Instant Chemistry: 25 Flirty Questions to Ask a Girl You Like

Trying to build up sexual tension with your crush? We’ve all been there. Try these flirty questions to ask a girl you like, and see the difference.

flirty questions to ask a girl you like

If you’re trying to intensify the sexual energy between you and the girl you’re crushing on, then you can ask flirty questions to spark a conversation and break the tension. Who doesn’t like being asked a naughty question? They’re so fun to answer. And if she’s already interested in you, then she’ll have no hesitation answering them.

Flirty questions to ask a girl you like

When it’s late at night and you know she’s in bed, sending her one of these questions in a text will wake her up. So, have fun with it and see where each question will take you. Just remember, if she’s not responding positively, or if things become a little awkward, then tone it down a bit and ask her more subtle ones.

Make sure you answer these questions too! This isn’t an interview. If you participate, it’ll make it more exciting and enjoyable – plus, she’ll also be able to learn things about you as well.

#1 What did you think when you first saw me? This will clear up any misunderstandings you may have had. If you’re not sure if she is into you, ask this question. You may not like what she says, but you’ll at least get an answer. If she doesn’t respond… well… now you know.

#2 Have you ever been caught masturbating? This is one of the most revealing flirty questions to ask a girl you like. Well, if she’s interested in you too, that is! It is a great way to share some embarrassing stories and have a good laugh. You’ll be able to break the ice a bit and get into more flirty questions. [Read: 15 really obvious flirting signs between a guy and a girl]

#3 When was the first time you had a wet dream? Maybe she remembers the first time she had a wet dream. I don’t remember mine, but she might be a really sexual girl. She may be nervous to answer this question, so if you answer first, you’ll break down the barrier.

#4 What’s your favorite place to be kissed? You don’t have to re-enact her answer, but it’s not a bad idea keeping it in mind.

#5 What’s your biggest turn-on? This is a great question to see what she’s into and to see if you two are sexually compatible. Whatever she says, remember her answer. This will come in handy for later, trust me. Plus, if she notices that you were listening, you’ll score even more brownie points. [Read: 36 racy, random funny questions for flirty guys and girls]

#6 Would you rather be considered sexy or smart? What matters to her – looks or intelligence? You may not think this is important, but you’ll see how she sees herself and what she values in life.

#7 What’s your biggest turn-off? Just like the “what turns you on” question, this is one of those flirty questions to ask a girl you like where the answer plays a big part. There’s nothing worse than when I tell a guy what I don’t like and then he goes and does it. Was he not listening? Apparently. So, if you’re going to have selective hearing, at least pay attention to this answer.

#8 If you could hook up with any celebrity, who would it be? This is just a fun question that all girls love answering, and it gets the imagination going.

#9 What do you wear to bed? Maybe she sleeps nude, well, you’ll never know until you ask. Plus, it’ll probably leave you with a nice image in your mind if she says that she sleeps naked or only with underwear on. [Read: 20 dirty questions to ask a girl and leave her wet]

#10 Who do you think should make the first move: the girl or the guy? Does she like being in control or does she like the man to take the reigns? Maybe she likes to take charge, and in that case, you have the easy road.

#11 Tell me three words that describe yourself? This is a great way to see who they think they are, and what they consider their important qualities. Not only that, you’ll be able to see whether they describe personality traits or physical characteristics.

#12 Have you ever had a friend*s*-with-benefits? Find out if she’s engaged in any open relationships. You can also see if she’s remained friends with her friends-with-benefits. This is a good way to see how she handles relationships that were just based on friendships – and sex. [Read: How to make a girl want you and desire you sexually]

#13 Do you like dirty talk? How do you know if you can talk dirty to her if you don’t ask? This is a great question to see what her boundaries are in the bedroom.

#14 Where’s the most public place you’ve had sex? Perhaps she likes having sex in public, or maybe she’s more of a private person. It’s a good way to see how kinky she is and if she’s willing to try it out. [Read: 20 make-or-break freaky questions to ask a girl]

#15 Have you ever used a sex toy? If she has, then she won’t hesitate to bring it into the bedroom. If you’ve used sex toys and she hasn’t, this would be a good opportunity to ask her if she’s curious about trying. If she is, well, now you’ll be able to bring it into the bedroom.

#16 Do you like cuddling when you’re in bed? It’s always good to know if you’ll be having a numb arm or not. If you like cuddling and they like cuddling – great! [Read: How to cuddle with a girl so it leads to sex every single time]

#17 Have you ever kissed a girl before? Well… has she? If so, ask her if she enjoyed it and would do it again. Maybe she’s interested in exploring her sexuality with you.

#18 Boxers or briefs? I know this may seem like a silly question, but why not know what turns her on? Flirty questions like this will help her envision you without your clothes on.

#19 What’s your ideal romantic date? Pay close attention to this answer and see what she’s really looking for. Maybe she’ll say skydiving or snorkeling, but maybe she’ll say a picnic along the riverside. Whatever the answer, you’ll be able to see what she’s into and what she’s looking for in a relationship.

#20 What do you think is my best feature? See what turns her on about you. Maybe it’s your smile or your sense of humor that lures her. [Read: 20 funny questions to ask a girl and leave her ROFL]

#21 Have you ever had a dirty dream about me? Yessss, this is a great question to ask. If she says yes, then ask her what the dream was about. See if maybe you can re-enact it for her. You know, to make her dreams come true.

#22 What’s your favorite part of a man’s body? As a woman, I know that all women have an answer to this question. We’ve thought long and hard about this one. Strong arms, firm jawline? She’ll have a couple of body parts on her list. [Read: 11 moves to seduce any girl and get her in bed]

#23 Would you ever have a sugar daddy? Is she into having a guy buy expensive things for her and take her out to fancy restaurants in exchange for sex? It’s a good way to see what she values in life and how far she’s willing to go for material possessions.

#24 Have you ever had an orgasm? Now, this is a crucial question. Maybe she’s never had an orgasm. If not, well, it’s your job to give her a first orgasm. If she has, then ask her what makes her orgasm.

#25 Do you want me to kiss you? If she’s interested in you, she’ll say yes. I mean, this flirty question to ask a girl is basically the golden ticket – so use it when the moment is right.

[Read: 7 big signs a girl gives away if she wants to sleep with you]

These flirty questions to ask a girl you like will reveal a lot about your crush. Since most people don’t talk about these things in regular conversation, why not give it a try and seduce her at the same time?!

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Natasha Ivanovic
Natasha Ivanovic is an intimacy, dating, and relationship writer best known for her writings on Kiiroo, LovePanky, Post Pravda, and more. She's the creator and ...
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