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17 Happy Things You Need for a Perfectly Happy Life!

If you want to live a perfect life, you simply need to live a happy life. You don’t need too much to put a smile on your own face, just a few happy things!

happy life

A happy life is the dream, isn’t it? That’s what all of us want. We struggle and toil day in and day out, with the hope of abundant happiness in the future. But what if we told you that a happy life is just right around the corner? What if you could attain it as soon as you read this feature or within a few weeks? All you need are a few happy things to make you smile day in, day out.

It’s true, really.

Happiness is very subjective, because most of us truly have no idea what happiness is all about. To many people, happiness is a life of riches. For someone else, it’s true love. And, to a few others, it’s three square meals a day.

Ever wondered why happiness means so many different things to so many people? That’s because most of us have no idea what real happiness is. [Read: 25 memorable life lessons you need to learn for a better life]

Happiness and the happy things that matter

If you’re wondering how to have a happy life, you just need to remember a few key details and work towards achieving it.

Many people spend a lifetime chasing elusive happiness, and when they finally realize what it takes to be happy, they may be filled with nothing but regrets. This is simply because they didn’t see happiness when they had the chance.

But then again, it’s never too late to feel the surge of blissful happiness fill within you, is it?

Firstly, we need to figure out what happiness actually is. It’s hard to define because you can’t see it. Happiness, therefore, is a feeling. It’s a sense of contentment. It’s being secure in your lot. Of course, that doesn’t mean you never dream of big goals, but you know that where you are right now is more than enough. [Read: Secret to happiness: The uncomplicated guide for a happy life]

The happy energy within you

Happiness attracts happiness. Sadness draws sadness.

If you’re annoyed, scheming or miserable all the time, everything around you will feel the same way. You’ll draw people who are unhappy and everything around you will drain your happiness away.

As philosophical as this may sound, the energy that you give out is the energy you receive. If you’re positive in your outlook towards your personal world, everything will seem positive and full of happiness.

When you’re genuinely nice to the people around you, they’ll be nice to you in return. If you take people for granted or behave nicely to people only when you need them, the world will treat you the same way. [Read: 20 signs you’re a people pleaser and don’t know it]

It’s true that you attract what you put out. There isn’t anything particularly mystical about this, it’s simply your mindset. You don’t see the happy things and good things when you’re focused on negativity. All you see is darkness. What you don’t realize at the time is that if you just changed the way you see things, you’ll notice major differences in your outlook, your life, and the possibilities and opportunities that come your way.

What defines happiness for you?

Have you ever sat down by yourself and asked this question? How would you define happiness? What do you think you need to feel happy? Don’t be impulsive and wish for something that you need right now. Think of the big picture. What is happiness to you? [Read: How to make someone happy: 20 Ways to to help them sparkle]

Only when you have a clear definition of personal happiness will you ever be able to achieve it. Isolate money and the material world, and you’ll have your own definition of happiness.

As we’ve already mentioned, happiness is different for everyone. Some people are very happy sitting at home with their own company, a good book and a cup of coffee. That’s their idea of enjoyment and contentment. However, other people may need more of a thrill to be happy, a dose of adrenaline perhaps.

It’s a personal deal and there are no right or wrong ways to define your own idea of happiness. The only troublesome thing is when you place the attainment of happiness solely on material things or money. Those things don’t bring you happiness, at least not over the long-term.

By defining happiness for you, you’ll find it easier to start attracting happy things into your life. [Read: How to make yourself happy: 20 habits of incredibly happy people]

17 Happy things you need for a happy life

True happiness is easy to achieve if you have the happy things that matter in your life. If you’re confused about what happiness truly means to you, fret not, because it’s really simple. All you need are these 17 happy things.

Make a checklist of these 17 happy things, and tick them off when you feel like you’ve achieved them.

Then, for the first time in your life, you’ll know what it takes to truly feel happiness, inside and everywhere around you! [Read: 20 Things happy couples don’t do in a perfect relationship]

1. A loving family/partner

Having someone to love you unconditionally and loving them back in return plays a big part in your happiness. It gives more meaning to your life because you have someone to share every moment of your existence with.

