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Sexual Headaches: What They Are and How to Get Rid of Them

Sex can be a headache, literally. If you are experiencing a headache after orgasm, you could be suffering from sexual headaches. Find out why!


We’ve all heard the ole line, “I can’t tonight, I have a headache” as a reason not to get down and dirty, but is there actually some merit to this statement? We hate to be the bearer of bad news, but experiencing a headache after orgasm is a real thing. *As a side note, does anyone really use that excuse these days? We digress!*
In an ideal world, great sex should lead to a mind-blowing orgasm. But what happens when great sex leads to an orgasm-induced migraine? Sexual headaches brought on by orgasm are a real thing, and if you’ve ever experienced one before, you’re likely itching to find out why you’re getting them and how you can go back to having great sex free of literally mind-numbing pain.
Sexual headaches are referred to as “headaches associated with sexual activity,” or HSA. The cause of this unpleasantness can range from mild and annoying to seriously dangerous. If you’re suffering from recurring headaches brought on by orgasm, you need to make an appointment with your doctor as soon as you can.
Anyone who has suffered from a severe migraine knows how horrific an experience it can be, with throbbing pains, light sensitivity, a queasy stomach, and sparkles in the eyes. Did we mention it’s definitely not something you want to have happen anywhere near your sex life?
Read on to find out who’s most susceptible to getting headaches after orgasm, the symptoms of a sexual headache, and how you can say goodbye to those not-so-sexy migraines for good.
Headache after orgasm: How it starts
Sexual headaches are just what they sound like—headaches triggered by sexual release. This more than lackluster sexual reaction affects a mere 1% of the entire population. While we tend to associate orgasm with sexual intimacy, sexual headaches can also result from masturbation. There seems to be two stages or types of sexual headaches:
#1 Dull headache during sexual arousal. The symptoms of a sexual headache are quite similar to a regular headache. During the sexual variety, however, a mild, dull pounding will begin at the point of sexual arousal and will continue to intensify as the pleasure or excitement increases. This brand of ache is sometimes referred to as “early coital cephalgia” and may have something to do with the contractions of the neck and head before orgasm.
#2 Severe, throbbing migraine. Orgasmic coital cephalgia is a severe headache after orgasm, much like a migraine, that will send strong throbbing sensations through the head, neck, and behind the eyes. This pain is experienced directly before or after climaxing. Thanks for ruining my O, yo. [Read: 14 strange, interesting facts about sex you didn’t know]
Duration of a headache after orgasm
According to the Mayo Clinic, those who experience a headache after orgasming may experience several more sexual headaches within a six-month span of the initial headache. That being said, some lucky ducks will only experience that one sexual headache and may never be bothered again.
Headaches associated with orgasm may last anywhere from two minutes to days at a time. Now you have to ask yourself: is an orgasm really worth days of head-throbbing pain? *We’re on the fence*  [Read: 12 hidden reasons you aren’t having a mind-blowing orgasm]

Causes of a sexual headache
Interestingly enough, experts have found that men are three times more likely to experience a sexual headache than women. The most common age brackets for males who experience these sexual downers are between 20-25 and 35-45.
While the exact cause for headaches after orgasm aren’t known, some common benign risk factors include:
-Prior history or predisposition to chronic headaches and migraines
-Occlusive arterial disease
-Use of some birth controls
-Use of the drug amyl nitrite
-Marijuana use
-Use of the anti-anxiety agent anxiolytics
These are the more common causes that can be linked back to various studies. However, the causes of a sexual headache aren’t always easy fixes. These are some of the more serious risk factors for sexual headaches:
-Coronary diseases
-An aneurysm
-Bleeding in the brain
-Inflammations due to infections
Don’t let these causes freak you out! In the mere 1% of the population being affected by sex headaches, the odds that these will be the cause of your sexual woes is fairly low.
Treatment for sexual headaches
If you are one of the unlucky ones who have recurring sex headaches post-O, you may want to consult your doctor to make sure there are no underlying issues. Your doctor will likely schedule you in for an MRI or CT scan and will ask you some professional questions all about the where and when of your orgasm-induced headache. Once you’re in the clear medically, you may be wondering what the heck to do now. You can decrease your chance of a headache after orgasm by:
-Creating a daily exercise routine that engages your body
-Losing weight
-Engaging in less vigorous sexual activity *make your partner do the dirty work, for once!*
-Desist with any recreational drug use
Your doctor may also recommend the use of certain medications to ease your migraines. These preventative medications include beta blockers, which are commonly used to combat coronary artery disease. Other medications include anti-inflammatory or anti-migraine medications, which should only be taken occasionally, such as a half hour to an hour before sex occurs. [Read: 25 inspirational tips to get motivated and work out]
Sex is way too much fun to let a little *or a big* headache stand in your way! Effective treatments are readily available to help cure sex headaches, so don’t let your sex life give you a headache! If you’re suffering from any form of sexual headache, you need to get to the root of it ASAP so you can start enjoying your sex life again.

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Waverly Smith
Waverly Smith is a freelance writer who has been getting paid for spreading her sarcastic take on love, life, and sex since 2010. She is many things that people...
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