What are the things a guy should never do on a first date? There are plenty, but there are 8 big no-no’s that definitely have to be avoided if you want to score points on a date.
Click here to read the introduction: First Date Tips for Men
Things you Should Never Do #4 ANSWERING PHONE CALLS
Now no one’s telling you not to pick up calls or that you have to leave your cell phone at home, but you should know how to use it well.
Make sure your calls are short, even if you have to answer them. Don’t cut her in mid sentence to answer the call. Wait until she’s done with her sentence, and then excuse yourself, if only for a moment.
Another way you can actually make her feel more special is by answering the call, only to tell the person that you’re with someone who’s very important to you, and whatever it is, you could talk about it the next day! You could also add a cheeky grin to stop you from appearing pompous.
Now why wouldn’t that make just about anyone beam with happiness?
To top that, you could hang up, and then say, “Sorry, that was Bill Gates and he’s just so annoying.” You could just laugh off that little joke of yours, and show her that you can be humorous at the same time!
Things you Should Never Do #5 BE TOO CONCERNED
Remember, you’re out with someone who’s matured enough to think and take care of herself. You can ask her occasionally if she’s comfortable, or if she requires something.
But don’t keep popping the same question to her again and again. It can get really annoying. Just enjoy the conversation and relax. Don’t push your protective and concerned act too far.
And if you find yourself running out of things to talk about, stop asking her if she’s having fun. Instead, be comfortable and speak about something else. Usually the four magic words – music, work, movies, and shopping, will take the conversation really far and you can also have a great time getting to know each other.
You could also use the awesome six conversation starters on a date to start great conversations. And another thing, if you both have something in common in these four words, then you can go ahead and book your next date’s dinner reservation.
Things you Should Never Do #6 REVEAL TOO MUCH
It’s fun to be with this girl who’s so much fun to hang out with. And you want to prove that you’re a great guy to hang out with to her. So what do you do? You tell her about all your brave, stupid and hilarious encounters.
You start off right from the first time you ripped your pants in first grade, and go on all the way to the latest incident. Stop! First of all, she doesn’t want to know all of that, even if she seems like she loves hearing all of that. And secondly, spare some loving and exploring for later.
You don’t want her to know everything about you on the first date itself, do you? Give her a chance to learn more about you by herself. Let there by mystery in your togetherness, and let her wonder what else you have in store for her, the next time you meet up.
Click here to continue reading: Things to Avoid on a First Date