22 Signs He Enjoys Having Sex With You & Thinks You’re Good In Bed

It’s normal to wonder if your partner thinks you’re good in bed or if he enjoys having sex with you. Learn the subtle signs, and you WILL know for sure!

signs he enjoys having sex with you and thinks you're good in bed

You’re not the only one who wonders if their partner enjoys the sex as much as you do. It’s totally normal, because a lot of the time, we don’t communicate how we feel properly. The problem is, if you allow thinking about it to turn into major worries, you’re probably going to waste time panicking about something unnecessarily. Instead, learn the signs he enjoys having sex with you and thinks you’re good in bed, and focus on enjoying it too!

We read so much into the sounds someone makes, or the sounds they don’t make, their facial expressions, and everything else.

The truth is, they’re probably totally unaware of these things and you’re overthinking. How are you supposed to enjoy sex if you’re constantly worrying that your guy isn’t enjoying himself?

Stop reading into every tiny detail and instead, relax and enjoy! The truth is, he’s probably more than happy with what’s happening and he can’t quite believe his luck!

[Read: 10 clear signs he’s not enjoying what you’re doing while having sex]

The most obvious signs he enjoys having sex with you and thinks you’re great in bed

Maybe you really like this guy, or you worry about your partner leaving you for someone else because they don’t think the sex is good. These thoughts have come to all of us. Listen, you don’t need to worry. There are plenty of signs he enjoys having sex with you.

If you’re not completely sure, just ask him honestly and openly.

From there, you work on improving the sex, if it needs to be improved. But in all honestly, you’re just overthinking something without any need at all. Here are some signs to calm you down. [Read: What men like in bed – 32 things they want and absolutely lust after]

1. He enjoys having sex with you if the sex is regular

Listen, sex with someone once doesn’t mean that the sex was bad. It could have just been a one-night stand type deal even though the sex was amazing.

However, usually, when someone enjoys the sex, they prefer to keep it on a regular basis. Makes sense, right? When you like something, you want it as much as you can get it. [Read: 26 super obvious signs a man is attracted to you sexually]

2. There’s cuddling involved

If there’s cuddling and the sharing of intimate moments after having sex, it’s a very good sign that the sex was enjoyable for him. If someone wasn’t into the sex, the odds are very low that they want to touch you again. Like, really. 

3. You own your confidence

Confidence is a huge player when it comes to sex. You could have the potential to be good at sex, but you’re not confident in yourself, you’re not expressing yourself sexually as you should.

This affects the sex between the two of you. If you’re confident in yourself when having sex then you know he’s going to enjoy the sex. [Read: 14 sexy secrets to be incredibly good in bed every single time]

4. He’s bringing new moves into the bedroom

If someone takes the extra step to learn new skills and bring new things into the bedroom, they want to impress you.

Men are naturally competitive, so if he steps up his game, it’s because he knows that you have the golden pussy. He raises his standards or else he feels he’ll be cut from the team. That’s one of the biggest signs he enjoys having sex with you. [Read: 26 signs a man is totally sexually attracted to you and can’t stop obsessing over you]

5. He hasn’t made any comments about wanting to change anything

Sometimes, when we don’t like specific things that occur in the bedroom, we talk to our partners about it. We suggest things that could be different or express things that we like. But if he’s not hinting for you to try things out, it’s clear that he’s liking what’s happening.

6. One of the biggest signs he enjoys having sex with you – he tells you the sex is great

If you blow his mind in the bedroom, he tells you. Men aren’t short for words when they’re mind blown by your skills.

He tells you that you give amazing head or the sex was amazing. That’s enough information to show you that he’s into it. If the sex wasn’t good, he wouldn’t say anything. [Read: How to be really good at sex – 17 moves that’ll make you the hottest lay]

7. He’s affectionate when sex isn’t on the cards

Of course, if you have a sex-only relationship, showing affection outside of the bedroom isn’t supposed to happen, so skip this.

But if you’re in a relationship and he’s enjoying the sex, he craves it outside of the bedroom. Through his cravings, he shows affection with kissing, touching, cuddling. [Read: 34 passionate signs he’s making love to you and not just having sex]

8. He goes down on you

If he’s not into you, he won’t go down on you. If he’s satisfied with the sex and/or has feelings for you, he goes down on you. Oral sex on a female doesn’t happen with every guy she encounters. When it does, it’s a good sign that he wants to please you.

9. Sex is sometimes spontaneous

If the sex drives him wild then he won’t be able to control himself and probably wants it all the time. If you schedule your sex, it’s not always a good sign.

