20 Signs of a Slutty Girlfriend & the Hot and Bad of Dating Her

Does your girlfriend have an insatiable appetite for sex? Sounds great! But at some point, it may make you wonder if you have a slutty girlfriend.

slutty girlfriend

When men have a string of women littered behind them or been with countless girlfriends like he’s building his own brothel, it is seen as some kind of uber-masculine badge. Something worth celebrating and glorifying. Other men idolize men with a colorful sex life behind them. But turn the tables and have women with a trail of male lovers and this is seen as an awful, awful thing. She’s the slutty girlfriend!

They call these types of women sluts. The girls who really just wanted to have fun. But the type who you wouldn’t want to take home to your mom *but why not?*. The type of girl labeled promiscuous.

But the thing is, what if you’re in love with one?

What if you suddenly fell head over heels with this sexy, smart, and charming girl, but you think she’s too loose with her sexuality? What if you’re really dating a slutty girlfriend?

[Read: 18 things a girl does that makes guys think she’s an easy lay]

Here’s the deal

First of all, we’re in the 21st century and you, like many others, should know better than to judge anyone based on their sexuality or even just the clothes they wear. Sex isn’t something dirty or disgusting.

It’s something meant to be celebrated. So, if your slutty girlfriend gets into it with a lot more gusto than you expected, then you shouldn’t worry—you should even deem yourself lucky! [Read: Why naughty women always seem to get exactly what they want and desire]

Advantages and disadvantages to having a slutty girlfriend

Is having a slutty girlfriend a good thing? Well, it depends on how you look at it – and who you are.

Some guys think it’s the best thing ever, while other *more conservative* dudes might find it a bit disgusting. So, let’s start by talking about the advantages of having a slutty girlfriend.

Advantages of having a slutty girlfriend

There are some benefits to having a slutty girlfriend, don’t you think? Here are some of them.

1. She likes to have sex a lot

This one is obvious, right? One of the greatest things about having a slutty girlfriend is that she loves to have sex! That’s every guy’s dream. You don’t ever have to wonder if she’s in the mood, because she always is. [Read: 15 secret signs of female bisexuality to recognize a bisexual girl]

That’s a lot better than having a girlfriend who never wants to have sex with you. And yes, there are a lot of women out there who just aren’t that into having sex because their libido is low. But that is never a problem with your slutty girlfriend!

2. She initiates sex and never turns you down

Not only does a slutty girlfriend always want to have sex, she will never reject you. Unlike the poor dudes who have to beg their girlfriends to get laid, you never have this problem. She is always ready to go at a drop of a hat 24/7.

This definitely will make your ego feel good. It always feels good when someone wants to jump our bones all the time.

3. You know she finds you attractive

When your girlfriend’s sex drive is low, you might start wondering about yourself. Does she still find me attractive? Have I gained too much weight? Is she thinking about other guys? [Read: 12 types of promiscuous women and how to recognize each of them]

Well, when you have a slutty girlfriend, you never have any feelings of inadequacies because you know she is always finding you attractive.

4. She can make your sex life exciting

When your girlfriend is slutty, you will definitely not have a boring sex life. She is constantly wanting to try new positions, find new locations to have sex, and even use some toys. She knows lots of sexy tricks in bed. You will definitely have a wild sex life if you have a girlfriend like this! [Read: 24 sex tips for men and secrets to make any woman instantly wet in bed]

Disadvantages of having a slutty girlfriend

As with anything in life, there is always a downside. And that’s also true when you have a slutty girlfriend. [Read: Naughty women – 15 sexy ways to coax the naughty out in any girl]

1. She may have slept with more people than you

What number is a high number? Well, that really depends on the person. Some people think sleeping with 2 people in your life is bad, while others have slept with hundreds or even thousands of people. Most people are somewhere in between.

But what if you find out that she’s slept with a ridiculous amount of people? You might be totally grossed out. Especially if her number is a lot higher than yours. [Read: Curious minds – How many sexual partners is too many]

2. Her sexual past might have involved diseases

If she’s slept with a ton of people, you might wonder if she’s gotten any sexually transmitted diseases.

Has she had crabs? Chlamydia? Herpes? HIV? You never know, unless you ask her. And even then, will she even be honest with you? Or will she lie to cover it up? [Read: THOT – Do some women deserve the label of hoe?]

3. Did she ever get pregnant?

When she has had sex with a lot of guys, that means she also had many chances to accidentally get pregnant.

You don’t know if she always used birth control or protection. If she got pregnant, what happened to the baby? There are a lot of questions that you would want answered.

4. She might not be satisfied with JUST you

If you have a really slutty girlfriend, you might wonder if she wants to sleep with other people. And she might not just want other guys, but she might want any other person, regardless of their gender.

Either way, you might start to wonder if you are “enough” for her. She might crave variety, and you can’t give her that. [Read: Heteroflexible – all you need to know about this rare sexuality]

Signs you have a slutty girlfriend

Now that you know the pros and cons of dating a slutty girlfriend, do you think you’re dating one? Before you go ahead calling your girl “slutty” and give her a spanking, take a look at these tell-tale signs that you have a slut for a girlfriend.

