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Am I Being Ghosted? 25 Signs You’re On the Verge of Being Ghosted!

You’ve been dating someone, but suddenly, something doesn’t feel right. You haven’t heard from them in a while. You might think, “am I being ghosted?”

am i being ghosted

Some people have been ghosted more times than they would like to admit, and we can say it is not something you see always coming. We’ve put together a list of the signs to answer the question, “am I being ghosted?… or not.

Sure, sometimes you get a feeling, but other times the rug is ripped right out from under you. 

And then there are the times you think you’re being ghosted, but you were just jumping to conclusions.

When someone ghosts you, it isn’t always a slowing down of conversation. Sometimes ghosting really does come out of the blue. Other times you don’t even know if you’re being ghosted. 

If you don’t know, how do you know what to feel? Should you be pissed at someone for blowing you off or just be bored because they are super busy?

Are you overreacting or are your feelings and worries about being ghosted valid? [Read: Why do guys ghost? 15 real reasons why guys turn into cowardly pricks]

Are you about to be ghosted?

The signs you’re being ghosted differ from the signs you’re about to be ghosted. One tells you what is happening now while the other gives you a warning.

Now, there will not always be clear signs you’re being ghosted beforehand so you can prepare yourself, but when they are there, they help you handle the whole situation a heck of a lot better.

Let’s take a look at the most obvious signs the person you’re texting is planning on vanishing and leaving you behind.

1. You’re always texting first

Maybe at one point, you talked nonstop, but if you find yourself always reaching out first, there is a reason.

Even if they respond, they may just not be prepared to totally ghost yet. But, when someone wants to talk to you, they reach out. [Read: Ghosted after the first date? Why dates ghost and what you need to do]

2. Their answers are brief

If they just barely answer, they are preparing to ghost. They may even be hoping that by slowly backing away, you’ll just get the picture and stop reaching out.

3. The cuteness fades

When you first started talking, the sparks most likely flew. You were flirting with nonstop banter. But if the fun conversations ceased, and you’re left with the boring stuff, they are no longer interested. [Read: When a guy starts acting different – What you need to do about it]

4. There are no endings to conversations

Remember when he used to say goodnight or try to stay awake to talk to you? Or when you would wake up to a “Good morning, beautiful,” text? Well, before he ghosts you, he’ll stop putting that effort in.

Conversations will die out but not in the normal way. They will die out because he won’t answer questions or respond regularly.

5. He’s ghosted you before

If he ghosted you in the past and then came back to see if you were still available and you gave him another chance, he will most likely do it again. We’re sorry to be the one to tell you that guys rarely see their wrongdoings and come around.

What likely happened was he got dumped or ghosted by someone else and wanted to see if you were still interested purely to boost his fragile ego.

He may even have disappeared for days before, but responded when you reached out so you forgot about it, but that was just his first attempt. [Read: Guys who ghost and come back – How to handle the zombies of dating]

6. It was too good to be true

We hate to be so bitter because it would be nice if things that seemed too good to be true were just true. Usually, they aren’t. If everything felt too perfect right off the bat, it’s probably because it was.

You didn’t just meet a guy who agrees with you about everything and wants all the same things in life. He was probably lying, but will soon decide it’s not worth it. 

7. You told him you’re a slow mover

This is when people often get ghosted. Honestly, we think it is a good way to weed out the decent guys from the ghosters. As soon as you say anything about being a slow mover intimately, they may back off.

This means he was probably only looking for one thing anyway, so it’s good you learned that now. [Read: 25 signs he just wants sex and is only using you for fun]

8. Plans are canceled or never even made

True, long-term boyfriends can ghost, but it is definitely most common after one date or no date at all. Sometimes people chat with someone for weeks intimately only for them to never even meet.

If you make plans, but things never line up, and he never initiates a date, he is probably going to ghost you.

9. You’re ghosted a lot

We hate that this is true, but it is. If you have been ghosted before or even ghosted regularly, it is likely to happen again.

Even though we hate the feeling, we are attracted to or at least comfortable with the same types of people. That means, unfortunately, ghosts are our type. 

10. You just feel it

Sometimes your gut, intuition, or whatever you call it just sets off an alarm. [Read: Haunting vs. ghosting and why haunting is so much worse]

The obvious signs you’re being ghosted already and it’s too late

If you noticed the previous signs, you probably already know what’s about to happen. If everything seemed fine until now, you probably feel super confused. 

Is he ghosting you or is he busy? Is he ghosting you or did he fall down a manhole? If these things are happening, we’re sorry to say, you are being ghosted.

1. He hasn’t reached out in days

This is one of those telltale signs you’re being ghosted. If you haven’t heard from him with all the forms of communication there are nowadays, it isn’t because he can’t reach out. He just isn’t interested. [Read: What is ghostbusting and 17 ways to ghostbust a ghoster like a real badass]

2. He hasn’t responded to your texts

Sure, sometimes people are busy and overwhelmed and don’t initiate texts. But if he doesn’t respond when you text him, that is another sign you’re being ghosted.

Everyone looks at their phone at least a few times a day. He definitely saw your message.

