The law of attraction states you can get everything you desire by manifesting it. But does this actually work and if yes, how? Keep reading to find out.
The law of attraction (LOA) has been around for a while, and some say it has existed for centuries. Today, however, it’s been gaining much attention because of the best-selling books The Secret by Rhonda Byrne and The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown.
The concept is not new in the sense that we’ve all been advised to bring ourselves good luck and good tidings through the power of positivity. The idea is pretty simple: Thinking about what you want can bring it toward you. In other words, what you put out into the world is what you pull toward yourself. Is there truth to it?
Many say there isn’t, but many people are investing their time and money into the idea that it truly works. The catch is that it should be done responsibly by grounding yourself and avoiding the delusional backlash that it could cause.
Still, we can take comfort in the fact that every bit of knowledge out there about the law of attraction is tied to one thing: positivity. Let’s see how you can work that to your advantage in terms of your relationships. [Read: Different types of attraction: Which is most vital for true love?]
What is the law of attraction?
Some people believe that the law of attraction is purely a false belief, whereas others highly believe it with every fiber of their being. The law of attraction states that whatever you choose to focus on will become your current reality.
In the same sense, this is why you can’t manifest your goals and dreams when you’re constantly focused on negative energy. In order to live out your dreams fully and achieve everything you’ve ever wanted, it all comes down to maintaining positive energy. Basically, you attract whatever energy you have.
So if your goal is to find a relationship or achieve your dream job, you need to focus your intentions, thoughts, and actions towards those goals rather than dwelling in self-doubt. That’s what the law of attraction is all about. Like attracts like. So if you incorporate negative energy, that’s also the kind of life you’ll be living. [Read: Science of attraction: 17 things that are far more sexy than looks]
How to use LOA for your relationships
We can’t swear on our childhood pets’ graves that the law of attraction works, because each and every one of us has a firm stance on what is true and not true in terms of science, the paranormal, and religious beliefs. But here are some things to consider before using the law of attraction.
1. There’s no assurance that you can get exactly what you want
Just because the law of attraction worked from some, that doesn’t mean you’ll get exactly what you want. There isn’t a guarantee that things will pan toward your favor with every precise detail.
So if you manifest to find your soulmate and the love of your life, it might not happen exactly the way you imagine. The law of attraction isn’t magic, you know?
2. It probably won’t work if you’re skeptical about it
Again, your energy is an important aspect when using the law of attraction. If you don’t believe that it will work, then it really won’t work in your life. The Universe can feel your doubt and lack of trust so if you don’t believe you’ll achieve your greatest goals and dreams, that’s precisely what will happen.
Like attracts like, remember? If you doubt it will work in your dating life, then nothing good will come out of it.
3. Ignore what skeptics are saying because practicing LOA can also be good for you
Just because the law of attraction didn’t work for some, it doesn’t mean you should heed their advice and way. Whether it works in your dating life or not, it can still be good for you.
The law of attraction is all about positivity and maintaining good energy to manifest what you want, even in your dating life. So practicing this can have so many benefits in your life, even if you don’t achieve your end goal. [Read: How to find love – The law of attraction]
4. Don’t be a skeptic, but also don’t invest too much into LOA
You have to find the balance between being cynical about the law of attraction and obsessing over it. You can’t revolve your entire life around it, but you can’t be apathetic either. Balance it out, or you’ll lose your mind. Seriously.
5. Be the person you want to attract
You might’ve heard the saying – be the type of person you want to attract. This saying can also be applied to the law of attraction. You can’t manifest meeting the love of your life if you’re not the type of person you want to be with initially.
Like attracts like so if you’re the exact opposite of the kind of person you want to be with, you’re never going to get the person of your dreams. It just doesn’t work that way. Even if you send a message to the Universe that this is the type of person you want, you’ll receive differently if you’re not the right person yourself.