As humans, we have an innate need to feel loved and desired. And just having someone to share your life with can give you a lot of happiness and fulfillment. After all, love does make everything in life more meaningful and special. That doesn’t mean you necessarily need a partner to be happy. Many people are perfectly happy without being in a relationship. However, you do need someone in your life, be it a best friend, a partner, family member, etc. [Read: What is unconditional love really?]

2. A satisfying job

In our society, what you do at work defines you as a person. So do you like what you do? If the one trait that defines who you are as a person doesn’t make you happy, can you ever achieve true happiness through that job?

Do you really like your job, or are you working only for the money it gives you? You spend a big part of your life working, so try to ensure that you love what you do to earn a living, and that’ll ensure that your life will be full of excitement and fun. Remember, all work and no play does not lead to a happy life! A good home and work-life balance is key for contentment and health too. [Read: Things to know while making the choice between love and your career]

3. A few good friends

You don’t need many friends to be happy. You just need a handful of friends that you can trust and spend time with. Can you count your true friends on your fingertips? In your pursuit of better things, don’t overlook true friendships. Having a few good friends to talk over the phone or spend an occasional evening with can make you feel more positive and happy.

And even if you’re in a perfect relationship with your lover, both of you need to spend time away from each other now and then to grow as individuals and retain your own lives. [Read: Why is giving each other space in a relationship so important?]

4. A hobby or a passion

One of the happy things that can give you a sense of achievement and personal satisfaction is your hobby. If you don’t have a hobby, get one! Be it fixing a car or gardening, or getting more informed about an interesting subject. As long as you enjoy it, that’s all that matters. A passionate hobby will give you more confidence and build your interest in things that are beyond your immediate needs.

5. A good night’s sleep

A good night’s sleep is one of those overlooked things that can wreak havoc in your life, personally and professionally. Sleep may seem overrated, but when you get less sleep, you’re more sluggish and slow, and your mind works slower than other days. And let’s not forget about how grumpy you’ll feel all day too!

Make sure you get at least seven to eight hours of sleep every day. You’ll wake up feeling fresh and excited to face the happy day ahead of you. [Read: Couple’s sleeping position guide: 12 Positions and what they mean]

6. An occasional adventure or vacation

Don’t ever let your life stagnate. Try at least one new thing every week or go to one new place you haven’t been to before every now and then. As hard as you slave away your life for a better future, your life will still feel the same unless you look for ways to keep your life exciting all the time.

Happiness never sprouts overnight. Start working towards happiness right now, or you’ll never have a happy life even when you reach your perceived milestones.

7. A sustainable income

Money is not overrated. Without money, a lot of things you want to indulge in may be out of your reach. But at the same time, money isn’t everything too. Money is just worthless paper if all you do is let it accumulate in the bank.

The value of money is best experienced when you spend it now and then. Don’t idle your life, and ensure that you have a sustainable income at all times. Feeling rich is a state of mind. When you feel like you’re earning enough to have a happy life, your outlook towards life will start to get more positive and happier. [Read: Love or career? How to make the right choice]

8. Goals to work towards

Without a purpose or a goal, we’re just animals that exist with no purpose. As humans, we’re constantly looking for a purpose for everything, be it our origins or what happens after our end. But in between all that time, constantly create goals, small ones and big ones. And work towards them with dedication.

Each time you achieve a goal, you’ll feel a lot better about yourself and your life will feel more focused and adventurous. [Read: 10 things you can do with your life to make it better]

9. Exercise regularly

As difficult as stretching your legs or getting your heart racing while doing a cardio workout may seem, a good workout can change your life for the better within a few months.

