Sophia Strutt loves staring into the mirror, not because she’s a narcissist but because the mirror is the one thing she can rely on to smile back at her, even on her worst days. As a writer of all things love, she enjoys exploring the sunny and damp avenues of love, as she meanders through the organized chaos she calls life.

Latest Features by Sophia Strutt

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What Makes a Guy Creepy? 24 Signs & Types of Men Girls Should Avoid

We’ve all met someone like him – the creepy guy. But what makes him this way and what are the signs to look out for? We have all your answers here.

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21 Honest Reasons Why Your Relationship Is Drifting & Why It Happens

Do you feel your relationship drifting away? If you are wondering why this is happening, here are the 21 reasons couples drift apart from each other.

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avoid getting stood up

Getting Stood Up On a Date: 13 Ways to Avoid It & Get Back at Them

The last thing you want is to be shrugged off by your date. Learn how to avoid getting stood up on a date and never be disappointed!

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signs your girlfriend is not over her ex

14 Subtle Signs Your Girlfriend’s Not Over Her Ex & Still Misses Him

How can you tell if your girlfriend’s not over her ex? She talks about him a lot, or it’s more subtle? Find out if she’s not over her ex with these signs.

Sophia-Strutt by Sophia Strutt
how to stop thinking about someone

33 Steps to Stop Thinking About Someone You Like But Can’t Have

Sometimes, a crush fails and you have no choice but to learn how to stop thinking about someone you like. Here’s how to stop obsessing and start living.

Sophia-Strutt by Sophia Strutt
dating your boss

12 Tips to Keep in Mind When You Date Your Boss

If you’re dating your boss or are in love with them, keep these 12 tips in mind if you don’t want your relationship to interfere with your work life.

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10 Vital Steps to Resist Temptation in Love

Figuring out how to resist temptation in love is easy if you know these tips and understand how the temptation to cheat really crops up in your mind.

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He Stood Me Up

He Stood Me Up – Being Stood Up on a Date

Going out on a date can be exciting, but to be stood up can be heart breaking. Here’s a story that’s all happy and fun, until she gets stood up.

Sophia-Strutt by Sophia Strutt