First dates can be nerve-wracking but how can you tell if it went well? Check out these signs your date likes you and be sure of success.
There is a reason why so many people get worked up about first dates. For sure, it’s just a meeting of two people, but there is a lot riding on it. First impressions are important and this is the ideal time to form them. It doesn’t mean that all is lost if it doesn’t go well, but it’s not the best start, is it? It’s also hard to work out whether or not it went well, but by learning the signs your date likes you and the subtle signs of a good first date, you can reassure yourself.
Not to put any pressure on you, but on every first date you go to, there’s a good chance that you may meet the person you could end up spending the rest of your life with.
When you think about it that way, it’s pretty important!
But, remember that dates are just as much of a chance for you to work out whether you like the other person, as much as they’re deciding what they think about that.
When you focus on that, you can take the pressure off and enjoy yourself. That’s when you’ll always be the best version of yourself.
[Read: 20 ways to perfect your first date conversation]
The awkward day after a first date
We’ve all been there, the day after a first date and you sit there running through the whole thing in your mind. Do they like you? Did it go well? You ask yourself whether they actually ‘got’ the joke you told or whether they were laughing politely. Did you show yourself in your best light?
Then you mentally slap yourself for something you wish you had or hadn’t said.
Basically, it’s a minor nightmare unless you’re 100% sure it went well. You can ease that stress by understanding the signs your date likes you. Then, you know that even if there were a few awkward minutes of silence or odd moments, all is well and you’ll probably be heading off on date number two very soon.
Of course, if you’re the patient one who doesn’t mind waiting a couple of days to find out if your date likes you, all you need to do is wait for your date to call you. Of course, you could always call them and see if there’s a potential second date in sight.
But if you’re the eager beaver who wants to know whether your date’s impressed while you’re still on the date, read on. [Read: How to plan a perfect date keeping your date’s interest in mind]
Sometimes dates don’t go as well as you think
Have you ever been on a date where you thought the first date was going perfectly? You probably felt the chemistry and the romance, and you just knew that the person with you liked you just as much as you like them. Heck, you may even be slowly and dreamily falling in love, while expectantly waiting for their next call or text.
But then, the call never comes.
Sometimes, you may think a first date’s all fine and dandy, while your date, on the other hand, may be clawing their nails under their seat and waiting desperately for the evening to end. [Read: 14 signs you’re ruining your first date without even realizing it!]
It’s easy to feel lost in translation when you’re on a first date. Both of you are obviously trying to be nice to each other, and no one’s going to reveal their true feelings unless the feelings are on the extreme side of lust or disgust.
But if you can be just a wee bit more observant, you’d be able to decode if your date’s falling for you or fleeing away from you in no time.
Signs your date likes you on the first date
Here are a few signs that can help you find out if your date is interested in you or warming up to you. And once you see these signs your date likes you, all you need to do is reciprocate back, impress them some more and wait for the happy feelings to overflow. [Read: 20 signs of attraction you can pick on a first date]
1. The sitting posture
If your date likes you and is having a fun time on the date, they’ll have a hard time staying away from you. While talking, is your date leaning towards you most of the time during the date? Then they’re really excited to be with you.
Additionally, if your date sits back in a relaxed posture while staring into your eyes between all the leaning-across-the-table, it means they’re really comfortable around you.
2. They can’t help but smile
A person who’s smitten by you or is infatuated by your presence can’t help but break into a warm smile for no reason.
You’ll notice this more often when you’re saying something and your date’s listening to you with a giddy smile plastered across their face. [Read: 35 signs of attraction from a guy to read his mind instantly]
3. Deep stares
Your date stares deeply into your eyes while talking to you. And at times, even makes you feel rather uncomfortable and awkward.
If you’re looking for the signs your date likes you, you should know that this is a subconscious move where your date wants to get closer to you. They longingly stare at you because they just can’t get any closer without the risk of coming over too strong. [Read: 13 physical attraction tips to look really hot on your first date]
4. Laughter and blushes
Does your date laugh at the smallest of jokes you make? Or do they blush easily when you compliment them?
Blushing and laughter are subconscious flirting moves that are very hard to hide when you’re in the presence of someone you have a crush on.
5. Opening up
If your date enjoys your company, they’d have a hard time shutting up during the date. When two people like each other, it’s either awkward smiles and blushes *at the beginning* or incessant chatter. [Read: 30 things to talk about on a first date that make a date more fun]
6. Stretching the date
Does your date look for ways to stretch the date? This could be either by finishing their dessert really slowly, ordering coffee after dessert, or by continuing the conversation even after the bill’s all paid?