Working out regularly fills your body with happy hormones and makes you feel good from the inside. And on the outside, you’ll look a lot better and your clothes will look a lot sexier too. And most importantly, making the effort to work out regularly will give you a sense of accomplishment and increase your determination in life. [Read: How to get motivated to exercise and stick to it]

10. Good food

Food is one of those happy things that can help you appreciate your life so much more. Cooking a meal together with a lover, sharing dinner with friends, or just checking a new restaurant out when you’re bored will always leave you with a new experience. And truth be told, some of the happiest conversations are shared over good food.

11. Positive thoughts

Fill your mind with positivity, or you’ll just end up miserable and frustrated all the time. Don’t forget the bad lessons you’ve learned and the experiences you’ve had in your life, but don’t let them bother you all the time. [Read: Signs your negative attitude is ruining your life]

Comparisons and jealousy are negative thoughts that will always drag you down into the pits. Learn to look at the bright side all the time, and you’ll have a much happier approach towards life every single day. [Read: How to stop being jealous of someone else’s success]

12. Pause, look around, appreciate

The world is a beautiful place. It doesn’t matter how busy you are or how late you are for work. Press the pause button on your hectic life and learn to appreciate the little happy things that catch your attention. It’s only when you notice the beauty all around you can you appreciate your life and fill your heart with limitless happiness. [Read: 12 time management techniques to have happier relationships]

13. Making memories

Your life is nothing but a collection of memories, don’t you forget that. In your pursuit of wanting happy things in the distant future, you may forget all about the happy things you have around you today.

Can you name ten amazing experiences you’ve had in the last year or two? If you can’t, you’ve been too caught up in planning your future that you’ve forgotten to enjoy your present. Learn to create happy memories all the time, with whatever you have in your life right now. If you get this wrong, you may attain your long term goals in life someday, but you may have no recollections of anything you’ve experienced along the way. Is that what you really want, a life that’s not worth remembering?

14. Health is wealth

We focus so much on material items that we forget the single most important thing you can own – health. Look after your health. Make sure you get enough sleep, you exercise regularly, you eat good and healthy food, and you focus on your mental health too. When you have positive health, you have everything. Remember to get anything you’re worried about checked out, and take your doctor’s advice whenever you need to. Health really is wealth! [Read: The health benefits of hugging that’ll make you want to cuddle more]

15. Good deeds

Doing good deeds for others comes back to you ten-fold. You’ll feel good about what you’ve done and you’ve helped others too. You could argue that there are never any selfless good deeds out there, but does it matter whether it’s selfless or not? As long as someone has benefitted from your action and you’re feeling good about it too, surely it’s win-win?

So, volunteer, help your neighbor, donate some money if you can, or just go out and help someone who needs it. You’ll feel warm and fuzzy inside and they’ll sleep better at night too.

16. Work on the relationship you have with yourself

Never underestimate the power of self-care. Spending time alone and appreciating your company is a good thing. It’s not being lonely, it’s being content with who you are and enjoying the time you spend alone. Nourish your soul with the things you enjoy, such as reading, taking a hot bath, or watching a movie. It doesn’t matter what you do, abut focus on relaxation and caring for yourself. It’s not selfish – it’s necessary! [Read: How to take care of yourself emotionally and avoid falling apart]

17. Spend time in nature

Mother Nature has the power to make us truly happy. Have you ever noticed how you feel relaxed and refreshed after a walk, or how content you feel after a day at the beach? Make it your aim to spend as much time outdoors as you can, and to take the happy factor up a notch, spend time around animals too. You’ll have a long-lasting smile on your face for doing more of both.

Being happy isn’t about owning a new car or having the latest iPhone. Those are just momentary flashes of joy that come from owning a material item. It wanes and disappears pretty quickly. Instead, focus on people, health, and experiences and notice how much better you feel for it.

[Read: The power of the words you use and the effect it has on your relationships]

If you want to have a happy life, remember these 17 happy things all the time. You don’t always have to wait for the future to be happy. There are so many happy things in the world and so much happiness just waiting for you, if only you care enough to look.

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Elizabeth Arthur
A mom of two who’s currently working on a novel, Elizabeth Arthur lives in Cornwall. And when she’s not chasing her boys around the house, she enjoys sittin...
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