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How to Be the Best Boyfriend You Can Be & Better Yourself Overnight

Making a girl happy isn’t as hard you might think! Learning how to be the best boyfriend is all about meeting her needs more than her wants.

how to be the best boyfriend

You may think you are in the clear now that you are official. You no longer have to worry about if you’re exclusive or who should call who first. But just because you can relax a bit doesn’t mean you can stop putting in the effort. We’re going to teach you how to be the best boyfriend you can be!

If you’re serious about being the best boyfriend, you can’t just stop putting in the effort because you already have her heart. You need to keep loving her the best way you know how.

If she got used to you treating her like a queen she will expect that, as she should. Otherwise, it will lead her to believe that you only put your best foot forward to have her heart – and that’s not a good look on a boyfriend. [Read: Ways to make your girlfriend incredibly happy]

Are you the best boyfriend?

You might be thinking yes, of course. But in reality, you are probably falling flat. You might be a nice guy, but you don’t want your girlfriend to feel like she is settling with you. You want her to feel special and lucky. Being the best boyfriend isn’t about spoiling her with all kinds of gifts and flowers.

While that might seem romantic, it could be the opposite of what she wants. What girls usually need in a relationship comes down to three aspects – quality time, affection, and communication. Of course, there are other things she needs, but these three are vital to make her feel loved.

Every woman wants something different from a relationship and needs different things. Adapt to her and be the best boyfriend for your girlfriend. That is, if you’re going to stay her boyfriend for a significant period. [Read: How to be a good boyfriend: 33 traits to make you the best ever!]

How to be the best boyfriend and keep your girlfriend happy

Being the best boyfriend may sound like a feat you’re not worthy of, but it doesn’t have to be all that complicated. A women isn’t looking for someone perfect, just someone perfect for her. So as long as you know her, you can become the best boyfriend in the world for the woman you love.

Pay attention to her words, her actions, and how she responds. The best way to offer your girlfriend what she needs is to know what that is. [Read: How to make your girlfriend happy & feel like the luckiest girl ever]

1. Be honest

Honesty is very crucial in being a good boyfriend. We all say a white lie every now and then, but be honest when it comes to important details you know you should tell her. You know what they say – it’s better to hurt her with the truth than comfort her with a lie.

That doesn’t mean you should tell her that her new haircut isn’t the most flattering, but it does mean you should tell her if you ran into your ex, got hit on by a girl at work, or something along those lines. She is your partner, and honesty is crucial in any partnership. [Read: Being vulnerable in a relationship will make you feel closer]

2. Surprise her

Small gestures can go much further than big gifts or epic plans. When you pick her up to go to Target, order her a Starbucks first. Bring her flowers without a reason. Girls love surprises, so this is one of the best ways on how to be the best boyfriend.

It might seem like a small gesture for you, but it speaks volumes about your love for her. Actions speak louder than words, remember? [Read: How to make your girl fall more in love with you]

3. Be a gentleman

You don’t have to be traditional in order to be kind and respectful. Yes, this means opening the car door for her and carrying heaving boxes, but it also means tossing masculinity away. Prove to her that chivalry isn’t dead and you don’t care about your masculinity too much.

Take her cute Instagram photos, hold her purse, and be open to her suggestions. This doesn’t mean you go get a manicure with her, but when she suggests going to see the ballet, don’t shut her down because of your male pride.

When you’re a gentleman to her, it’ll make her feel like the queen she deserves to be. [Read: Toxic masculinity: 20 “toxic” traits that are actually healthy]

4. Respect her

Just as you want her to respect you, she deserves the same. This means respecting her body, her boundaries, her feelings, and her opinions. You need to look at her as your equal at all times.

If she says she is offended by a male coworker or your friend made her uncomfortable, she deserves your attention and understanding. You may not know exactly where she is coming from, but her feelings are always valid.

Also, respect is one of the most essential factors of a relationship. Without it, a relationship eventually crumbles and falls apart. [Read: How to show respect in a relationship and love each other better]

5. Listen

Men seem to have a hard time when it comes to listening to women speak. Whether it is a serious conversation, a discussion about the future, or just her asking you to order dinner or take out the trash, open up those ears. It doesn’t matter how many gifts and flowers you give her if you never listen in the first place.