1. She goes commando

A lot! She probably believes clothes restrict her, and she’s comfortable in her own skin. Her body is her own and so she can pretty much do whatever she likes.

Besides, she’s got a great booty and you like it that she teases you with some naughty peeks into her privates—even in public! [Read: 12 bad girl traits every guy wants in his girl!]

2. She’s not afraid to make out publicly

She’s into tons of PDA, and she’s not shy about showing you her affection.

She’ll tease you and make out with you, even in the middle of Sunday brunch. That’s just how much she loves you. Be thankful—that hot slutty girlfriend has the hots for you and proudly shows the world all about it.

3. She broaches the subject of sex first

Remember when you first met? She’s probably the one who leaned into the table, her beautiful breasts against it, asking you about your sex life or your wildest sex fantasies.

She won’t hesitate to talk about sex with you, even if you’ve just met.

She views sex as something so natural and glorious that it shouldn’t just be whispered about and confined behind closed doors. Therefore, she’ll openly talk about sex with you, and you’ll even be surprised to learn a thing or two! [Read: Physical signs of female arousal – 20 signs to recognize the horny girl mode]

4. She initiates sex

She’s the type of girl who’ll go after what she wants. Perhaps, she’s even the one who made the two of you happen as a couple. And now that you’re together, she can’t get her hands off of you.

It’s like she’d just touch you and the fire of passion consumes you both that you end up just having sex every time. And when it comes to her, when she wants it, she wants it bad—and she’ll get it, anytime, anywhere. That’s a sign of a slutty girlfriend.

5. She prefers it rough

She’s not the type who’ll play coy and shy in bed. She can even be the dominating one in bed. She likes it any and every way and you’ll be surprised each time.

She definitely likes it when you play rough on her and easily gets on cue, resulting in sizzling hot sex that is as much of a workout as it is a steaming romance. [Read: Dating a kinky girl? How to go from vanilla to sexy spice with her]

6. And kinky

You ask her and she’ll tell you she may have done it all. Role plays, bondage, toys, threesomes, and what-have-you.

Her record may even be as long, if not longer, than yours. So when it comes to kinky, she’s the queen. In fact, she has a collection of toys in her closet as well as porn videos on her computer—all for your sexual satisfaction. [Read: 10 unexpected qualities kinky women will surprise you with]

7. She really knows what she’s doing in bed

The first time you did it, you may have been surprised at how deftly she unbuttoned you and how great she was—and still is—at giving you head. You’re one lucky guy because you’re sleeping with a pro.

She’s not the type to be all meek and pretend to be a klutz so you won’t think she’s a slut. She’s confident in bed and all her experience led to you having the best orgasms of your life.

8. She likes to be naughty

You know you have a slutty girlfriend when she can’t help it. Her sexy, mischievous, playful side just shows. And you love just how unpredictable she is.

She’ll sext you in the middle of a hectic workday and that’s enough to motivate you for the rest of the day. Feeling down? She might even send you a naked photo of her so you’ll be “up.”

She’ll touch you down there when no one else is looking *and even if there are people looking*. And you will both laugh at the great time you’re having, just as long as you don’t get caught with indecency. [Read: 20 very dirty dares with a naughty twist for girls and guys]

9. She shows a lot of skin

Again, she’s so comfortable with herself and her body that she doesn’t really care what people think of her. She carries herself well and would not hesitate to flaunt what she has.

Her wardrobe consists of skimpy, form-fitting clothes showing her every curve and crevice—and you thank the heavens that all that is all yours!

10. She basks in men’s lustful stares

Because of what she wears and how she carries herself, she gets a lot of stares—envy and intrigue from women and admiration and lust from men. Either way, she likes the attention.

Her presence commands a room, and everyone just stands in awe at how she moves and talks. Anyone can easily tell she’s an empowered woman who’s not afraid to speak her mind, and that in itself is sexy. [Read: How to be a happy couple envied by all]

11. She’s been with a lot of men

Not many women admit this, but you’re lucky that your girlfriend is open and honest about her sexual history with you.

She’s not ashamed or embarrassed that she’s been in love with a lot of guys and she ventured into quite a handful *or more* of one-night-stands. But here you are now with her, benefitting from her extensive experience and *hopefully* more mature frame of mind. [Read: 16 well-hidden signs you’re not the only guy she’s sleeping with]

12. She’s wild and crazy

You’ve seen her photos and you hear how her friends describe her.

She is the life of the party and every time you’re with her, the moments are unforgettable. And all this is because she’s unafraid of experiencing life head on. [Read: 11 things girls do that get them unfairly branded as sluts]

She feels what she feels and it just shows. She can give you the best times of your life and make you do things you never thought you could. Every second with her is just that—wild and crazy—and you wouldn’t want it any other way.

 [Read: Men: This is how to deal with a hot girlfriend to keep her happy and stay confident yourself]

If you think you have a slutty girlfriend because she’s unafraid to speak her mind, express herself, and take comfort in her own sexuality, then being a slut isn’t really such a bad thing. You should even be proud that you are dating a girl with fire in her eyes and an insane thirst for life.

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