What makes a man attractive to you? It might be a range of things and they’re likely different to what your friend deems attractive. It’s a personal deal!
They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and that goes for everyone. What one girl deems to be attractive could be totally different from what her friend thinks is hot, or even what she thought was attractive a few years ago. Women’s tastes change over time so it’s very likely that what makes a man attractive to a woman now isn’t the same as what it was in the past. That’s fine – we change and evolve!
It’s also true that sometimes men only look good on the outside, and end up being rather crummy on the inside. There are plenty of well-groomed idiots out there!
So, it’s important to realize that attractiveness doesn’t always mean the way a man looks, sometimes it’s about how he acts and how he holds himself. Sexy doesn’t always amount to a truly attractive man.
[Read: 25 biggest dating deal breakers for women]
What makes a man attractive? The most important traits women look for
While what makes a man attractive certainly comes down to personal opinion, there are some general things which most people would agree on. Let’s check out some of the most common answers to find out what women look for, more than anything else, in a man.
1. A man that has purpose
Whether it is his devotion to a career, or how he volunteers his time after hours, when a man has purpose and dedication, it is unbelievably attractive.
2. A man that can fix things
It’s not that we don’t want to be self-reliant because most women value independence, it’s just that when a man can fix things, it is incredibly sexy, and not to mention, economical. [Read: 20 things you need to have to be a real man]
3. A man that cares about his family
A man that takes responsibility and cares for his family – whether it be elderly parents, a sibling, or a misguided relative – shows maturity and love, and both of those are definitely attractive.
4. A man’s hands
Maybe it’s because they can fix, create, and provide great pleasure. [Read: 8 subtle hand gestures to make your date fall for you]
5. A man that has dreams and follows them
Goals in life are crucial if a person wants to amount to something, and make a difference. There is nothing sexier than a man that knows what he wants and pursues it with a fiery passion.
6. A man with class
Chivalry is not dead. A man that has class – not “swag” – is completely gorgeous. He opens doors, wears pants at the waist *not halfway down his ass*, and tells a woman how lovely she looks. [Read: Chivalry is dead only because men are getting lazy]
7. A man that isn’t afraid to communicate how he truly feels
Women don’t really want the strong, silent type; it’s too damn difficult. What women find attractive is a man that can tell us exactly what he needs and wants, and how he is feeling. [Read: Pillow talk – 8 conversations in bed that’ll make her love you more!]
8. A man that takes care of us in bed
A woman finds it very pleasing when a man cares about her needs in bed. A real man doesn’t just pump, shoot and roll over, but instead works on making a woman very satisfied before calling it a night. [Read: 12 things guys do that makes a girl want to fake it in bed]
9. A man with manners
Knowing how to address a senior, behave properly around a mother, and eat without resembling a troll is always appealing for a woman.
10. A man that is confident, but not cocky
Confidence is so hot, but a man with a Kanye-sized ego is not. A man that knows he is good at something, but doesn’t always feel the need to preach, is what a woman really wants. [Read: The subtle differences between a confident and arrogant man]
11. A man that likes to laugh, and makes us laugh
Laughing has been proven to make people live longer, happier lives. If a man can make a woman laugh and laugh along with her, that is a double win. [Read: A guy’s guide to make any girl smile, laugh and like you instantly]
12. A man that can admit to his mistakes
We’re talking about small mistakes like getting us lost, and big mistakes like forgetting birthdays. If a man can admit to his wrongdoing and acknowledge that he is in fact, only human, that is very appealing.
13. A man with intelligence
A PhD isn’t necessary, but a man that can hold his own in whatever topic he is passionate about, is so attractive. Also, books are always sexy.
14. A man that isn’t afraid of commitment
Women are tired of hearing that the reason we can’t find an amazing relationship is that men are afraid of commitment. That’s bull.
A man that isn’t afraid of saying “yes, I will be yours, and I promise to stay yours until we agree otherwise” is the most attractive. [Read: 10 subtle signs you’ve got the fear of commitment]
15. A man that can surprise us
This isn’t just pulling surprise birthday parties or coming home with flowers. This is being able to pull out amazing maneuvers that leave us feeling like we are capable of anything and everything.
16. A man with culinary skills
Feeding a woman can be the gateway to her heart. If you can provide a woman with a delicious meal, she will undoubtedly find you irresistible.
17. A man that is an amazing dad
Being a parent takes an absurd amount of time and energy, and if a man is willing to change disgusting diapers, endure sleepless nights and play dress up, that is totally alluring to a woman who wants kids. [Read: 10 signs the guy you’re dating will be a great dad]
18. A man that can motivate us
Maintaining inspiration is often tough at times when life has got you feeling down and out. When a man can motivate you to continue to pursue your dreams, it is definitely an obvious plus.
19. A man that isn’t afraid to grow
A person shouldn’t stop trying to improve themselves and the world they live in. Life is a continual learning process and a man that can celebrate that is more appealing than one that is set in his age-old ways. [Read: How to improve yourself – 16 powerful secrets of self-improvement]
20. A man that owns his nerdiness
Memorizing an entire series like Star Wars, or being obsessed with video games is completely fine, as long as a man can own it. And of course, as long as it doesn’t consume too much of his time and energy to an unhealthy point.
