LovePanky Article Submission and Writer’s Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in contributing to LovePanky.

Please read the writer’s guidelines mentioned herein before submitting your article to us. Once you’ve read these guidelines, you can submit your article to LovePanky by using the email id provided after the guidelines.

Do you need to be a published author to write for LovePanky?

While we’re excited to publish articles from published authors with bestsellers in their cap and qualified experts with deep insight into relationships, we’re just as excited to feature stories from our readers who don’t boast of having the same professional credentials.

Sometimes, even the best lessons on love and relationships can be learned from a failed endeavor or a happy experience. All of us have lessons to learn, and every one of us have stories to share. So please do share your thoughts with us, and we’d love to share that with the world.

What is LovePanky all about?

LovePanky is a grand idea. We see ourselves as a website that can help change the world for the better, when it comes to relationships and fulfilling lives. And love, as simple as it seems, can still be a tricky expanse for many of us. After all, love evolves constantly, and the only element that holds it back is our conscience and the society around us.

At LovePanky, we don’t hesitate to share ideas that may make a few people shuffle their feet in discomfort. We’re bold and truthful, and we don’t restrain our writers from sharing the deepest thoughts about relationships that many would be too embarrassed to voice out loud.

Please read our About Us page to understand more about the idea of LovePanky, so you’d know just what we are and what we intend to be.

How can you write for LovePanky?

The easiest way to get your article published in our website is by sending us an original article that you’ve written specifically for LovePanky.

If you’re inspired by a relationship issue and feel like sharing your thoughts or experiences, write to us and if we like your article, we’ll publish it in LovePanky.

What kind of articles are we looking for?

One of the essential elements we’re looking for more than anything else in your article is the essence of insight. It’s easy to share an idea. But to truly express the idea and analyze it takes deep insight.

At LovePanky, our intention isn’t just to share what works and what doesn’t in relationships. Our purpose is to explain an idea, so our readers can learn and better their lives intuitively with each article they read, by deciphering the article in a manner that’s comparable with their own lives.

What kind of writing style should you use?

Your article could be written for any of the different sections in LovePanky as long as the article is directed towards the audience reading the particular section. You can choose to write articles catering specifically to women or men, or write an article that caters to both sexes.

LovePanky publishes a lot of how-to guides and relationship tips that you could write about. But we’re also looking for personal experiences and life lessons that have helped you better your life and your relationships.

How long should the article be?

At LovePanky, we believe that the complexities of relationships and love are too deep and too diverse to be summarized in a few paragraphs, or in a short list. A typical article in this website is about 1200 to 2000 words. You’re welcome to write longer articles *or shorter ones as long as they’re comprehensive and detailed*.

We’re very picky about the articles we publish in LovePanky. Please ensure that your article is insightful and informative by adding relevant details so you can be more helpful to the reader.

Are links allowed within the article?

You may link to authoritative and credible websites if the article requires a reference that can’t be summarized within the article itself. We’re particularly against including links to websites where the primary intention of existence is to sell a product or a service.

Simply put, if your article links to a website that we wouldn’t recommend to our readers, we would delete the link before publishing the article.

How would I be credited for the article?

If your article is selected to be published, an editor at LovePanky would get in touch with you and you could send us a few sentences about yourself which would be included at the end of the article, along with your photograph.

You can provide your blog or website link, and/or social media handles, in your author summary so it could be shared with our readers. Please remember that any links we wouldn’t recommend to our readers would be deleted without any notification *these include pages we consider spammy in nature, websites targeting specific keywords in their domain name, websites selling products we wouldn’t recommend, etc.*

If you’d like to remain anonymous to protect your identity while revealing a personal experience you’re not willing to share publicly, please let us know so we can use the anonymous names, Anonymous Fella or Anonymous Kitty, instead of your real name to credit your story.

Why should I share my ideas with the readers of

By contributing to LovePanky, we would be providing you with a platform to voice your ideas and reach out to over two hundred thousand daily readers who visit LovePanky looking for information on love and relationships.

If you have a story, an experience or an idea about relationships that you want to share with more than just your friends, well, we’ve got just the podium to help you establish yourself as a relationship guru for men and women, and share your thoughts with hundreds of thousands of our readers.

Reasons why your article could be rejected

We don’t generally reject engaging article submissions from our readers. But unfortunately, there are certain occasions when we’re just left with no choice but to reject the article. If you want to ensure that your article isn’t rejected by us, please keep these submission tips in mind.

# Proofread your article. On completion of your article, please read your article a few times before submitting it to us so you can check it for grammatical and typographical errors.

# Your idea is incomplete. If the intention of your article is to make unconventional claims or unique theories, please back them up with experiences or relevant studies in that context. You could make brilliant observations, but we can’t publish your article if you don’t back it up with ideas or facts.

# It’s not unique. If the article you submit is too similar in idea to something that’s already featured in LovePanky, we may not be able to accept it.

On receiving your article, we would get back to you regarding the status of the article within a few days. But if you don’t hear from us within two weeks after submitting your article, feel free to send us a follow-up email.

A few tips to write a great article for LovePanky

# Edit the article and ensure that the sentences and paragraphs have continuity. Avoid hopping from one idea to another and back again because it would only end up confusing the reader.

# Start by briefly making a few pointers to create the right structure to the article before you start writing the article. A structured article about relationships that readers can relate to usually starts with an introduction to your idea, followed by your idea and any suggestions and tips you may have, and ends with your conclusion.

Of course, if you’re a proficient writer who’s comfortable with a more unique style of writing or tone of voice, you’re free to do so as long as the article is insightful and easy to comprehend.

# Split overly long paragraphs into two or more paragraphs so the article isn’t visually tiresome for the reader to read.

# You may be knowledgeable about different aspects of relationships and its terminologies, but write the article keeping the reader in mind. Explain your idea with an introduction to the idea and provide details about it so the concept can be understood by any reader who wants to learn about it.

# Lists and headings are a great way to create structure and they’re easier to grasp than a long article with no subheadings or points.

# You can title your article and send it to us, but we may choose to use another title if we believe the article would be better communicated to our readers under another name.

# Don’t rewrite ideas or content sourced from your own blog or other websites. Be creative and write a well rounded article that’s insightful and takes different perspectives into account.


Your article and its title may be edited to conform to the editorial guidelines of the LovePanky editors.

If your article is selected for publication in LovePanky, you acknowledge that you would be granting LovePanky exclusive rights to edit and publish your work.

After the article is published in LovePanky, you may choose to publish your article in any other medium or even your own personal blog or website, but it must be done so only with a link directed back to your article in citing LovePanky as the original source for the article.

By submitting your article to LovePanky, you acknowledge and affirm that the article provided by you is written by you specifically for publication in LovePanky and is original and not previously published in part or whole in any medium whatsoever.

How to submit your article to LovePanky

To submit your article to LovePanky, please email your article as a word file attachment to editor@localhost with the subject line addressed as “Article Submission – LovePanky.”

We’re excited to hear from you, and look forward to sharing your thoughts and stories with the rest of the world.

Flirt. Tease. Fall in love.

The LovePanky Team