Score a MILF: 17 Secrets to Pick Up & Hook Up with an Older Woman

You probably know a hot older woman who turns you on, and now you want to know how to get a MILF to date you. Here’s what you need to know.

get a milf

You probably have that one friend who just happens to have an incredibly hot mom, and now you’re wondering how to get a MILF. Sure, you like spending time with your friend, but you love seeing their mom more. When you go home, you’re touching yourself thinking about their mom in the shower, cooking dinner naked – we know how these things work.

Well, if you still don’t know what a MILF is, it’s an attractive older woman who usually has children. She can still be a MILF if she’s a hot older woman…but that can also be a cougar, which we’ll discuss in a second.

So, if you see an older woman who’s a bombshell, then she’s a MILF. The term MILF actually stands for “mother I’d like to fuck.” Pretty straightforward, don’t you think? Okay, okay, okay, now that you know this, it’s time you hooked up with the MILF of your dreams. [Read: What is a MILF – The surprising truths and meaning behind the word]

The difference between a MILF and a cougar

You might wonder if a MILF and a cougar are the same things. Both are slang terms that are used pretty often in movies, TV shows, social media, and daily conversations. But not everyone is sure whether they are the same or not.

A cougar is an older woman who enjoys relationships with younger men. Even if she’s not in a relationship with them, she enjoys their company, and they are usually at least 8 years younger than her. The general age range of a cougar is between 35 and 55 years old. [Read: Cougar dating – the rules about dating an older woman]

A cougar can be a MILF too, but only if she has children and is looking hotter than most women her age. But a cougar is always a woman who is seeking a sexual relationship with a younger man.

The term cougar is older than the term MILF, which was only established and popularized at the beginning of the 2000s. MILF was actually created by male college students who wanted to show that one woman is still attractive even if she is older than him and has given birth to children.

It’s not easy to find and hook up with a MILF because most of these women are already taken, married, or happy being single. [Read: Cougar women rock! Reasons why they make a really good partner]

So, as you can see, the cougar is an older woman seeking sexual activity with a younger guy. And a MILF is a hot older woman with a kid who may or may not be seeking a younger guy. Hence the part of the “Mother I’d Like to Fuck” – whether she does or not.

Why do most guys like MILFs?

While all guys have their personal reasons for liking MILFs, one of the reasons is the fact that men find older and more experienced women attractive. It could be the idea of being with someone who knows what she is doing in bed that makes guys fantasize about a MILF.

Another reason guys could be so attracted to MILFs is because it is sort of taboo, and guys enjoy doing things that are forbidden. In addition, it could mean a subtle role reversal of who is in charge. This breaks the conventional standards of hetero-sex, and that is fascinating to some men.

Regardless of all of this, what it really comes down to is just how natural it is to get excited at the thought of having sex with an older woman. It may just be a common fantasy that men have, whether or not they actually act on it or not.

The dos and don’ts for picking up a MILF

Yes, a MILF can be intimidating. They’re experienced, so you need to learn the ropes before you set your sights on picking up a hot older woman. So, here are the 14 dos and don’ts for picking up a MILF. [Read: The honest reasons dating a M-I-L-F is the best thing ever]

1. They don’t go for cheesy pickup lines

Don’t ask her if it hurt falling out of heaven or if she needs a boyfriend, these are possibly the worst lines you can use. And honestly, they don’t work regardless of age. Just approach her like a normal human being.

Start off with saying hi, commenting on something she’s wearing, or asking her what she’s drinking. There, we just gave you three different ways to start a conversation. Now, you do the rest.

2. Don’t mention that you think she’s a MILF

Yeah, this is the worst thing you can do. Why would you bring up the fact that #1 you want to fuck her, and #2 … she’s old? It’s like a double whammy. If you’re going to compliment her, leave out her age because it’s not going to get you laid *if that’s what you’re hoping*.

3. Be yourself

Sure, it can be intimidating approaching an older woman, but you have to be yourself. Older women, and women in general, have this amazing gift of being able to tell when you’re full of bullshit. It’s in our blood. So, don’t be something you’re not because she’s going to find out – she always does. [Read: Cougar dating – rules for dating an older woman]

4. Don’t make them chase you

You actually don’t have to make them chase you because they won’t. So, all your games? Yeah, you can leave those at the door. If anything, you’ll be the one chasing her.

She’s older than you, so she doesn’t have the time or energy to spend chasing your ass around. If you want her, you go get her. That is what a MILF wants anyway – it makes her feel wanted, sexy, and desired.