6. Be secure with yourself first
Being secure with you are is part of the package if you want to manifest love through LOA. This means you need to work on yourself first if you have any issues, baggage, or problems that need improvement.
If you have low confidence or if you have any limiting beliefs you’re holding on to, it’s best to work on them first before expecting the law of attraction to work in your life. [Read: How to focus on yourself in a relationship & avoid losing yourself]
LOA for your love life
There are some steps you can follow to attract your one true love! Just keep these steps in mind, and we’re positive that you will find a way to be with the person who is meant for you. [Read: Love at first sight – The real truth behind it]
1. Consider what you want in a partner
List down your non-negotiable traits. Make sure they are realistic, like financially stable, but not filthy rich, or someone you’re sexually attracted to, but not Channing Tatum. He’s married. Don’t be vague, but also don’t be specific about things that you don’t believe will come to you.
The details are essential with who you want to be with but don’t exaggerate them to the point where it seems unrealistic. For instance, maybe you want someone compatible with your personality and knows what they want in life. That’s an adequate start for your list. [Read: What to look for in a relationship: 23 traits of a happy romance]
2. Be ready for a partner
The law of attraction won’t work if you’re not ready for a relationship in the first place. Why would the Universe give you something you’re clearly not prepared for? Set your life up to be ready for a partner. To help you understand this better, we’ve come up with a few examples:
a. If you’re too busy to date, make some time for yourself so that you can be ready when a partner comes. While your partner’s not there yet, use it to do something you’ve always wanted, like a cooking class or a drive along the countryside. Use this time productively to focus on yourself and do what you’ve always wanted to do. [Read: 10 ways the perpetually busy can still find love]
b. Save some room in your closet for your future partner’s stuff. Don’t renovate your walk-in. Just get rid of the things you don’t need and throw them away or give them to charity.
c. Clean your place up. If you want a partner, your home should be ready to welcome any and all suitors. You’re manifesting the reality you want, so this includes even your space. How can you manifest your soulmate when your personal space says otherwise?
d. Set a time for some self-introspection. Change your bad habits and assess yourself if you’re the type of person who is ready for love. Are you messy? That’s always a deal-breaker. Are you insecure? Those types of people find it difficult to find love. Ask yourself if you’re the best person you can be, but always remember not to change yourself for anyone else but yourself. [Read: 18 bad habits that can make any partner leave you for good]
3. Be open
Stop setting unbreakable limitations on yourself. Stop saying that you’re not attractive enough. Stop saying that there aren’t enough men or women around. Stop saying that you’re not in a position to find love. How can love find you when you’ve set yourself up to fail without knowing if what you’re thinking is true or not?
Get out there, get rid of all these limitations, and start opening up to the world. This is one of the most important things to remember if you’re serious about manifesting love into your life. Stop the negative walk you talk to yourself. Remember that like attracts like, so you won’t find love with that attitude or mindset. [Read: How to be emotionally available: 17 ways to open up to love & life]
4. Get rid of limiting beliefs
Speaking of limiting beliefs, this is such an important yet overlooked aspect in getting the law of attraction to work in your love life. When we say limiting beliefs, this means negative beliefs about yourself that are holding you back.
Maybe it’s the belief you don’t deserve love or that every person you date will see you as worthless and unlovable. These are examples of limiting beliefs that will sabotage your manifestation process. It’s essential that you maintain high energy if you’re serious about LOA working in your life. [Read: Best lesson to live by: Surround yourself with positive people]
5. Don’t obsess over your expectations
Your expectations will destroy your faith and belief in the law of attraction, so it’s better to drop your expectations if you can. Otherwise, you’ll keep on asking whether it’s working or not.
The more you expect and obsess, the more LOA will not work in your life. This is because it incorporates a lot of fear and doubt in your life, which are negative feelings. So just stop obsessing over your expectations and have faith in the Universe. [Read: 20 healthy expectations in a relationship that define a good love life]
Exercises that can improve your LOA game
Applying the law of attraction in your life can benefit you, not because of the power it yields, but because of the positive effects of the exercises that are being taught. It only takes a few minutes to perform these exercises, and we’re pretty sure that you can get the most out of them, even if you don’t get exactly what you’re looking for.