21. A man that can cuddle
Being embraced by a protective, loving, real-life teddy bear is one of the most comforting things in the world. If a man can provide that, he is instantly attractive to a woman *keep in mind time and place, of course*. [Read: The surprising benefits of cuddling and how it makes your life better]
22. A man that doesn’t mind taking out the garbage
The little stuff seems small but truly counts. If a man can help out with minute tasks such as dishes and share life’s load of responsibilities, they are more attractive than any supermodel.
23. A man who is fun to be around
Life should be lived to the fullest, and that means having as much fun as possible. We are here for a good time, so if a man can have fun with us, we find them completely charming. [Read: 50 cute and sexy things guys do that girls adore!]
24. A man who is environmentally conscious
We are part of our environment, and a man that acknowledges this and cares for the world around him is almost too sexy to handle.
25. A man who loves animals
Let’s be honest, a guy who loves animals and openly shows it is super-attractive. That’s why we all go ga-ga over a hot guy with a puppy in his arms!
26. A man that will love us the way we are
Women have to deal with enough self-doubt from the world around them, and the last thing they need is a man telling them they should change X,Y or Z.
A man that loves a woman for who she is, and not what she looks like, or what job she holds is a beautiful thing. [Read: 12 Prince Charming traits that make a girl swoon!]
27. A man who owns his appearance
Yes, women would love to have a chance with Ryan Gosling or Chris Evans, but in reality, women aren’t that interested if guy is super hot or not. Women usually opt for more attractive men for flings.
However, when it comes to serious relationships, they’re not interested in finding the hottest guy in town. It’s far more about personality. A guy who is comfortable in his skin is very attractive.
28. A man who can laugh at himself
We know that sense of humor is one of the things on the makes a man attractive list, but we also appreciate a guy who isn’t so up his own ass that he can’t laugh at himself occasionally! It’s disarming and fun to be around. [Read: 15 types of humor and how it affects relationships]
29. A man who shows kindness
Though the bad boy may look appealing, they’re not long-term partner material. Instead, when we want to settle down, we look for altruistic men who are interested in helping others and doing good things.
30. A hygienic man
So, appearance does matter, but probably not to the extent you’re thinking. Guys don’t need to wear the latest brand names or have an expensive watch to seem attractive. But, we are looking for men who are well-groomed and hygienic. No one wants to date a stinky man. [Read: 15 super simple ways to keep yourself sexy at any age]
31. A man with facial hair – or not
Beard or no beard? Many men wonder if having a beard affects their interactions with women. Well, having a beard or no beard is largely based on personal preference. So, facial hair can make a guy attractive, but it can also act as a repellent. You might find a bearded guy super-hot, but your friend might dread kissing a guy with a beard.
32. A man who is on time
Apart from manners, it’s important for a guy to be punctual and on time whenever he’s supposed to meet you. We love punctuality and we hate lateness! When it comes to what makes a man attractive, it’s the basics that often trump the things you would imagine to be far higher up the list. [Read: Proper social etiquette – 12 rules that redefine modern manners]
33. A man that listens
Men are often teased about their poor listening skills. But, if you’re wondering what makes a man attractive, this is one trait that women are looking for in a partner. We want a man who’ll actively listen and provide input when needed. An attractive man is someone we can talk to; we don’t want to feel like we’re communicating with a wall.
34. A man who makes us feel safe
Women want to feel safe. We’re pretty sure everyone wants to feel safe around their partner. This is something to prove to a potential partner. Does this mean he needs to look like the hulk? No. This isn’t about muscle mass. It’s about giving us the feeling that you can protect us. That’s attractive. [Read: Key differences – Protective boyfriend or controlling boyfriend?]
35. A man in touch with his feminine side
Many men are terrified of connecting with their feminine side, but this is what women are looking for in a man. We want a partner who’s well-rounded, empathetic, and kind. Sure, we like the idea of being with “a man,” but you can’t be alpha all the time. It’s exhausting.
36. A man who can live independently
No woman wants a mama’s boy. Yet, so many men are unable to cook and clean for themselves. A man who lives independently is an important trait women look for in a man. And it’s pretty hot to come home to dinner. We’re looking for a partner, not a fully grown child. [Read: 9 important habits you need to be more independent]
37. A man who appreciates women
No, we’re not talking about a Casanova type of guy. But an attractive man is someone who appreciates and respects women. Have you ever seen a man with mommy issues? It’s not attractive, and if anything, women stay far away from those guys.
38. A man who can just be himself
No acts, no pretenses, just a normal guy being himself. That’s what makes a man attractive to most women. It’s a comfortable feeling being around a man like this and that’s always sexy.
[Read: 50 really cute things to say to a girl you like]
What makes a man attractive? It depends on the person but these 38 things are definitely high up on the wish-list for most!
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