5. If you land a date, don’t blow them off

If you actually get a date with her, but then all of a sudden get asked out by the boys to drink some beers, don’t bail on her. Why? Because she’s not going to give you a second chance.

You have to remember that your age is a huge factor in this relationship. If you come across as being too immature to keep a commitment, she’s going to drop you.

6. Don’t act like you’re the experienced one

Sigh. Listen, we know you guys have an ego and that’s fine. We all have one. But don’t act like you’re the master of the bedroom. This woman has ten or twenty years more experience than you, so don’t you think she knows what she’s doing? Think again, buddy.

7. Don’t woo them with money

Your BMW or gold chain isn’t going to work on them. Sure, maybe it works for you on Tinder, but these women aren’t looking for dollar bills. They’re looking for amazing sex.

And if we know anything, it’s that the gold chains and fancy cars don’t actually mean shit when it comes to the bedroom. [Read: How to make an older woman fall in love with you]

8. Do bring on the conversation

These women aren’t fresh twenty-year-olds who only need a flash of your abs to get them in bed. They want to be intellectually stimulated. You don’t need to talk politics with them, but you need to be a good conversationalist. Sure, the young generation is into technology, so maybe put your phone down and practice speaking.

9. Don’t bring drama

These women didn’t get all dressed up to go out and deal with your drama. So, leave your ego at home. Most of these women have been in long-term relationships, so they’re not looking to solve your problems over a Martini. If you need a therapist, we can find you one.

10. Know what you want

Don’t hit on a MILF without knowing exactly what you want. Are you looking for something serious or just a hookup? These women are experienced, and they’re not into being played with. So, you need to know what you want or else you’ll lose focus of what your goal is. [Read: How to flirt by touch without making it obvious at all]

11. She’s going to bring up her kids… maybe

If she has kids, she may bring them up in the conversation. You’re probably not at that phase to have children, nor do you really care about her kids. But if you want to go on a date with her, you’re going to have to listen.

Sure, people without kids pass out hearing stories about what their baby did today or how their kid is a bully at school. But you’re going to have to be attentive and patient because this is an important topic to her.

12. Power through her objections

There’s going to be a moment where she’s going to say, “Oh, but I could be your mother!” or “You’re young enough to be my child!” Your job is to ignore those comments and power through them.

The age difference is obviously bothering her a bit, but the way to reassure her that it’s okay is to not pay attention to that. Because really, does it even matter? [Read: Dating a woman who’s way older than you – A few things you must know]

13. Compliment her

No matter the age, women love to be complimented. It makes us feel sexy and wanted. Of course, don’t be a douche and start throwing out compliments left, right, and center. You need to keep them genuine, or else she’ll be able to read right through you. So, if you think she’s beautiful, tell her. [Read: How to get a girl horny and wet by sitting next to her]

14. Know what she wants

MILFs are a little different than women your age. Many of them have serious past relationships, divorces, and children, which, compared to you, is a lot of baggage.

She may be looking for something more serious, or you may be lucky and she’s just wanting to have fun. While you’re talking to her, you’ll be able to figure out what she’s looking for. If you’re not sure, just ask her straight up.

How to be more attractive to an older woman

Older and younger women aren’t always looking for the same thing when it comes to men. Since older women have been around longer, they are less likely to put up with people’s BS. So, here are some things to keep in mind if you want to be more attractive to a MILF. [Read: How to seduce an older woman and make your fantasy come true]

1. Be the dominant one

Regardless of the fact that she is older than you, women still like you to fulfill her demands and take the lead in bed. So, start with taking any situation into your control from the very beginning. Buy her a bottle of wine, initiate the kiss, and generally lead the way.

2. Don’t be fake

You probably think that she wants to be showered with compliments. Sure, she does. But don’t overdo it because you will appear fake and she’ll see right through you. You can tell her how great she looks or that her body is perfect, but you don’t need to go on and on about it. Excessive flattery will only make you seem young and immature.

3. Talk about deep things

A lot of older women don’t want to do a lot of small talk. They want to talk about deeper issues. And she also wants you to want to get to know her as a person. So, whether or not it’s talking about whether aliens exist or asking her about her childhood, you should be prepared to have a good conversation with a MILF.

[Read: She wants the D – 19 clear signs she wants you to take her home]

So now you know how to get a MILF, it’s time you go out and test your new skills. It’s your turn to pull an older woman and impress her… we believe in you.

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