For all you know, she’s telling you what she needs if you could only spare her a moment to listen. And we mean really listen, not just pretend to listen but your focus is elsewhere. Just be present with her, and she’ll deeply appreciate this from you. [Read: How to be a better listener in your relationship]

6. Check in

As much as women can take care of themselves, they like to know that you worry. That means you care. So when your girlfriend leaves, tell her to let you know when she is home safe, and if she doesn’t, call her. If you want to be the best boyfriend, it couldn’t hurt to check in with her every now and then. [Read: 11 sweet and intimate ways to show how much you care]

7. Be playful

No one likes someone that takes everything too seriously. We all have bad days, but knowing you can laugh and be a kid again is something we all need. Having the ability to let loose, act goofy, and fool around is vital in today’s world.

If you want to know how to be the best boyfriend, be her best friend. Make her laugh and be playful with her! After all, life’s too short to be so serious all the time, right? [Read: How to be more playful and flirty & open up when you meet someone]

8. Let her know she is on your mind

When you’re in a relationship, things can come up. Work, family, traffic, bills, etc., are all part of life. But among all that, taking time to make sure your girlfriend knows you are thinking about her is all she needs. No matter how busy life gets, don’t fail to let her know you’re on her mind.

If you have the time, you can also show that she’s in your thoughts! Whether a quick phone call to say “I love you” or a text that says “can’t wait to see you tonight,” these are gestures that mean a lot more than you may realize. [Read: What to text your girlfriend when you miss her]

9. Be you

All of these tips are great to not only impress your girlfriend, but also to ensure you are being the best boyfriend for her. But above all else, you want to make sure you are always being yourself.

You don’t have to change who you are just to please her or be the best boyfriend.

You can still give her everything she needs by being yourself. [Read: The things women actually want in a man]

10. Be decisive

If you want to know how to be the best boyfriend, you need to be capable of making decisions. Don’t just decide one thing and then change your mind the next.

This goes even for minor things like where your date is going to be. Yes, spontaneity is attractive in a guy, but she can’t rely on you if you’re not decisive. [Read: 15 firm ways to deal with an indecisive partner]

11. Spend time with her

We can’t emphasize this enough, but you will lose her if you don’t spend enough time with her. Women value quality time, no matter what their love language is. So if you want to be the best boyfriend, you need to be intentional with quality time.

Plan date nights and most importantly, give her your undivided attention and focus. She won’t like it if when you’re on a date and you keep checking your phone every minute. [Read: 15 cell phone rules every couple has to follow to build real trust]

12. Keep your word

When you give her your word on something, keep it no matter what. Be the type of boyfriend that sticks to his word, so you don’t end up disappointing her when you don’t match your words with your actions.

13. You’re there when she needs you

This is another important one you shouldn’t disregard. She’ll remember the moments you’re not there when she needs you, so you have to be there for her. Even if you can’t always be there for her physically, at least be there for her emotionally.

Text her, call her, do whatever you can to be present in that moment. Remember that love isn’t just about the good moments but also the bad. When she’s not feeling her best, you need to support her. [Read: How to show your appreciation to someone and express your gratitude]

14. Make her feel safe

A relationship is about finding someone who makes you feel safe when you’re with them. So when she’s with you, don’t make her regret trusting and opening up to you.

Make her feel like her secrets are safe with you. Most importantly, make her feel safe enough to be herself, flaws and all.

15. Give her space

There’s nothing wrong with space in a relationship. So if you want to know how to be the best boyfriend, give her enough space – but not too much space that you neglect her.

Find the perfect balance between giving her ‘me time’ and time for her hobbies, interests, and friends, and spending time together. Space is a vital aspect of any healthy relationship. [Read: How to give space in a relationship without drifting apart]

The best boyfriend isn’t a mythical creature, it could be you!

With all these 15 tips above, you can be a better boyfriend to her. Remember that it’s not about giving her the perfect set of gifts and taking her to the fanciest places. Instead, it’s about doing things that make her feel loved by you.

[Read: How to face relationship challenges and overcome them as a couple]

Are you still wondering how to be the best boyfriend? Applying these tips will make you a better boyfriend to her while also meeting her wants and needs. 

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Samantha Ann
My name is Samantha Ann. I am 28 years old. It was always my dream to become an advice columnist, so after years of off and online dating and eventually finding...