’re fresh out of a breakup. I know you might want to have revenge hate sex with either your new ex or someone who you know upsets your ex, but just don’t. This type of sex brings nothing but regret and sadness. [Read: Is revenge sex ever worth it?]
The hate from the breakup will subside, and you’ll be left with the guilt and pain of knowing you made a terrible decision in having hate sex with someone when you JUST got out of a relationship—even if you just had it with your ex.
#3 You just want to say you had hate sex. Hate sex could be really fun. But if you’re only into experiencing it because you heard it was so fun, you’re not really having hate sex. You can’t just find someone out at a bar, get into a fight with them, even though you’re probably not even mad about anything, And then proceed to go home and have real hate sex.
That’s just a random hookup. It’s not worth it just to be able to say you’ve had this type of sex before. Avoid it in this case.
[Read: Secrets of a love-hate relationship – can it work?]
When done correctly, hate sex can be one of the best sexual experiences of your life. However, if you do it wrong, it can have lasting effects. Follow these rules in order to avoid making a mistake.

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Bella Pope LovePanky
Annabel Rodgers
Annabel is a lifestyle writer, cheese enthusiast (Wisconsin native over here) and fantasy adventure author-in-progress who enjoys all things love, dog,...