These are sure signs your date likes you that reveal that this person doesn’t want the date to end. In all probability, your date may even suggest a walk or another place to hang out after the date. [Read: 5 tips you need to know to end a great date perfectly]
7. The teasing game
As the date progresses, does your date start asking you personal questions or do they pull your leg and tease you often? No one makes the effort to tease their date playfully on a first date unless they’re trying to win them over with humor.
8. Self conscious sexiness
Does your date wet their lips discreetly often while glancing at your face or your lips? When you’re flirting with someone you’re sexually attracted to, you can’t help but feel self-conscious about your own body parts.
You may even feel the need to look down your own blouse now and then or sit up straighter. This is because you’re very aware of your own body, especially where your date’s eyes linger. [Read: How to be sexually attractive – 40 subtle ways to seduce absolutely anyone]
9. The copycat
If the cutie you’re with starts to fall for you on the date, they’ll subconsciously start copying your behavior.
You lean, and they’d lean. You talk softly, and they’d start whispering too. It’s like both your bodies are bound by invisible strings. But in reality, it’s a subconscious effort on your date’s part to relate to you better and feel more connected to you.
10. The next date
If you like someone, you can’t wait to see them again. If your date asks you when they can see you again, says something along the lines of “I can’t wait to see you again…” or hints about the next time you can talk even before the date is over, your date is probably falling for you already. [Read: Second date tips to build the perfect romance]
11. The touchy flirting
Can you keep your hands off a sexy someone when you’re cozying up with them? Well, neither can your date!
If your date is sexually attracted to you, they won’t be able to keep their hands off you while making a point or complimenting you.
They’ll use any excuse to touch you, be it your watch, your earrings, or your soft skin. This isn’t just one of the smaller signs your date likes you, it means they’re really, really like you! [Read: How to touch your date and build the sexual attraction discreetly]
12. Their eyes don’t wander
A good sign to judge how much your date likes you is by noticing how much attention they pay to you. Have you ever noticed a newly hitched couple in a restaurant? They can’t keep their eyes off each other, irrespective of who’s around. Do you see that look in your date’s eyes? [Read: How to know if someone is thinking of you sexually and desires you]
13. Exciting similarities
During the conversation, does your date get overly excited when both of you share similar interests? They’re obviously very happy to know that both of you like the same thing, be it movies, concerts or hobbies.
They’re probably looking forward to sharing the activity some time with you. [Read: Do couples always have to like the same things?]
14. So far, so good
Does your date tell you they’re having a nice time even when you don’t ask them about it? Your date is probably enjoying the date so much they can’t wait to share the information with you.
Of course, this could just be a conversation filler too, so keep an eye on the other signs your date likes you before you jump to conclusions.
15. The comfort zone
Does your date sit really close to you as the date progresses? Or, do they walk really close to you almost as if both of you are attached at the hip after the date?
We all have a comfort space around us and if someone we dislike enters the space, it makes us very uncomfortable. On the other hand, if someone we like a lot enters our personal comfort space, we enjoy the feeling. [Read: 20 strong signs of sexual tension to know you make each other horny]
16. The drive home
Does your date offer to drive you home *or do they accept to get driven home*? If your date doesn’t like you or doesn’t want to see you again, there’s no way they would show you where they live just in case you turn out to be a psycho stalker.
If you find yourself driving back home together after the date, it’s a good chance that your date likes you. They would probably like to see you again sometime soon.
17. Plenty of lingering moments
While saying goodbye after the date, watch your date’s expression and body language. While hugging or kissing you goodbye, do they linger just a second longer, and do they move away from the hug slower than necessary?
If your date holds your hand softly and takes their time letting go of you, or if they dilly dally around even after saying goodbye, your date probably wants to do more than just say goodbye. [Read: 15 secrets to make your first kiss a lot more memorable]
18. The last goodbye
Does your date look back at you more than once while walking away or driving away? If they do, they probably don’t even want to say goodbye to you just yet.
If your date glances back at you and smiles *blushes sheepishly* as they move away, they’re smitten by you, more with each passing goodbye glance. This is one of the big signs your date likes you. [Read: When should a guy really call a girl after the first date?]
So how many of these signs do you see in your most recent first date?
Individually, these signs could be accidental at times. But, if you experienced quite a few of these signs, your date surely likes you and may definitely want to see you again sometime very soon!
[Read: How to ask for a second date and not fumble or appear too eager]
So the next time you head out on a first date with someone new, remember the signs your date likes you, and you’ll be able to know whether your date is smitten by you or not.