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50 Crazy & Impulsive Things to Do with Friends You Won’t Ever Forget

Life is short, so you might as well have some fun while you’re here. So, here are 50 crazy things to do with friends while you’re still young and wild.

crazy things to do with friends

There is nothing worse than sitting around on a Saturday after a long work week and not having anything to do. As adults, it feels like every day is Groundhog Day. The first minute you have to get out of the office, and there isn’t a thing to do but the same ole same ole. So, why not try some crazy things to do with your friends? 

This weekend, instead of bellying up to the bar for the hundredth time, or hitting the mall to spend all the money you don’t have, consider doing something completely out of character. There are a ton of crazy things to do with friends, depending on how adventurous you want to be.

This weekend, do something that will create those memories that thirty years from now you will still be asking “can you believe we did that?”

You are only young once… literally! So, if you are going to do something crazy, now is the time. You never want to look back and say “I really should have done ___.” Start checking things off your bucket list now so that you aren’t killing yourself while dying later.

[Read: Best friends bucket list – 20 exciting adventures for you and your BFF]

Try these 50 crazy things to do with friends

Crazy is all about degrees and what your personality style is. Cow tipping or jetting off to the Sahara are equally crazy, depending on where you come from and your personal experience.

Sometimes, crazy can be found in just doing something you wouldn’t normally consider. [Read: 27 fun, grownup things you can do once you turn 18]

Some may take more than a weekend, while others may be a day affair. Choose one or more of these crazy things to do with friends that calls to you and would bring out your inner child.

1. Go skydiving

If you haven’t been skydiving, you haven’t been living. The thing about skydiving is that it takes a lot of courage for some, and it is only good if you can prove you did it.

What better thing to check off your bucket list than jumping out of a plane? Find a reputable company and get jumping.

2. Go bungee cord jumping

This is definitely one of the most out-there ideas when you’re trying to think of crazy things to do with friends.

Even scarier than skydiving, for some, bungee cord jumping can have you bouncing alongside one another while screaming at the top of your lungs. Better than any roller coaster ride, depending on what you jump off, it could be the ride of your life.

3. Crash a wedding

An easy thing to do is show up after dinner dressed up and have a ball at the expense of the wedding couple. They won’t get charged for the drinks if you don’t show up for dinner, and you will have a dance floor to cut a rug.

The most fun part is trying to explain to everyone who you are and how you know the bride or the groom. You can talk about the story ahead of time, or for additional fun, make it up as you go along! [Read: 15 fun, weird, intimate things to do as a couple]

4. Find a famous rock band in the city

Rock bands have to stay somewhere after their performance, right? Go to town looking for your favorite band after the concert.

You may have to do some real research, but if you find out where they are staying, at worst, you will get a sneak peek or an accidental run-in. At best, you can try to make your way into the party suite. How sweet would that be?

5. Sneak backstage at your favorite concert

More difficult since 9/11, if you devise a real scheme and take some time planning to get backstage to see the idol of your dreams, it may be possible.

You have to be pretty creative and use many research tools, but if you are very determined, no one can stop you. This is one of the craziest things to do with friends!

6. Vegas baby! 

An oldie, but a goodie. “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” can be one of the best memories of your life… if you make it through alive.

7. Hunt down your crush

If you have had a crush on a girl or guy for a while and haven’t had the guts to reveal it, then make a plan with a friend to seek them out and win them over.

Not all that crazy, you may find the love of your life or die trying. But either way, you won’t be pinning for them anymore. Stalk them on social media to find out what they are doing and just go for it. [Read: What to do after a breakup – 50 ways to detach yourself]

8. Train for a marathon… and run it! 

Okay, it may not be a weekend thing, but it is definitely a bucket list item for some. If you have a friend who is willing to commit, you can accomplish something pretty crazy.

After all, what is crazier than running 26.2 miles? Then have an after-party once you cross the finish line together.

9. Head out without a cell phone

Of all the crazy things to do with friends, you might not have ever thought about this one. Crazy is heading out into the whole wide world without a cell phone.

There is no way to plan or communicate with the outside world. So, you will be forced to communicate with the world around you… crazy, but true!

10. Make a scavenger hunt around town

Make a list of things that you have to find or ask other people for. You can make it as crazy as you want.

At the end of the night, meet back up in groups to go over what you have scrounged up, and swap crazy stories about what you had to do to get what you got.

11. Throw a dart and take a trip

Set up a big map of either the U.S. or the world, grab a dart, and throw it. Decide that where it lands is where you will go for the weekend. [Read: 12 inspiring travel destinations for soul searching]

12. Backpack across Europe

This is also a longer than one weekend partaking, but it doesn’t take much money to make your way across Europe with nothing but a backpack and some curiosity.

