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How to Stay Connected during Self-Isolation & Keep Your Sanity

You’re self-isolating at home, but it’s no vacation. It’s important to know how to stay connected during self-isolation without spiraling.

how to stay connected during self-isolation

Well, it’s safe to say no one saw this coming, right? What a crazy couple of months this has been. Like most of us, I’ve spent my days inside my house, staring out to the blue sky, wondering when this will all be over and how to stay connected during self-isolation.

In the meantime, we should focus on staying connected with our loved ones and ourselves. So many of my friends have told me they feel like they’ve disconnected from everything around them and are struggling to feel normal.

How to stay connected during self-isolation

People all around the world are dealing with feelings of loneliness and anxiety during this time. But there are things you can do to get yourself feeling more connected to yourself and others. It’s not going to be easy, and there will be times when you just feel like throwing the towel in.

[Read: How to fight loneliness during a pandemic]

Keep pushing through and use these tips to help you create balance in your life. Friends, family, and partners are important people in your life who can help you get through this time and vice versa.

It’s a challenge, but possible.

#1 Take advantage of technology. This doesn’t mean you need to scroll through Instagram for hours on end. But you should take advantage of the apps and platforms available for you to connect via your smartphone or computer. If you want to chat with your mom, who’s in self-isolation, video call her so you can see each other. [Read: 23 quarantine approved activities to have fun and stay safe!]

#2 Schedule social time. You may be working from home, and that means it’s a slippery slope between your personal and working life. I mean, it’s all happening in the same place. But don’t let your work become your entire life when self-isolating. You need a break and should make time to socialize with your friends and family online.

#3 Switch up your screen time. It’s easy to get stuck on one platform or way of communicating with someone. But if you want to “spice” things up, play around with the different ways you communicate with your loved ones.

You can send an email one day, and then do a video call the next. Create a dinner date with your long-distance partner or have a Netflix party with your friends. [Read: How to handle social distancing from your partner and not feel lonely]

#4 Take up a hobby and join its community. If you always wanted to learn how to juggle, now would be a perfect time. Let’s face it, you have a lot of free time, so why not try new things. And while you’re taking up a new hobby, join an online community that’s focused around that hobby. You’ll be able to connect with new people and learn some tips and tricks.

#5 Keep *or start* exercising. When we’re in self-isolation, whether it’s alone or in a shared home, it’s easy to lose your mind. But make sure you stay mentally healthy by keeping active.

Join an online exercise program, follow a YouTube workout, or create your own routine. What’s important is you incorporate fitness into your daily routine.

#6 Maintain a routine. If you want to stay connected to the world you once knew, it’s important to create a routine for yourself. Of course, it won’t be the same routine you had before, but that’s okay. Right now, you need a routine that suits this current lifestyle and helps you stay busy and positive. [Read: Quick and easy morning routines to jumpstart a great day]

#7 Stay connected, but limit your media intake. Of course, we’re all glued to the news, waiting for new updates. But if you want a positive outlook, it’s important to limit the amount of media you take in. If you’re talking to friends or family, focus on positive topics even if they’re about the coronavirus. We all know what’s going on; let’s not get sucked into rumors.

#8 Give yourself time for yourself. You may be living with your family or partner, and they’re driving you crazy. Of course, you want to spend time with them, but this is a little too much time. I totally get it. While you’re in self-isolation, give yourself time for you. Staying connected doesn’t mean talking to people all day long. [Read: Are you self-isolating with a narcissist and need help coping?]

#9 Visit the zoo. Though the natural world is getting a break from humans during self-isolation, you’re probably missing seeing animals as you normally would. But many zoos around the world have opened their virtual doors and livestream their facilities. You can see penguins, lions, elephants, and monkeys right from your home.

#10 Share an activity with your friends or family. When it comes to socializing, most of us end up talking about the pandemic. It’s a pretty big deal, so it makes sense. But you can shift the conversation to something entertaining by creating a shared hobby. Get your family or friends to share a hobby with you like painting, drawing, even juggling.

#11 Stay creative. As I said before, it’s easy to make your interactions solely about the pandemic. Connecting with friends and family takes creativity. Yes, it’s going to be a challenge, but put your brains together and find ways to stay entertained and connected during this time. [Read: How to socialize while social distancing]

#12 You can always seek help. This isn’t an easy time for anyone, and you may be finding this experience hard to cope with. That’s completely normal. If you’re unsure of what to do, you can always seek professional help. Naturally, you may not be able to go to a therapist’s office, but you can have online sessions to help you process what’s happening.

[Read: How to stay motivated and thrive during quarantine]

This experience isn’t what anyone planned for, but here’s how to stay connected during self-isolation and bond with the people you love.

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Natasha Ivanovic
Natasha Ivanovic is an intimacy, dating, and relationship writer best known for her writings on Kiiroo, LovePanky, Post Pravda, and more. She's the creator and ...
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