But if you have regular spontaneous sex, it’s a clear sign he loves tasting every inch of you. [Read: 15 reasons why spontaneous sex is great, and ways to do it right]

10. He isn’t going after other women

If the sex was good for him and he’s enjoying spending time with you as well, then he’s probably not seeing other women. Why would he? He has everything he needs with you. 

Of course, if you have an open relationship this doesn’t mean the sex is unsatisfying for him either.

11. You both care about each other’s needs in bed

When you’re into someone, you make a conscious effort to make sure they’re satisfied. But, when you only use them for sex, you don’t really care about their needs but rather are only focused on your own.

This is a huge difference and shows the sex is worth something to both of you. [Read: How to make love to a man – 31 passionate moves to make him cry with passion]

12. He shows his romantic side

Ooooh, he’s catching feelings. Listen, it’s easy. If he gets romantic with you then there’s obviously a sexual connection between you.

If he wasn’t into the sex, then, first of all, he won’t stick around for long. Secondly, he wouldn’t make any romantic gestures. He keeps the boundaries firmly in place. [Read: 21 signs he wants you bad and is irresistibly attracted to you]

13. You’re able to communicate easily

This is actually a great sign the sex is good for him. He’s opening up to you and expressing his inner fantasies and thoughts, sharing them with you.

He wouldn’t do that if he wasn’t enjoying himself as it would be pointless. Openness and communication are a sign of connectedness.

14. He makes eye contact

Some people find eye contact a little too awkward, especially at intimate moments. However, if your guy seeks out eye contact when you’re having sex, it shows that it’s enjoyable to him and he wants to convey that to you with something other than words. [Read: What are bedroom eyes? How to master the art of seduction with your eyes]

15. There’s lots of kissing

Kissing during sex doesn’t always happen but if it is happening a lot, it’s because the sex is intimate, special, and super-enjoyable to him.

It shows that he wants to please you in other ways and it takes your love-making to another level, other than just the pure bumping and grinding that’s going on down below.

16. He says your name

It can be a pet name, a term of endearment he always uses for you, or your actual name.

If he’s saying your name it’s because he’s enjoying himself and he wants you to know about it! [Read: Cute pet names – How to pick the right kind of personal pet name]

17. He’s noisy

This doesn’t mean he’s screaming his head off, but if he’s making grunting, groaning, and moaning noises, that’s basically because he’s so into it that he’s forgotten himself. Great, right?

It’s one of the best signs he thinks you’re good in bed, and that he enjoys having sex with you. Sure, some guys don’t make much noise, but when they’re really into it, they can’t help themselves. [Read: Male moaning and why some guys choose not to make any noise in bed]

18. He wants you to tell him you’re enjoying it too

This isn’t because he’s not, it’s because he’s having the same thoughts as you! He’s wondering whether you’re enjoying yourself as much as he is and he wants that reassurance.

Go ahead and tell him how great it is for you – if you’re both open and honest about how wonderful the sex is, there’s no need to worry for either of you! [Read: Happy sex life: What a good sex life should look like in real life]

19. There’s often a round two

Sure, sometimes sex happens once in an evening, morning, or whenever, and then one of you has to leave. That’s fine and doesn’t mean that it’s not enjoyable.

However, one of the big signs he enjoys having sex with you is when he doesn’t want to leave and he initiates another round. He’s not going to try and go for it again if he didn’t enjoy it the first time, right?

20. He opens up to you

When you enjoy having sex with someone and it’s about more than just the physical, an emotional connection happens.

You can tell if that’s the case by him opening up to you and talking about things that are bothering him, what happened in his day, his problems, etc.

21. He asks if you want to try new things

Now again, this doesn’t mean he’s not very happy with what’s already going on, it means he wants to take it to an even more mind-blowing level!

It’s one of the signs he thinks you’re good in bed because he wants to keep evolving and enjoying new things with you – he wouldn’t do that if he wasn’t enjoying himself already. [Read: 20 new things to try in bed at least once with your lover]

22. He messages and calls when you’re not together

He’s enjoying the sex and that means you’re on his mind. Of course, he’s going to contact you outside of the bedroom.

He’s likely to be messaging you and calling you regularly, because he’s trying to build up to something more than just sex. That doesn’t mean he’s constantly on the phone to you, but it’s regular, at least.

[Read: How to tell if a guy likes kissing you and gets turned on each time he kisses you]

So, you know all the signs he thinks you’re good in bed, and the subtle signs he totally enjoys having sex with you. So now, there’s no reason for you to be insecure. Keep open communication about this subject, and you’ll know exactly how he feels.

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