3. He blocked or unfriended you on social media

In this age, when someone doesn’t respond to our texts, it is pretty easy to tell if they’re online elsewhere. But, if for some reason he disappeared off your feed, he’s unfriended you, not because he went on a social media hiatus.

4. He’s still active online

In the case that he didn’t care enough to block you, he is still online but blatantly ignoring you without even trying to hide it.

5. You’re left on read

This one is a real punch to the gut. We can always come up with some reason why he hasn’t texted back or reached out, but once you’re left on read, you can’t really think it is anything but ghosting. [Read: What does it mean when someone’s ignoring texts on purpose?]

6. Flashing ellipses

We’re sure you, like most people, have read a text and forgot to respond. But, if you send him a text and he reads it, and you see those three little flashing ellipses but no actual answer, that is the kiss of death.

7. You’re making excuses

When ghosted, it is nearly impossible to not make excuses. If you don’t, you just feel like it is something you did or said.

By making excuses, we hold onto just a touch of hope. We get it, but if you must make excuses for why he isn’t reaching out, he is ghosting you.

8. You don’t want to admit it to your friends

This is a terrible part. You told your friend about this guy you’re excited about. When they ask how it’s going, you feel ashamed and embarrassed to tell them that you haven’t heard from him.

If you feel hesitant to tell your friends what’s going on or even feel the need to lie or exaggerate the truth, he is ghosting you. You just don’t want to admit it.

9. You want answers

Being ghosted will overload your mind. You will ask yourself all sorts of questions about why this is happening. If you don’t wonder about it, either you have killer confidence or he isn’t ghosting you. [Read: Why being ghosted hurts so much and what you need to do about it]

10. You can’t decide what to do

It is hard to be ghosted. You cling to the hope that he’ll text you, apologizing about losing his phone. But you are also pissed that he could be ghosting you. You don’t know whether to move on or wait and see. 

The reason you don’t know how to feel or what to do is that you don’t know what’s happening now. You’re being ghosted. [Read: Ghosted after sex – 21 reasons and what you should do if you’re ignored after sex]

Why do people ghost?

Ghosting is an awful thing to do to someone. And you’re probably wondering if it’s so horrible, why do people do it? Don’t they know it’s wrong?

Well, the answer is…yes. They know it’s wrong, but they don’t care. So, here are some reasons people ghost. [Read: What is “ghosting” and how does it affect you?]

1. They’re just not that into you

Let’s face it, people make time for things that they care about. And if someone isn’t making time for you – not even time to break up with you – then they are not into you. 

If someone’s not interested in you, or they feel like they haven’t really invested too much in the relationship, they might feel like they don’t owe you an explanation. For some reason, they think that maybe you were too casual, so it’s just easier to disappear with no word.

It’s usually difficult to figure out someone’s level of interest without an explicit conversation about it, so we often just assume that someone likes us – that is, until they ghost. [Read: He’s not that into you – 20 signs it’s time to accept the truth]

2. Too much time has passed by

When a lot of time has passed since you have seen or talked to someone, it gets awkward to strike up a conversation again. This is a common occurrence in dating and even friendships for that matter.

Why does this happen? It could be for a variety of reasons. It could just be that they forget to contact you or are busy talking to other people. 

When you’re in the early dating stage, texting or calling can easily be overlooked, especially if you are talking through dating apps. So, if you haven’t talked to them for a while, they think it’s just easier to let the person go.

3. They don’t see it working out with you

We have all been on dates where we click right away. Some people are romantics and believe in fate or destiny. And so, if they don’t feel that immediate spark, they might think that it’s just not meant to be.

Then, there are the dates where we kind of like the person, so we decide to give them another shot. You might think the attraction will grow, or some other thing about them might improve as you keep going out with them.

But sometimes, someone who is “seeing where it goes” is not very committed at all. They aren’t taking it very seriously. So, if after a few dates or even a couple of months they still just don’t “feel it,” they think might think it’s just easier to ghost you. [Read: He won’t commit but he won’t let go – What should you do?]

4. Technology makes it easy to ghost

Most people meet via dating apps or social media these days. And these are very impersonal. It’s so easy to hide behind your phone or laptop while talking to someone.

In fact, talking like this makes people feel “safer” than if they are talking to someone in person.

And dating apps offer people a wide variety of others to talk to. It’s like having ADD – your attention on one person is easily dropped in favor of another one. It’s like a monkey swinging from tree to tree – they just don’t stay focused on one person very often. [Read: Being left on read – what it really means when they don’t text back]

5. They are a coward

If someone is just not feeling it anymore and want to break it off with a person, most people find it incredibly uncomfortable to do it face-to-face. What if the other person cries or gets angry? Most people don’t want to face that.

Even sending a text message is too scary for some people. Even if they don’t have to see the person face-to-face, they still have to read their uncomfortable response. And they just don’t have the courage to do that. Therefore, they just decide to ghost instead.

But not having the courage to just simply tell someone, “Hey, I think you’re great, but I don’t see this working out” is sad. Although they think it won’t hurt the other person as badly if they ghost, it actually hurts worse.

[Read: Ignoring a guy – Why it works, where it goes wrong and how to do it right]

We’re sorry to be the one to guide you to the answer, but these are the signs you’re being ghosted. They are pretty much indisputable. But don’t take it personally, it’s not always about you.

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