1. Write down everything you want in a partner
As we’ve said before, write down traits that exist in the world. So please don’t ask for a prince with vampiric powers. Don’t be unrealistic with your list, but list down practical traits in someone you want.
Maybe you want someone patient and kind, slow to anger, or chivalrous. These are all practical traits rather than wanting a perfect prince charming to come rescue you in his white horse. [Read: 19 unrealistic expectations in love we want to believe but shouldn’t]
2. Write down the kind of dates you want
Imagining what types of dates you’ll be having is a good way to give you a positive outlook about what you want to happen in your relationship. Remember, make sure you believe that it’s possible. Don’t ask for a ride on a dragon if you don’t think that it’s possible.
Visualize the kind of dates you want to have for yourself and what you see happening. Do you see yourself on a candle-lit dinner date, or maybe a coffee date where you talk about anything and everything? Then write it all down. [Read: 20 personality traits that make the ideal type of guy]
3. Write down what kind of partner you want to be
You shouldn’t just be focused on listing the type of partner you want to have, but also the kind you should be. The law of attraction means like attracts like. So you’ll never attract what you want if that’s not who you are initially.
Basically, you can’t meet the right person without being the right person first. Imagine what you would do for your partner in order to make them happy, without compromising your own needs. No matter what you think is the best way to approach a relationship, stick to it and write it down.
4. Write down everything good about yourself
Aside from knowing what kind of partner you want to be, you also have to think about what kind of person you are and whether you need to make some changes. Are you a good person? Are your personality flaws hurting other people?
Check to see if you’re good enough for yourself before deciding that you’re good enough for anyone else. Most importantly, be honest with yourself. This isn’t the time to be lying because, in the end, you’re only lying to yourself.
So focus on the best aspects of yourself and be real with the quirks you need to work on. Everyone has one, so we’re sure you have some too. [Read: 15 things that make you a nice person who’s loved by everyone]
5. Internalize everything
Do not just write it all down and put it in a wish jar. Continue to check your list and see if things change from time to time. The purpose of this is to learn what works and what doesn’t.
The law of attraction is helping you get what you want, but things can change, so make sure that you’re updating your list regularly. If there’s something you don’t want anymore, feel free to change that list and keep going back every now and then.
The last and most important step
After all is said and done, you have to note the most critical step when practicing the law of attraction: Live your life. If anything, this is the step most people get wrong when manifesting love and relationships into their life. The more you obsess if the law of attraction is working and when it will occur, the more likely it won’t happen.
This is because when you obsess, you’re also incorporating a lot of negative energy into your life, such as doubt and fear. There’s no point in focusing all your energy on thinking about something when you fail to catch the opportunities that would have led you to your desire.
The law of attraction is designed to give you what you want, but it’s up to you to take it. Don’t just sit there and imagine having good things or having the perfect partner. Continue to live your life and wait for your destiny to arrive.
The law of attraction is working to make that happen, so your only job is to live day to day, knowing that good things are coming your way. It’s easier said than done but after doing all the things above, just let it go and have faith that the Universe is eventually giving you what you want. Just continue living your life and don’t obsess, even if it’s easy to do so.
[Read: How to be happy and life your life to the fullest]
So, how to use the law of attraction for love?
Well, the law of attraction isn’t magic and even if you do everything right, it’s possible you won’t manifest love. However, you can try by simply maintaining positive energy and mindset in your life. Like attracts like, so there’s no room for any negative energy if you want to live the life you really want. [Read: How to find love using the secret law of attraction]
If you think the law of attraction can work in your favor, try these tips and see if you can attract the person of your dreams and the life that you’ve always wished for. You never know, this could work in your favor!