If you are going to go, do it while you’re young, or life will get in the way. It’s time to get international with your list of crazy things to do with friends!

13. Hit the thrift shops, put together a crazy outfit, and wear it to the clubs

How crazy can you be? Get some velour sweats or granny pants and head out to the bars. At least you know that anyone you meet isn’t only in it just for your looks or sense of fashion style. [Read: How to be funny and make people love your company]

14. Go to Disney

You are never too young to be a kid again. Disney is just one of those things that shouldn’t be missed. Whether you have gone before or never, going with friends definitely makes it that much crazier.

15. See the seven wonders

Make a long-term plan to do something crazy. Commit to seeing the seven wonders of the world one at a time. It may take up several weekends, but again if you don’t do it now, they will likely continue to be wonders to you for a lifetime.

16. Go camping without a camper

Grab a case or two of beer, a tent, and some sleeping bags, and go camping in some remote place.

Getting away from everyday things, there is something very liberating about sleeping out under the stars and sharing a campfire. For country livers, this may not sound crazy. But to those who grew up in the city, the thought of roughing it is a very crazy notion.

17. Try to break a Guinness World Record

When making your list of crazy things to do with friends, why not have your name live throughout history?

There are a ton of world records to break. Spend time looking through the book to find something you can break together. How crazy would it be to have your name in the book for all time?

18. Design your own pub crawl

Pub crawls are awesome, but they don’t always include your favorites. For a crazy night, design your own pub crawl. It doesn’t have to be in the city or town where you live.

In fact, perhaps the craziest part can be that you are doing it in some strange place. [Read: Creatively cheap – Awesome date ideas to have loads of fun on a budget]

19. Karaoke in a bar that doesn’t have karaoke

Bring your own karaoke and niche out a place in the bar to have a good time. “On the go karaoke” is easy to find, you don’t need a huge machine.

The best part is that if the bar owner is okay with it, you won’t have to wait for your song to be chosen.

20. Try the polar bear club challenge

This is definitely one of the craziest things to do with friends! Try dipping in the water during frigid temperatures. Just make sure that you are careful – it can be dangerous.

There is nothing funnier than seeing the expression on someone’s face when they first hit the frigid water. So, make sure you bring a camera. [Read: College bucket list – 30 must-have items to have on your list]

21. Go streaking

Streak through an event or get-together. Just make sure it is a surprise so that no one has a camera out.

The key is to run as fast as you can so that you get the thrill, but no one gets a great sneak peek. Also, be smart… you don’t want to end up with public indecency on your permanent record!

22. Sneak into multiple movies

Maybe not high-level crazy, but pay for one movie and sneak into multiple. Make it a whole day event seeing all the new releases. Or, make it a contest to see how many you can get through before you can’t take anymore or before you get spotted and kicked out.

23. Scuba diving

It may mean a great vacation too… but whatever! [Read: Couple’s bucket list – 20 things couples need to do]

24. Cliff jumping

Cliff jumping is sort of like bungee jumping, but you don’t come back up, you hit the water. See which one of you is brave enough to go first, or go at all.

25. Hijack a yoga class

If you aren’t a yoga-goer, get a group together and hijack a yoga class. This may not be all that crazy, but there is nothing more hilarious than watching your non-flexible friends trying to contort themselves into different poses.

The others in the class might not enjoy it, or they might – makes no difference to you. Not so crazy, but really funny!

26. Pull an elaborate prank on one in the group

Devise a great prank to play on someone in your group. Just make sure that you pick someone who won’t be offended or get pissed. And bring your phone along. It is something you will want to get on film.

27. Hit the water park… indoor, outdoor, makes no difference

You are never too old to grab an inner tube to make your way down the water slides. Spend the weekend at the water park, have a couple of beers, and hit the wave pool or lazy river.

28. Go skinny dipping

Doing anything while in public and naked is crazy and fun. Skinny dipping lets you go in the buff and still be hidden 90% of the time. [Read: Skinny dipping – How to convince your friends to do it]

29. Go roller skating or join a roller derby league

You probably haven’t been roller skating since you were a kid. Instead of sitting in a bar all weekend, or doing the normal mall shopping, rent some skates and hit the roller rink. With roller skating making a comeback, it will make you feel prepubescent again.

30. Unexpectedly head to the beach

Get in the car for a road trip or book a flight. Destination? Beach and bikini. What is better and crazier than the last-minute tropical drink with an umbrella enjoyed in a beach chair?

