Is it possible to be in love with two people at the same time? Many say you can. Here’s how to choose the one to be with without hurting them or yourself.
As strange as it sounds, there is a thing as loving someone too much. It’s not always healthy, and you can end up smothering a lover if you’re not careful.
You feel the sparks flying, so there must be sexual chemistry. But how do you know the signs? Here they are and what to do if it fades in a relationship.
Have you been thrown into the friend zone? Don’t worry! You can learn how to get out of the friend zone and look forward to a potentially romantic future.
When you like someone, you constantly ask yourself if they see you as more than a friend. It’s important to know the signs to get your answer.
Have you or your partner shared a drunk kiss with someone? Maybe you’re single, and maybe you’re not. But here’s everything to know about a drunk kiss.
Sex can be fun and casual outside of a relationship. But how can you get a friend with benefits? It’s not too hard if you know how to do it right.
It may seem like you can’t possibly do it, but you can learn how to stop being attracted to a friend. Once you do, you can start moving on with your life.
Want to leave a lasting impression on your date? You need to learn how to be a good kisser. Here are all the secrets you need to become a better kisser!
Unless you’ve had the talk, it can be hard to know what your relationship is. Are you seeing any of these signs you are unofficially dating?
Are you starting to feel bored with your relationship? All is not lost! You just need to work out the reason and then make moves to fix it.
In the world of dating, there are several dating, sexual and relationship bases. If you’re not clued up, it’s time to know them so you know where you’re at.