31. Go to a fraternity party long after you graduate

Remember how much fun fraternity parties were when you were in school? The most fun is messing with the kids still in college.

Likely, what they do at parties now is much different than what they used to. But, if you don’t check it out, you won’t know.

32. Play hooky from work and hang out in your pajamas drinking beer all day

Playing hooky isn’t all that crazy, but it is the best thing ever. There is something amazing about knowing that you have responsibilities, but you just don’t care. [Read: 14 Fun things to do with your best friend and create lasting memories]

For one day, leave the corporate world behind and do nothing but hang out in your pajamas the way you did when you were a kid, taking the day off from school.

33. Play strip poker

When was the last time you got naked around your friends? Probably not very often – if ever!

So, try playing strip poker. Every time you lose, you have to take an article of clothing off. You might want to brush up on your poker-playing skills first! [Read: The wildest and naughtiest drinking games for flirty guys and girls]

34. Go white water rafting

If you want a wild adventure, then white water rafting is a great thing to do. You can do it at a local river *if you have one* or you can go for broke and do it in the Grand Canyon.

35. Swim with dolphins

We’ve all seen it in the movies, right? It looks so much fun to swim with dolphins, doesn’t it? They are kind animals and will even let you ride them if you want. [Read: 14 really fun things to do at sleepovers to hit that level of WOW!]

36. Go to a Hawaiian luau

Who doesn’t like Hawaii? If you have the money to go there, then that is the best way to experience a true Hawaiian luau.

But if you can’t make it there in person, you can always find somewhere else that offers them – or even create your own.

37. Take a road trip across the country

Ahhh…the road trip. You should all choose your own favorite sites that you want to visit, and then plan a long trip across the country so you can see everything you have always wanted to see. [Read: Top 50 really fun things to do on a road trip and have a good time]

38. Dance in the rain

Usually, when it rains, people try to avoid getting wet by using an umbrella or staying inside. But dancing in the rain is quite liberating. Play some music and have a big ol’ dance party in a huge downpour. 

39. Go on an African safari

If you have the money to go to Africa, then going on a safari is quite an experience. Seeing all the exotic animals in the wild is definitely something you will always remember.

40. Attend the Super Bowl or Olympics

Again, this one involves quite a bit of money. But if there is any way you can get tickets to a major event like the Superbowl or the Olympics, then that is a story you can tell everyone for the rest of your life.

41. Be an extra in a movie

It’s always fun to imagine what it would be like to be a movie star. Oh, the glamour and riches! But not everyone gets to do that, so you can always be an extra in a movie just for fun. [Read: 30 fun things you can do when you’re 18 – the good, the bad, and the scary]

42. Fly in a hot air balloon

If you want a peaceful, beautiful thing to do, then you should try floating in the air in a hot air balloon. Hopefully, you don’t have a fear of heights, because you will soar above the trees.

43. Dance on a bar

If you and your friends like to party, then find a bar in a major city and get wild and crazy. It’s best if there is a live band playing. When they play your favorite song, get up on the bar and dance the night away.

44. Color your hair

This might sound boring, but give it a try. And we’re not talking brown or blonde here. We’re talking pink, purple, blue, or silver.

Why not try something really funky? You can make it a temporary one that will wash out if you’re too chicken to make it permanent.

45. Make a homemade music video

It’s pretty easy these days to take a video and edit it into a masterpiece. So, choose a song that everyone likes, and each of you should act like you are a rock star in your own personal music video. [Read: 20 fun, unique things to do on a long car ride and make it memorable]

46. Take a helicopter ride

You might have been in an airplane, but what about a helicopter? It’s a very different experience. It’s best to do it somewhere that is particularly picturesque like the Grand Canyon.

47. Attend the Kentucky Derby

If you want to dress up all fancy and pretend like you are part of royalty with a big wild hat, then the Kentucky Derby is for you. Grab your outfits and a mint julip and enjoy yourselves.

48. Become part of a flash mob – or start your own

If you don’t know what a flash mob is, it’s time you find out by being a part of one. A flash mob is a group of people who assemble in a random public place to perform a dance to music for a brief period of time and then quickly disperses. 

49. Learn to surf

Hang ten with your friends! Go to a beach and take surfing lessons. Ride the waves and become a beach bum.

50. Go zip lining

Another exhilarating thing you can do is go zip lining. Strap on your helmet and zoom across the treetops on a wire. Feel the excitement run through your veins.

[Read: Couples bucket list – 32 fun and wild things every couples needs to do]

As you get older, crazy becomes harder to get away with. So, make sure you try these crazy things to do with friends before life gets in the way. You won’t regret it!

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